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Everything posted by vladislavbelov

  1. Usually it means a not good map design.
  2. If someone could repaint the paper background I'd be happy. It doesn't look good currently. Also the vignette border on a picture is a bit strong I think.
  3. Pretty cheap for a professional software ~3x of annual Netflix subscription, I remember Maya costs much more.
  4. Minimized != paused. Also we don't always know when a window is completely invisible. Also we had crashes on some cards when we do or don't draw to an inactive window.
  5. It's not static, you can move your camera while paused, you can use UI while paused. To fix overload one might enable V-Sync or use FPS limiter. If it's all enabled then the hardware isn't good enough to handle its current graphics settings.
  6. For Windows it's a complete game installer made for the current development version.
  7. I mean not the A24b release, but a release build for the SVN version. Yeah, you need to go step-by-step and build. But the good thing is that you can use binary search: if you have a range [A, B], when on the revision A the game is broken and B is fixed you need to check the revision (A + B ) / 2. And then depending on results you need to go to [A, ( A + B ) / 2] or [( A + B ) / 2, B]. That feature is built-in in git, but maybe there is something similar for svn.
  8. Ideally I'd like to have answers for the two following questions: Is it really fixed or is it still reproducible for a release build of the game? If it's indeed fixed which commit is the reason?
  9. Not necessary, just select all projects with Shift and then open properties once.
  10. Could you try svn version (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructionsGettingTheCode)?
  11. They have the same style but they don't share a single palette
  12. I think all our icons are unrelated in visual term. They don't have neither the same palette nor style. For it me it looks like random images.
  13. Currently I don't need dumps, first I need to find an option that triggers the crash. @feneur could you remove the post limit?
  14. Could you try to disable all options step-by-step except GLSL (GLSL should be always enabled)?
  15. Again, try disable other options first, non-glsl shaders will be removed.
  16. With Vulkan our art isn't so slow since Vulkan allows to submit data via command lists - less app/driver time per each draw call. And all this stuff should be supported, have unified interface between new and old APIs.
  17. That does work in general, but it won't solve the performance issue. Our art is unoptimized for old hardware/API, we can't have a lot of drawcalls there. That's true that a cut helps. But in our case it's not enough. We have no strict technical rules and tools to control the engine usage. Without strong cooperation the game won't be faster. All results will be publisheb on the page https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/results/.
  18. I'm worrying only about how many meshes on a visible scene at once. In case of wonder if it doesn't completely reuse existing textures for other buildings then the best implementation is to use a single mesh with a single texture with a maximal side not more than 2048 pixels (atm).
  19. It depends on how it's going to be used. How many different meshes are going to use these textures. Will be these meshes always rendered together or they're unrelated.
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