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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. Plus the short thicket fence eyecandy entity too Thanks a lot!
  2. I've already cleaned most of the infantry actor files, some weeks ago. I was not able to update the forger actor file though. @stanislas69 Can you provide him with a permission/access to 0admods/millenniumad Too bad I still cannot post contents in our ModDB page. I still have to wait for some months, following ModDB's rules and regulations.
  3. Norse huscarls from Millennium AD would benefit from this.
  4. Ain't this illegal? http://www.moddb.com/mods/2941-ad-fall-of-middle-earth Surely those contents are based on the film series. Plus they openly used book lore.
  5. @Lion.Kanzen A high resolution concentric Greek meander pattern just like the one in the middle would be very useful.
  6. This is really awesome! Thanks, keep it up! This will be useful in the future. This can be nice eyecandy for map editors too. Maybe animate the Gaulish tavern too, like what Stan does to some building, maybe put some drunkards there.
  7. Would be really cool to have it implemented officially
  8. Gonna necro this one, in case this is possible to implement. Plus we have an active and capable animator right now ( @Alexandermb )
  9. Not really sure if this has been suggested before Civic center trains conscripts, levies, milita, etc. (or simply basic rank units) Low cost Low combat stat (Low damage, low armor, low health, very inexperienced and easy to eliminate) Quick to train (Really quick) Basically just an early game unit and not really recommended for combat during mid or late game Barracks/Archery range/Stables trains sufficiently trained soldiers (or advanced rank units) *Available during town phase Moderate cost *additional metal cost Moderate combat stat (Ideal in game combat units) Moderate training time These guys will be the ideal combat units in the game, able to hold of on their own if used wisely, their purpose is not to die alone but also put off a good fight. Fortresses/Castles trains highly efficient combat units (or elite rank units) *Available during city phase High cost *additional metal cost High combat stat (Almost on par with champion units, but champion units still overpower them) Above moderate training time (Only trains a little longer than those who trained at the barracks, both received good training, only that castlefolk could be upper class citizens that have drilled in the castle grounds) These fighters are ideal for late game combat, they outmatch the regular fighters trained at the barracks and can hold off champions if used wisely. One point here is to emphasize the role of basic rank units in building up economy, they are most vanilla of the citizen-soldiers and are tied really closely with the economy while still capable of providing military service under necessary circumstances, say if a territory is ambushed. A player/commander can still train fresh citizens in the art of war, but this takes time, and one must be very clever in order to en masse a veteran army out of fresh recruits. This makes the game interesting, well-off players are able to field decent soldiers while those who are falling in hard times must rely on the available militia for the defense of the territory, likewise a militia can still be effective if they are garrisoned or protected. This emphasizes that milita are quite good for local defense, and can also be trained as effective veterans if used cleverly during campaigns against the enemy. There will be more variety of units for late game, this can help in developing more tactics and strategies against the enemy. Plus there will be a good balance between the three ranks in the early to late phase of the game A substantial amount of basic units will be deployed for resource gathering, it will be a waste of resource to invest on them as regular combat units Majority of the population tasked with regular combat will then be invested in advanced rank units It will be ideal to send tougher units during late game and this is where the elite ranks fits. It will really depend in your strategy, you can carefully en masse elite units via promotion, as I've said, but this takes a lot of patience and time, you will have to use your healers more.
  10. @stanislas69 @wowgetoffyourcellphone @LordGood @Hannibal_Barca @Nescio Plus other modders who might find good use for it.
  11. I'll try to lower their contrast, do others agree on this too?
  12. Isn't high contrasted colors a mark of the game? Plus the design documents for the Gauls specifies that bright colors should be used for the Celts. @stanislas69 @wowgetoffyourcellphone These earth-toned textures should return the Elite spearmen and the other Celtic elite units to their original design.
  13. Celtic gentlemen I'm going to upload the new cape textures in a separate post
  14. https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/jtitans-barbarian-invasion.477271/#post-11886662
  15. Nothing solid at the moment, but we had a conversation about that some years back on another post. Britons would be less clothed and have more body paint and will focus on light infantry. Gauls would be more heavily armored compared to the Britons and as suggested by @Lion.Kanzen Some of the Gauls such as the Aedui are becoming less and less Celtic as the advent of the common era (CE) begins.
  16. This will need the official team's attention if a redesign is needed. @LordGood @stanislas69 @feneur @Itms Plus the forum community including ourselves and the others, specially those who have a good background on La Tene warfare and culture. Also tagging @wowgetoffyourcellphone and @Nescio
  17. "We've lost, call back the remaining men." "We've already lost too much lives. Our sons, brothers, fathers and companions. Those men that we hold dear." "Ride away from here, escort the wounded and make way to the refuge camp, from there, move everyone to the safety of the capital. Tell the High King what happened here."
  18. I can't find any reference about it and cannot compare it to anything. I was assuming that it is some kind of padded cloth.
  19. Does anyone know what kind of armor is Caratacos wearing?
  20. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Just experiments Plus those are very subtle
  21. NAKED FANATIC Experimented with textured brushes then selected its layers and used it to crop the base body textures, the result is a splattered subtle player color as seen below.
  22. Experimenting with the Celtic Cavalry Also tried to photo-manipulate and reconstruct Brennus' texture (it now uses the m_tunic_long.dae instead of the hero mesh) Also experimented with the high waist Celtic pants.
  23. https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showthread.php?33417-Europa-Barbarorum&s=f021176c289648509b7093736913d1e5&p=601992&viewfull=1#post601992
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