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Everything posted by Skhorn

  1. Just a weird suggestion, what if you add some arrows and axes stuck in the wall, like the picture? The worst thing is to have various <size>_wall variations, that way there won't be always the same pattern with the same arrows/axes/spears in the same position repeating through the whole thing. I must say that the color doesn't fit with wood colors of the anglo buildings, those are less darker than that one. Can't wait to see it all!
  2. My guess is that you have Delenda Est mod enabled. Because this stuff "20 houses cap", "1000 max pop", sounds like DE, unless that you were playing the developers version and such changes where included in the last days, but i hardly think so. Deactivate the mod and you won't have those caps
  3. It is The only thing we need is to fix the corn fields and the map will run smooth
  4. Longports seems to be missing a file and the tents are floating ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "art/textures/skins/structural/NorseWall.png" I'm agree with all of them, except with the longports, wouldn't be better to replace the tents with nord houses and a blacksmith but leaving the props you got there(the barrels and the table)? The drakkar is missing too or something else went wrong ERROR: Could not load mesh 'art/meshes/structural/norse_drakkar_sail_folded.dae' ERROR: CObjectEntry::BuildVariation(): Model art/meshes/structural/norse_drakkar_sail_folded.dae failed to load ERROR: Failed to build prop model "props/structures/norse/drakkar_sail_folded.xml" on actor "drakkar" ERROR: Could not load mesh 'art/meshes/structural/norse_drakkar_sail_folded.dae' ERROR: CObjectEntry::BuildVariation(): Model art/meshes/structural/norse_drakkar_sail_folded.dae failed to load ERROR: Failed to build prop model "props/structures/norse/drakkar_sail_folded.xml" on actor "drakkar"
  5. @niektb @stanislas69 @wackyserious @shieldwolf23
  6. The second wave seems kinda slow and not to fluid when the arm is falling. As for the first, when its over, the transition to the initial stance its too fast, but both look awesome!!! @wowgetoffyourcellphone I bet you'd be interested in watching these animations
  7. What about waving his hand pointing a direction or giving orders? La sacaste del estadio
  8. Ay marica!! That's awesome, are those animated? What is the scale between the ship and a regular unit? @Alexandermb
  9. Here is the map, download it from github https://github.com/Skhorn/0AD-map-pack/tree/master/Norsemen and play with it all you want I will think about it tomorrow
  10. Created with Heightmaps. Next thing i should try to use is the rmgen librarys, the tedious work of painting terrain is hell. Night view Despite the size of the map (Small), it's not playable (Lag), but it should be if i remove 90% of the rocks on the map. Enjoy the view! Btw, @wackyserious those roads are great! You should consider on making corners(Square/Rounded). @Alexandermb I urge to commit your models.
  11. As for what it adds to the main game, read: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est#delenda-est-an-overhaul-mod-for-0-ad-empires-ascendant How to install: 1. Download it from moddb: http://www.moddb.com/mods/0-ad-delenda-est 2. Copy the .zip file into 0ad/binaries/data/mods and decompress it right in that folder. 3. Open 0AD, go to Tools & Options then to Mod Selection, select Delenda Est and click the Enable button.
  12. @Alexandermb Wouldn't you like to join the Modding Community team? We aren't to active and most of the work is quite independently of the others, but still we all contribute and talk/share when we got the time. In this way if you want to keep contributing to this mod, you can get to know the roadmap and the needs that the mod has, and of course you can collaborate us to make it better.
  13. Ahh, ser moderador si no, es una tarea que consume mucho tiempo y para eso si no tengo habilidades
  14. Asi es que es hp!!! Si, eso podría funcionar, lo que si veo muy raro, es que las partes de abajo de toda la empalizada se ven muy finas, podrias agregarle piedras pequeñas o algunos matorrales
  15. @Lion.Kanzen con mucho gusto, dime en que te podria ayudar
  16. @Alexandermb Saludos offtopic:( y fuerza! Ojala todo mejore por alla pronto) Y si creas los slopes? Aunque en el vanilla ya hay unos, pero tal vez te interese mirarlos Hmm con respecto a las murallas que creaste, depronto en las torres de las puertas podrias añadirle algunas palizadas que sobresalgan, las haria ver mas amenazadoras, es como la impresión que tengo de los nordicos
  17. Que hay riesgo, si. Siempre habra riesgo, pero dudo que ese puerto sea un objetivo comun para algun atacante. Troyanos, virus o spyware muy poco probable, a no ser de que descargues mucho programa basura de poca confianza o de que descargues el juego de uno fuente no oficial. Hasta donde tengo entendido no se ha presentado ningun caso de uso mal intencionado(Vulnerabilidades, exploits) del puerto necesario pada jugar y la verdad creo que seria un ataque muy especifico, sobretodo teniendo en cuenta que lo que se abre es un puerto por UDP. Sobre el router, busca la documentacion oficial y mira como configurarlo
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