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Everything posted by Itms

  1. Hi everyone! As you may know, we're getting close to releasing Alpha 18, which will be a more stable release with a lot of bugfixes, tweakings and improvements. I open this thread to collect the community's ideas about the name of the release. We are looking for names beginning with "R", with historical roots, adapted to the time frame of the game, and the more original the better! Thanks a lot in advance for your ideas
  2. I see two reasons: - First, the lag is mainly (and by mainly I mean 99%) caused by the game which is slow on your own machine (as it is on every machine, but hopefully we can provide you important improvements in the upcoming releases). The performance bottlenecks can be even more important in MP games but it is not related to sends/receives across the network. - Secondly, and this is true for all modern games (and a lot of modern software), as nearly nobody has 56k modems, game devs don't even work on network usage optimization. AOE1 devs probably invested a lot of time in improving that, and that time can be saved for other things in modern software development.
  3. FeXoR, you nearly gave me a heart attack but actually yes, this is all (hopefully) fixed now! About the prop/decal thing I don't know what you are talking about, I have zero knowledge about graphics. My changes shouldn't have any impact on the issue as far as I understand it.
  4. Sorry for the late answer, but I fixed the problem in http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/16254. Please report if you encounter other problems!
  5. Oh hi, I missed this forum post, sorry for that. I am waiting for some patches to be committed before I look into it, but I will fix that before A18. Thanks for reporting.
  6. This should be discussed with Pureon, and if it is agreed, I'd like to try to address some concerns raised by Erutuon here before. I should have plenty of time in January to work on it.
  7. Itms


    I'm not sure it's ok to display these discussions publicly on our forums. I'm even reluctant to use the terms "strong language" when I read this. Moderators need to be notified for sure, but we should think of a system that could directly point them to the logs instead of having to take a screen and associate what was said with 0 A.D.... EDIT: On second thought, I actually removed the image from the post
  8. Thanks for the input Erutuon I wasn't aware of the long-short distinction in Latin. I'll see if it's possible to improve that. However, I am aware of the rules about stressing. What happened is that, during recording, we couldn't manage to get a decent result with the correct stressing: the phrases sounded artificial and emotionless, without any intensity. Maybe we could try again, but I'm not certain we can achieve a good-sounding result with stresses. And finally, I never heard anything about this nasalisation and it seems pretty weird to me. Amongst Latin languages, the ones that are closest to Latin don't have any nasal sound. Could you give a few sources as reference?
  9. The changes you propose sound super-heavy, and we wouldn't choose to spend time on these only to ease Android porting, because we already have much work to do on the game itself! The developers made a handful of choices across the years and now that things are settled it is better to avoid complete turnabouts. On top of that, the Android port should be more or less working already, the only missing thing is an active development of it. But of course, no one will prevent you from working on a way to use QtCreator as IDE, and so on. Having more toolchains available for contributors can be very interesting.
  10. The application form is not needed for programmers anyways
  11. Hi bog_dan_ro, and welcome If you want to help with Android ports, that's great! We're not expecting to be able to deliver an amazing user experience on embedded systems, mainly because of performance problems, but updating the Android activity definitely sounds like a good idea. Don't hesitate to connect to #0ad-dev on QuakeNet to discuss with people and get some help, and you can take a look at all the information on our wiki/bug tracker to get you started: GettingStartedProgrammers We're also open to suggestions, if you encounter problems. Good luck, and have fun
  12. Hi ChristonianCoder, and welcome to the community About recording sounds, I think Lion misunderstood you, you might be interested in the Recording Voices topic.However, some informations there are very outdated, don't hesitate to open threads, or to contact me or Pureon. We're looking forward your contributions!
  13. Actually it doesn't work like this, it is based on the ELO system that is used for chess rankings. If you don't know anything about it, I guess the Wikipedia page can provide some interesting informations
  14. When we are sure we can gather voices for all the factions (which is not certain at all)
  15. Hello! Actually, Roman voices were already recorded But you can probably voice your opinion about them! They can be found here.
  16. Yeah, for sure! BTW, you can open a new thread to post contributions, as this one is already pretty bloated. Would you like to work on a language in particular?
  17. Hi lafferjm, we'll review your patch as soon as we can However, if you want to speed things up, you can drop by the IRC channel #0ad-dev on QuakeNet!
  18. Hello michael, Unfortunately, the game does not support multi-threading (using multiple processors) yet, and does not benefit from 64bit versions of Linux systems. Even if we're aware that it would be a significant change in terms of performance, it is a complicated technical task and it is not planned for right now. Eventually we will take care of this Don't hesitate to ask for more information.
  19. Hello, this sounds a bit strange because we removed formations in the latest release, but maybe we're not thinking about the same thing when we say "formations". Anyway, what version of the game do you run? Thanks!
  20. This was probably introduced in r15996. To avoid compilation errors, just right-click on the test project in visual studio and click on "Unload tests". We're working on the issue, but it's not our main concern either, so please be patient and avoid PMing people and upping your forum threads. Thanks in advance.
  21. Yes, probably! Would you see a word I'd really have to improve? I'd record this word with several tones and intensities to help making a choice. Thanks for the feedback.
  22. Hello, everyone! After working on the translations (see this thread), here are some recordings I made: Dropbox folder Like I feared, "herd" and "fish" are quite long and could use a different phrasing. Please share your opinion! People with actual knowledge of the language are warmly welcome to review the translations and the pronunciation
  23. In your SVN copy, right-click, choose "Tortoise SVN", then "Clean up...", then tick the three chechboxes at the bottom like this: and click OK. After that, you can run update-workspaces.bat and compile.
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