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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. The vision ranges in vanilla are ridiculous. Regardless, there's no rule dictating what the vision range of a packed cart should be.
  2. Psht, yeah, tell that to the Athenians. But in seriousness, making it an ability that has to recharge rather than a standard attack mode would work.
  3. Seems quite obvious that the 3rd and final version of the building would be used since it was completed in AD 537.
  4. Right, but there are some aspects I find onerous. Just wanted to mess around with them in DE's context and see what I can do.
  5. It'll be a while until @Alexandermb, @wackyserious, and @stanislas69 get a good finalization on the Xiong, then I'll mess around with them in DE to see if I can get a good nomadic gameplay going.
  6. Don't worry about it. Just don't play as those civs for now.
  7. I'd say slightly too white. I liked the slight hint of beige left in my version. It's getting there though!
  8. Honestly, only extreme n00bs would complain about the AI's toughness on Easiest.
  9. Do you have a specific tribe or ethnicity in mind?
  10. Has there been thought regarding how units respond to dangerous animals? Right now, they just berserk and attack any dangerous animal within vision range, which is kind of annoying. For example, in A23, at the start of the match on Butana Steppe, units immediately move off to go attack a rhinoceros.
  11. I think the behavior of "defensive" stance right now is pretty weird too.
  12. Granting the Spartans stone walls in Empire Phase after Hellenistic Reforms is in keeping with the fortification efforts of Nabis, the last of the independent Spartan rulers. But yes indeed, it's my mod. lol The point is, if we were to take your view then why do the Athenians have the ability to build walls in neutral territory? Why add these anachronistic bits of flavor? Because it's a video game.
  13. They erected stone walls around Sparta in the Archaic and Classical periods?
  14. To see giant ships flipping around on a dime is kind of weird. Might as well make the ships smaller, ala Age of Empires, and be done with it.
  15. The video doesn't lie, but it's kind of selective with its presentation. The author had a narrative to tell, so omitted a lot. Perhaps by sheer numbers of people, but at its height, only 8000 actual citizens and maybe double that in military-aged Perioikoi. The pop penalty seems fine to me. In DE, I give the Spartans back their walls, but not until Empire Phase after they research Hellenistic reforms to unlock the Spartan Pikeman and Stone Walls. Indeed. I'm in the process now with DE, splitting soldiers from citizens from slaves/helots/peasant-class units. The major hiccup I'm experiencing is how to depict the castes of India for the Mauryas.
  16. Every soldier in the game is called a citizen, so yeah, that's a problem with every civ unfortunately.
  17. The roof I chose is just the Roman roof already in the game.
  18. I think my latest version gives a good contrast with the roof.
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