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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. If anything, they should be fast spearmen, similar to Gallic Fanatics.
  2. A. Current Biremes (light warships) B. Current Triremes (medium warships) C. Current Quinqueremes (heavy warships) D. Dudes collecting seashells by the sea shore (for scale, with the dock) So, I'd say the light/bireme class would remain the same size as they are now, which is A. Then the medium/trireme class (B) would be shrunk down to the size of A, but would be bulkier and have a foresail. Quinqueremes (C) would be shrunk down to the size of B. They'd retain all their detail and come with a catapult aboard.
  3. There is a bit of a fix for this, but it won't be accepted because it's not comprehensive enough. @Freagarach @vladislavbelov @Stan`
  4. I had the notion that the edge of the usable map would have a dashed line border and beyond that the map grid would extend out to the extent of the player's camera so that you'd never see the edge of the map in normal play. In this buffer zone there would be no templates or entities, only actors.
  5. All those... websites... lost in time, like tears... in rain.
  6. Oh, I'm sorry. I was looking at Reference Suite Plus.
  7. I'm wondering why the need to have all the public mod templates in the mod. Do the templates have custom code or classes?
  8. I don't see it. EDIT: Nevermind, you updated it 41 days ago.
  9. Maybe, but in DE the Wonder is used as a Phase requirement as a feature. You could look at this wonder as being unique in that theirs is an accomplishment rather than a physical structure.
  10. Upper left corner could fit nicely on a civ emblem.
  11. A bunch of dead Roman soldiers (minus the blood) Strewn inside this ambush site: You can see the sides are up on ramparts/ridges/hills: And then we could have hanged men from the 2 trees in back. The ground texture for the site can be cobbled together directly from the game's terrains textures, as you see there. All of this fits exactly within the Hanging Gardens of Babylon footprint, which is the target max footprint for a Wonder in the game.
  12. Kind of defeats the purpose of showing current damage.
  13. The boldest of patches: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est
  14. Hmm depends how precise and nice we want it to look.
  15. The game already has larger projectile actors you can use.
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