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Everything posted by vladislavbelov

  1. It has nothing about architecture of the engine. The answer is: We don't build 64bit game for Windows yet, like we do for other platforms.
  2. Thank you for the report, fixed in https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP26302 (it was a side effect of an implicit relation). Could you reproduce the slowing at the end? If yes could you enable profiler (usually press F11) when it's noticeably slow and make a screenshot and attach here?
  3. It's a known thing, thanks. My next patch about framebuffers should fix that.
  4. I don't have an implemented solution yet.
  5. Because somethings else is broken I might have a good solution, but not in priority at the moment.
  6. It's incorrect to replace 2.0 by 1.5 because it should convert [0, 1] range to [-1, 1] range, not [-0.75, 0.75].
  7. By the way if the exit button is not so important, is it VIM? I suppose it's not so stretched. It's aligned to the left (right if RTL) with a fixed padding. Which a bit different type of layout in UX. Blender: Office: Browser: The problem with your approach is that you need to skip by eyes a lot of empty spaces to find the each next visual anchor (button text). macOS users I agree that the grouping is a good thing. Though I believe that it needs to be grouped in a more natural way, without a lot of empty space.
  8. Seems like designed for mobiles, not PC displays. Eyes have to walk for a long distance to find important buttons. Which leads to Brownian motion of eyes.
  9. Could you attach logs and system_info?
  10. We have some old but relevant (because of our audience and we don't have LODs) rules about polycount: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ArtPolyCountGuidelines, but sadly some new models broke them in a bad manner
  11. Are there some numbers? (Just wondering, I've met various approaches) I suppose it may not tell about Git, but products like Plastic/Perforce. Because they are commercial and companies might pay for their integration.
  12. It means you have never tried to make a signal decoder or a simple calculator with red stone
  13. You just need to look inside the projectile manager
  14. You can draw it by popping a scaled X model. And it's already done (without scaling) in the projectile manager. You don't need shader for that.
  15. Doesn't matter, some gameplay stuff that generates beams and accounts damage.
  16. So it's the question to the projectile manager, not the graphics one, at least for now
  17. Why not replace arrows by the X model and move them by a straight line?
  18. I mean not effect but the X model. The popular and old trick for grass to use 2 quads (or more sometimes) perpendicular to each other.
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