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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I haven't tried playing it much via multiplayer yet. Others have though, so maybe someone can send you some replays. I'm focusing a lot lately on getting the new Hero system completed (and keeping the mod compatible with all latest dev changes).
  2. Aristides the Just now added to the Athenian hero selection (Socrates is now a separate type of hero that can be trained after researching Philosophia at the Stoa).
  3. DE does a couple things to try to mitigate some of the game's problems. For instance trees do not block construction and do not block pathfinding. There might be a small performance improvement from that (I haven't benchmarked it, if someone would like to). But for the most part the mod will have the same performance issues that the base game has.
  4. I felt that the meta of 0 a.d. could be improved and I wanted to do it on my own accelerated timeline rather than join the team directly and have to compromise the vision. Empires Ascendant is a good game, but I wanted to make it better by pushing the engine and seeing what I could do. Honestly, it's almost exclusively a personal passion project. But I have enlisted the help of many others when I've found my own limited talents lacking! Models, textures, and coding help from a few names you may recognize: @Stan` @wackyserious @Freagarach @Alexandermb @Enrique and anyone who's worked on Terra Magna and Millennium AD, as DE borrows some artwork from those mods. It came about as a way to make Wonders more integral to the game and to add more progression to a match. Gameplay wise the goal was to make the game both more tactical and more strategic. With the addition of mercenary camps and better map design, map control becomes more strategic, while the implementation of hard unit counters and other combat tweaks and changes makes the game more tactical. Probably not. The development of Empires Ascendant just isn't heading in that kind of direction as far as gameplay changes or improvements. The emphasis over the past years has been on balancing what is already there rather than implementing any interesting features. The current development version of the mod is fully compatible with the development version of 0 a.d., so that with a couple weeks if A24's launch the A24 version of Delenda Est will drop. The development version of DE is here: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est A fun little feature that probably wouldn't be used much, but when it is should provide amusement to all the players. Lol
  5. I forgot to mention the mod is adding Germans too: Suebians in A24 and Goths for A25. Dev version of the mod (works with dev version of 0 ad) is here: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est
  6. Cool, thanks! The idea is to give players a little more time to set up the layout of their town, scout the map for resources and mercenary camps, and determine a strategy for that map and opponent. Also, a citizen/slave dichotomy (though much simplified from reality) made a lot of historical sense. The development version adds 2 nomadic civs as well: Scythians and Xiongnu. They have no territory bonuses or restrictions, but their structures are pretty much made of paper mache. Huns are in the works as another nomadic civ, and Zapotecs are in, but I won't make them selectable yet until a Mayan civ can be added. The Imperial Romans are pretty fun. Thanks, that was one of the goals of the mod. Though I am sure some imbalances can be found, or some unintended exploits. The mod is definitely still a wip.
  7. I think with Delenda Est's new hero dynamics plus all the other mod specific features, I think adding attrition is a step too far. Though, it would make a great nuanced change or addition to "no rush" match setup options. A mid ground between pure ceasefire and no ceasefire. So, a timed thing, like ceasefire, that would discouraged rushing for a limited time for players who would want that.
  8. Indeed. I was thinking of some kind of income rate versus/minus expenses display. Similar to Rise of Nations.
  9. Thank you for the kind words. For the past couple of months, work on the mod has stalled due to work commitments and other "hobbies". Specifically, I want to complete work on the new hero mechanics before I add anything else new. Though, I do like the idea of "freeing" slaves and could be a nice way to save your skin if too many of your Citizens get murdered. I will probably add that feature. About negative food trickle and things like that, I once implemented it but took it out because I felt it was confusing without corresponding relevant UI changes and improvements to properly support it.
  10. Thank you for the kind words. For the past couple of months, work on the mod has stalled due to work commitments and other "hobbies". Specifically, I want to complete work on the new hero mechanics before I add anything else new. Though, I do like the idea of "freeing" slaves and could be a nice way to save your skin if too many of your Citizens get murdered. I will probably add that feature. About negative food trickle and things like that, I once implemented it but took it out because I felt it was confusing without corresponding relevant UI changes and improvements to properly support it.
  11. A prop? Seems small enough of a detail to be texture only. Unless you mean for him to bake a nice normal map, in which case I heartily approve.
  12. I've realized you missed a big detail. The bronze belts they wore.
  13. The AI basically has no idea how to play the mod, sadly.
  14. In DE I've basically made them an uber battlefield unit. They are still decent against buildings because of their high hack damage, but they cause no crush damage anymore, which reduces their prevalence as "siege" units.
  15. Awesome work. I especially like the tunic on the right.
  16. You're in luck. That feature is implemented for the upcoming Alpha 24.
  17. If we had battalions these could be the merc hoplites' officers for sure.
  18. Most players outside this forum won't know what "Odrysians" are, so I think Thracians works best, just based on the Odrysian kingdom and also some traditional Thracian units as your roster indicates. Thracians and especially Dacians should for sure be added. I will reiterate my opinion that Empires Ascendant should just go ahead and add the later "Part 2" civs to the game. "Part 2" being so far away, it would essentially be its own game and then you might as well go with a different time period, like Medieval or Bronze Age.
  19. I could see something like: Spartan hoplites +10% health, +10% train time. Athenian hoplites +10% speed, -1 armor. Theban hoplites +10% attack, +10% cost. Etc.
  20. True, but a part of public relations, especially with a project of this kind, is education. People can be educated about how and why things work, and this engages them. Also, any post, no matter how technical, tells the fans or potential fans that progress continues.
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