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Everything posted by vladislavbelov

  1. It's good if used with ranges. It's worth to mention though that MSVC sometimes might not inline lambdas and it might affect performance.
  2. auto indeed saves some visual space, but at the same time in some cases it's less clear and isn't safe. Unfortunately we can't define a set of types that an auto might describe (as in more functional languages), auto is kind of workaround because C++ can't express some things better than with auto, fortunately there are concepts in C++20. C++ compiler verifies auto by used operations not by their semantic meanings. It means in your example we could pass a vector of strings to the reduce function and get a lot of string copies (accounting we don't have const int at the left). I'd like to have something like that: https://isocpp.github.io/CppCoreGuidelines/CppCoreGuidelines#es11-use-auto-to-avoid-redundant-repetition-of-type-names . And addition or reinterpretation: "Use auto when a type class can be deduced by a reader without much context". Mostly it means prefer a STL function over the same function in a third party library or written by yourself. I'd like to remove the lib and merge its functionality into regular folder as well. Generally agree though the code might be longer because of that. F.e. having a FromDouble function in a global namespace isn't a good thing.
  3. Thanks for the report! That's pretty old bug: #919, it's not so easy to fix properly without performance affection for low platforms (though might be workarounded).
  4. Did you try to run clean-workspaces.sh and then run update-workspaces.sh again?
  5. That should be related to placing walls. Were you placing some? Also do you have a replay of that game?
  6. Currently user can disable icons via options, via config user can override icon sizes and transparency. Though it’s not possible to distinguish different icon types. We might have too many icons, that’s the problem. So the question isn’t easy.
  7. It seems the translation contains an invisible character sequence with code 0xC2AD (soft hyphen, ­ in terms of HTML), it's visible only in a hex editor. And our engine doesn't support that.
  8. Hi! Another possible solution: could you add `preferglsl = "true"` line into your user.cfg file? You can find path to it on our wiki page.
  9. That's pretty interesting and very popular thought that I see in comments for mostly every AAA game And that's actually a popular pitfall of a person unfamiliar with a development process. Because every team (>=2 people) for a faster development splits their responsibilities. And you can't blame people from some department for things another department is responsible for. It doesn't excuse us as a developer team to not have a stable amount of gameplay improvements. But it allows me to notice that the opinion is kind of biased.
  10. Until your game gets 1 FPS on some hardware and you receive a endless stream of complains x)
  11. @Mastoras I've made a patch: D4654, could you test it with smoothlos = "true"?
  12. It seems your setup doesn't support some framebuffer types. I'll try to make a patch. For now you could try to add `smoothlos == "false"` to your usef.cfg file.
  13. No problem Then there're few possible fixes in the upcoming A26 that might solve your problem.
  14. That's not present in A25b. Are you able to build the game from sources?
  15. (https://media2.giphy.com/media/TzxfXbIIkWUQo/giphy.webp?cid=ecf05e475mrxspb39vyayz2ojv4t2sn55lb3c1taxdq7h97n&rid=giphy.webp&ct=g)
  16. We can do some things and I have a patch for that: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4602. But I'm not satisfied with it yet.
  17. It looks like the one of savegame files was corrupted. Could you backup your savegame files (you might find paths to them here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths#Linux) and clean the folder? Also might do it step-by-step to find the corrupted file.
  18. Maybe an assertion but the error window wasn't shown? We need logs if there is crashlog.txt.
  19. My minimap patch isn't a feature, it's an optimization. And according to the open RB list I have some time to make a proper patch.
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