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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I think that match will go down in 0 A.D. history, honestly. It's that good. But I wish we could see more champions and ranged siege. More chariots from Britons, more swordsmen from Romans. Units who make these civs unique, and they should be viable.
  2. Yeah, it's not entirely clear what is covered under "Action" sounds. I would think that attack notifications would be a part of the UI sounds instead, but it isn't?
  3. Agreed. I think the water textures should be re-rendered to be more still and brown.
  4. The stat bonus is there to focus on a basic aspect of ancient warfare, that cavalry would lose in a head-on fight against massed pole-armed infantry. Well, if you don't at least make an attempt to simulate ancient warfare, then what is the game simulating?
  5. It is, though it is using outdated info. It could be nice though to have something on the web that just pulls the info from the latest release and can be used as a reference for discussion without having to launch the game.
  6. Perhaps create a Trac ticket and someone might pick it up and solve this for you.
  7. Random rotation adds additional visual variation which exasperates the problem.
  8. The real work is done on Phab ( http://code.wildfiregames.com ) and Trac ( http://trac.wildfiregames.com ). We can discuss cool stuff ( Battalions! ) on the forum until we're blue in the face, but unless someone wants to put in the hard work to make their dream a reality, there's nothing much someone else can do for you (unless your ideas are truly inspiring). To get stuff added to the base game or game engine, you have to participate in Phab and Trac (and on IRC to a lesser extent)*. It's a long process, especially if you don't come to the project with a battery of programming languages already in your repertoire. A few contributors started with few requisite skills and have learned over time to make valuable contributions. That process isn't necessarily hostile or apathetic; it just takes lots of dedication and discipline. *I don't participate enough on Phab and Trac, which is probably why my preferences are not taken into account when designing the game. It's my fault, not theirs.
  9. Unfortunately, this simply activates the framerate counter. lol. I appreciate the 1.1 release though. Currently running it!
  10. A fair argument. Agreed. So much in the game is an abstraction, and that's the only way a game of this type can function. So, yeah, "Health" can definitely be conceptualized in this way.
  11. Nothing direct (no bonuses, except in Delenda Est ), but there are benefits to creating a well organized battle line, even in a mosh pit game such as Empires Ascendant. You spread your attack damage more evenly across the enemy line and most formations handily place the melee troops in front and the ranged troops behind for you. They also space pikemen so that you get a little of the attack-through effect from the second row.
  12. I am not sure about these specific features, but Hyrule:Conquest adds a lot of fantasy features to the 0 A.D. engine, so you should check that mod out.
  13. Your method is definitely easier for modders (and the wfg team if they ever wanted to add more depth to requirements). Right now, modders have to use tricks with player.xml, auto-researched technologies, etc. to give layering to requirements. Having mentioned it, you should look at the xml files in \binaries\data\mods\public\simulation\templates\special\player\. These files define some player and civ specific requirements as well as building/training limits, among a bunch of other things.
  14. CCs have the Civic Spaces aura which prevents units from building farms around the CC. It's right in the tooltip if you hover over the CC's portrait in the UI.
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