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  1. seems perfect to me woman can not build military buildings, but if you order infantryman to build it and stop him immediately , she will be able to do it for him from grounds. In some maps i saw wells, it would be great to boost farming around them
  2. i do not i do not know even know what is it
  3. i use windows xp professional 2002 i have not built anything, i thought it is enough to install game and run Atlas crashlog.dmp crashlog.txt
  4. i m sorry i do not know how to attach crashlog.dmp file using this toolbar of forum
  5. i copied whole crashlog.txt file here: The Atlas UI was not successfully loaded and therefore cannot be started as requested. Location: Atlas.cpp:46 (ATLAS_Run) Call stack: (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found) errno = 0 (No error reported here) OS error = 2 (The system cannot find the file specified.) ==================================== that s it. It crushes at the moment of opening after I doubleclick icon.
  6. When I try to open atlas map editor, it crushes, and writes following text: Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error. Please let us know at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files. Details: unhandled exception (Breakpoint) Location: unknown:0 (?) Call stack: (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found) errno = 42 (?) OS error = 2 (The system cannot find the file specified.) Any idea why, and is it possible to fix this problem?
  7. Ever thought of certain political building for every civ to accept or decline historically accurate political decisions /reforms/ influencing faction behavior that way?
  8. nemesis of roman empire had easy but great hero system
  9. 4 different kinds of gatherers in the game. That sounds great!But as it includes fishermen and trading, there re only 2 regular gatherers. Still better than 1.
  10. Slave Unit idea Slave Unit should be cheap, not available in first phase. It should be great in mining and not so good in constructing. It should be much more useful than other gatherers, and became core gathering unit (of Athens for example) in later phases. It should rebel and became hostile when no military units nearby to watch them. Slaves can not be forgotten just because they re forgotten in previous rts games. They played an important role in this period- for example in Athenian democracy there were 4 slaves per 1 citizen. i saw there was idea of slave unit, pity it was abandoned.
  11. Nothing alike taxes, seems as you have not read about my idea at all. Stay in peace
  12. ----I'd rather see a larger focus on caravans, corrals (which is being worked on), perhaps even a fertile terrain mechanic so that map control matters even more---- I totally agree about caravans, regarding corrals best of luck to thee who work with them, they gonna need it to find a proper place in game logic for them, they were useless like males nipple in Aoe III . These fertile terrain is excellent thing, i mentioned it earlier. ------If it doesn't change the game fundamentally, then all it really does is give coders extra work doesn't it?------ regarding these farm ideas, there re small ideas, and good ones, i suppose. U can take them or not. Neither makes them good or bad. We do not come with small ideas only, we come with different ideas on different topic. I did not understand that small ideas are forbidden. I am just big supporter of realism. Never played Warcraft, starcraft and other Smurfs for that reason. When buildings out of players territory start to lose their health for no reason my heart cries
  13. there is nothing so different It is just a really really slight difference: a little bit more realistic, and not copy-paste variant from other RTS I think set of this mini changes can make difference between <another-in-row good but seen RTS> and Great one. Another one i mentioned several times: U just cant have farms around Town centre, because you did a copy-paste thing from previous RTSgames. It is not natural. No village in history had farms around its centre, not to mention towns and Cities and Capitals. Drop sites should be drop sites and town centre mustn't be one. And i see <another-in-row good but seen RTS> trap as most dangerous for this excellent project.
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