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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Okay, so DE is currently incompatible with SVN (I am currently working on bundling the mod for A24), but this won't be a problem for you if you are willing to revert your local copy to r24938 (this shouldn't affect your shader work as far as I know). If you do that, then you can clone the mod from here: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est
  2. Until the git repo is up and running I can provide you with screenshots or videos of anything you need for your critique or adjustment. Are you using the SVN version of the game or Alpha 24? You may be able to download and run my gameplay mod "Delenda Est" which includes all the new terrains I have created so far.
  3. The DE git repo is 100% compatible with Alpha 24 release. I have not done anything for A25 compatibility yet. I am just wanting to finish up the hero work before bundling it for mod.io.
  4. I'll do what I can with the source files I'm working with. They are very high quality files found here: https://cc0textures.com/ https://texturehaven.com/ With this terrain update we're committed to using high quality CC0 or CC-BY-SA sources. We are lucky that in this day and age we have access to these sources. Currently the game has many many terrains, spanning over the course of a decade and a half, all of different quality and from uncertain provenance. Can't really fault some of the original artists as 10+ years ago high quality material was difficult or impossible to find, and also the rendering engine was much more primitive, so a simple 512x512 diffuse texture was all that was deemed necessary. As the process continues I am committed to working with you and whoever else wants to work on rendering the game world better. To facilitate that cooperation, I want to get a terrains git repo up and running in the soonish timeframe. I'll work with @Stan` on that.
  5. Nice1 Another thing I noticed was that woodcutters tend to stick to the exact same species or type of tree. For instance if they are tasked to chop a bush, they will stick to bushes instead of going then next to the nearest tree. Anyone else see this too?
  6. Oh, I completely agree that many of the brighter terrains are completely blown out. That's part of the fix for the terrains I'm working on, in addition to bringing normal/bump maps to all terrains and increasing resolution and overall quality. Terrains are, IMHO, the most important thing to get right visually, as they take up a huge percentage of screen space. Here is Acropolis Bay with some of the new terrains (high res image):
  7. Sorry, I am currently in the middle of revamping all of the terrains, so the cases you are trying to fix with your shader aren't present in my current terrain set (for instance, those white tiles on Acropolis Bay no longer exist for me). The new terrains do include specular maps, but they are much more subtle than the old ones, so likely require less adjustment than what you are coding for. Perhaps I can port my terrain work over to a new separate github repo sooner rather than later so you can take a look at them in-game. I'm just in the middle of trying to get my main mod ready for publishing while fighting off an illness.
  8. Took a look at them. Sadly they aren't compatible. I mean, as an experiment they're a fine start, but they currently are not nearly as good as the sources I'm using.
  9. Is there somewhere where I can edit aggressive to 90% vision range?
  10. As shown here, my currently modded UI code moves the minimap to the left. Not sure what to do to make it snap to the corner rather than go to a specific pixel distance. Here's the file: Relevant line: <object size="50%-960 100%-256 50%-704 100%"> <include directory="gui/session/minimap/"/> </object> Any help would be apprec.
  11. This would definitely be nice for 0 A.D. Or the screen goes to a full-screen minimap if you zoom out far enough. Either way.
  12. You still benefit more if you use the extra effort to use control groups and separate formations of troops and positioning them and all that. I myself have been experimenting a lot with the right-click drag positioning feature (funneling enemy attackers to the center, arraying ranged troops to the rear, properly spacing cavalry flanking maneuvers so that they spread their attacks more efficiently across the desired target units, etc.).
  13. Honestly that was always possible previously with one extra click by simply clicking the close order formation button. Nothing about the formation or the way it organizes troops by type has changed between A23 and A24. 1 click was removed from the equation.
  14. Can I advocate once again for an "aggression range" that is separate from vision range? It's the range by which a unit will actively attack another unit or structure. It can be a separate number or a percentage of vision range (kinda like the relationship between walk speed and run speed). Stances would then adjust this range. So, Aggressive would be at 90% of vision range, Defensive would be at 50% of vision range. Point would be to make units easier to control and act less maniacally.
  15. While including campaign code in A25 will be a big step forward, I hope people don't get too excited about it, as yet there will be only 1 simple tutorial campaign available. The kind of campaigns that people will actually want and expect will be some ways off. * *Speculation
  16. Ridiculous comparison and you know it. Linux is capable of being run on very beefy hardware. Another non sequitur as the Windows UI isn't an RTS GUI. Congratulations. For the record, the reason I care about any of this is because some folks want to include all kinds of unit stats in the UI and I just can't see it all fitting in a UI with only 960 pixels of width, at least not without looking extremely ugly (and my mod would be stuck using this ugly UI, as I am no coder). I would be delighted to be proven wrong.
  17. #1 Why "should" 0 A.D. work on a laptop clearly not built for gaming? Probably a Chromebook or something similar. #2 1366 pixels wide is clearly more than your proposed 960. 1366 pixel width is wider than the current 1024 pixels the GUI is crammed into. I would happily design a UI to fit 1366 pixels. I propose we make that our new min resolution.
  18. I like what the shader does to Delenda Est's metal mines. The "metal veins" have a shimmer. I hate what it does to the terrain textures though. I forget, but did you say that will be worked on later?
  19. Yeah, I don't understand the argument against them having this ability. If it looks "weird" for an elephant to do this on their own, then just add a driver?
  20. No where do I say design a 4K UI and scale it down. I say design for 1080p [1920 width] and scale from there. With all the numbers and data you want to load the UI up with I don't see how you could do it any other way. How are you supposed to fit all the attack data and other stats you want into a 960px wide UI while also having a production panel, a minimap, and a garrison panel. Honestly you will have to start having things climb up the sides of the screen, but I have yet to see a serious proposal for that.
  21. I believe the Iberians were to be the quintessential defensive civ. Hiding behind their walled settlements sending out raiding parties and wearing down their opponents that way. Along with ambushing/guerrilla warfare, the Iberians would be rather unique in this way. But as development progressed this kind of thinking fell by the wayside, culminating now in what we have in A24. Part of the problem too as you pointed out is that the wall builder js creates ugly inelegant curtains of walls. If you check them out in DE's skirmish maps they look nicer. And another thing that makes them OP is that they come with free gates. In DE they do not.
  22. Part of the problem is that some folks insist that the UI fit to ridiculously small horizontal resolutions. IMHO The real solution would be to design the UI to the common HD resolution, then use scaling for smaller resolutions.
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