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Everything posted by Skhorn

  1. Tal vez te sea necesario leerte lo que hay en los links para artistas http://trac.wildfiregames.com/#Forartists: Solo traducelo con chrome o como prefieras. Si quieres ir por otras cosas tambien hay animales que necesitan hacerse y animarse. Este otro link tambien te puede dar idea de lo que falta
  2. Look, i'm not the right person to talk about your disregards about the game, as i'm not entirely familiarized with all the game developement. But there is something i can say to you: First, check this magnificent and beautiful post You may think: Why the f|@·~ i want to see that? Well, the way how Sundiata exposed his idea about a faction, led that single idea into a mod. I know its not the same as gameplay, but i think my point is very clear. Instead of letting loose your rage, why don't you come up with a decent post, explaining your ideas, giving pros, contras, comparing x with y or whatever you think it may be useful for you to explain it. Testing is needed as devs can't go blindly writing code, they got to know what people think that should be done and should be corrected, they need to know another point of view. But there are ways to get to them, one way, is giving a nice explanation, not mere millions of words, just a good explained idea. So, you think that writing while on rage on the forum it will make them say: Yes, change it!! or you think they will take your words seriously? No, seriously, no. I think some of your protests can be seen here http://trac.wildfiregames.com/roadmap or searching in the forum you may know what has been said about it. I urge to try another efficient way to expose your ideas. Avoid writing that with rage, be polite.
  3. It seems there is one thing you miss from all the concept behind 0ad and it's constantly repeated trough the forum: its a project that grows by contributions. You say you don't care of development, but the work that took several days, weeks, months or years can't be thrown away just because there is someone that does not like it, specially with not enough good arguments to make more viable the idea. At least have some sort of respect, you don't know what's to code or to do a whole set of buildings for a faction. IT TAKES TIME I seriously encourage you, to be more patient an try to read and clear the idea of what 0ad is, as a game, as an historical/accurate game that you just seem to joke about, why? With that in mind you may have more decent arguments, than just babbling. As for the more hilarious thing in your post, Dude, seriously? That's not an argument for someone of your age.
  4. It is not planned to add more factions/civs to the main game. Although there are mods which include more factions and there are tons of post suggestin more factions, like the ones you said. Checkout this subforum https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/forum/18-game-modification/ it may give you an idea
  5. I kinda agree with lion, there should be something else within the barracks to differenciate them from the cc and give them a more good looking as barracks. Perhaps not an 'accurate' approach of how they were but how would you like it to be? Or more barracks props around it? An extra wing, dummys around one side
  6. Sublime text is a good option too or vim with steroids Or there is this one https://code.visualstudio.com/docs but i havent used it yet
  7. If i recall correctly, there are no tutorials yet, that's why the Learn To Play is disabled. You may try the triggers http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Triggers and working/playing with atlas to start making a tutorial map. If i'm not wrong there a few posts related to that subject, but i guess there is still not an "official post" giving a guidance for how the tutorial maps should work or should be done. In my opinion, you should go for that first, settling the basis. But to answer your question, it is mostly working on the GUI and i guess it is C++ code, but still:
  8. You mean a tutorial map? And you ask for how to create it programatically? Sorry, english is not my native language, perhaphs i dont get all the context on this case or im missing something
  9. Y si para ti es un hobby? Y si para alguien es un escape de su trabajo? Y si para alguien es simplemente decir: Quiero aportar? Has mirado http://www.nexusmods.com/games/? , has visto en los mods de total war que si mucho dicen que donen? El tema es mas personal y profundo y mucho mas cuando es un open-source Pues sugierelo en el foro
  10. Creo que puedes sugerir eso aqui https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/forum/312-game-development-amp-technical-discussion/ . La información se pone, incluso https://play0ad.com/download/, en el juego, en los foros, en moddb. Que la gente no lea o haga caso omiso, es diferente.
  11. Si, las multinacionales, pero porque sigues hablando de multinacionales si este un proyecto basado en lo voluntario? Y sigues hablando de ganacias... Si no estoy mal hay uno que otro desarrollador que son pagos, estan tiempo completo, pero por dinero de donaciones. El resto aporta lo que ellos quieren sin esperar nada a cambio, bueno, excepto que sean tomados en cuenta. Ir a un proyecto opensource con la esperanza de que te paguen es dificil, los que aportan lo hacen porque aprenden mas, les gusta el tema y quieren ver crecer el proyecto y un sinfin mas de argumentos. Si tienes alguna idea con el 'marketing', sugierela
  12. @Tomcelmare there is this one But, it seems inactive and i don't know if the progress has been shared with the team
  13. Corrección: El trabajo a veces si se hace gratis. Y de muy buena calidad. Hay muchos videos en youtube con respecto al juego. 0ad esta en ModDB http://www.moddb.com/games/0-ad . Con respecto al marketing, ahi si no puedo argumentar, esta fuera de mis conocimientos Y que pena contigo, pero si fueras el unico que cree en 0ad, no estariamos ni en estas. 0ad aunque lento en desarrollo, el contenido es magnifico, sobre todo porque cada persona que hace voluntariamente algun aporte, lo hacen con mucha dedicación y pasión. Si quieres ayudar, haz que tus contactos los conozcan, haz videos o mira aqui http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ si quieres contribuir puedes hacerlo de muchas maneras, incluso con el testing con respecto al balance de las facciones
  14. Hola De nuevo: Moderación Espero no estar equivocado, pero creo que si hay una opción para habilitar la información que solicitas y que te dice contra que son buenos o malos. Problemas del pathfinder y de las formaciones, que por si depronto leiste alguna vez cuando iniciaste el juego por primera vez debio salirte una ventana indicandote que las formaciones estan deshabilitadas y que usarlas puede afectar el performance del juego. En cuanto al pathfinder, se han hecho muchos avances con respecto al desarrollo del mismo, aun falta. Misma situación del pathfinder y otros problemas de performance. Que obviamente perjudiracan el performance en multiplayer. ¿Coño, de casualidad alguna vez te informas sobre lo que criticas? Es un juego open-source, el mayor ingreso es por donaciones, las ventas del mismo producto sería atentar contra la definición de open-source. Con respecto al resto de tus protestas algunas prodrias sugerirlas aqui https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/forum/312-game-development-amp-technical-discussion/ Att: Informate mas por favor antes de hablar sandeces
  15. I wanted to show this, because i find it really impressive and amazing, 25k units without a mere blink of lag!? Not even in total war games. The fighting animations looks kinda wierd, but still, it seems awesome.
  16. Podrias poner tu versión en español y una versión en ingles
  17. soloooy0 te recomiendo que postees en ingles, asi sea que uses google traductor. De esta forma no excluyes a la gran mayoria de usuarios que podrian darte sus opiniones
  18. Ese tipo de preguntas es mejor que las hagas, creo que en este foro https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/forum/145-help-amp-feedback/ . ¿Y una versión portable? 0ad no pesa mucho, a no ser de que trates de compilarlo por tu cuenta. Solo descargalo https://play0ad.com/download/ y ponlo en tu USB y ejecutas pyrogenesis como cualquier otro ejecutable. Realmente los requisitos son minimos, la intención es que hasta las maquinas mas viejas puedan ejecutarlo.
  19. Q: Where can i find the keyboard combinations for Atlas? Perhaps: From where i execute the atlas?( There two alternatives IIRC)
  20. You should use the new models. Btw are they civ specific? Or just randonmly created? If it is civ specific, which are the arguments you have?
  21. There are a lot of books, tutorials, @#$% blogs or stupid explanations on how to code. It really need persistence, dedication and patience as almost everything related with human life. If you want to get your hands on the code, start here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/StarterTasks, 0ad (I hope somebody correct me if i'm mistaken) is developed on C++/C#(?) and the SpiderMonkey engine, which is JS. You need to know too how to handle XML files, plus tools like SVN/GIT, eventually, when you are more deeper with it i guess it will be needed to learn things about game programming. Perhaps you could start with something simple like triggers, so you may get to know how 0ad works http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Triggers For building the game, i did it on Debian jessie, it went smooth, don't know really what happens on fedora 25, but try again http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions#Linux check dependencies, check everything you do and if you find yourself with no answer go to the IRC http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=0ad and ask or submit a ticket if you think is needed.
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