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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. I might have to second wow's suggestion for more subtlety in the quilted armor. Something as simple as some very faint folds within the quilts could do you justice too, as it stands it does look like surface design. Best option of course would be to sculpt it in blender but that's quite a bit of a length to go for such a compact texture lol
  2. This is planned, we have the kingdom of Kush to bear the brunt of the weight of Egyptian influence. It's a long process though.
  3. Those are almost all old oaks, could be as simple as replacing them with the new oaks?
  4. there's a fair bit of neat art from the team i know that much lol
  5. Make a deactivated variant, easy to copy and switch if needed
  6. whats that low shrubbery by the water?
  7. I like what I'm seeing, Ptolemaic and kushite similarities will fall away once the ptolemies get hellenized eventually Might bundle that with the new walls
  8. they aren't backwards, they just need to be redesigned
  9. ah well, Enrique may have taken them out, he heavily edited the slinger animation too to fit in with the increasingly quickened attack speeds, something I feel needs to be changed sooner rather than later
  10. I made a few offensive shield animations for the swordsmen, are they not in rotation?
  11. Hey don't worry we mod too haha Some of those mods are made by current and former devs, so treat them as you will
  12. LordGood

    My arts

    I don't know how UV mapping works in 3Ds, but that's what you're looking for
  13. LordGood

    My arts

    Hey man feel free to practice with our structural textures! It's a much better start than mine haha
  14. I do believe the privileged citizenry of Carthage would have spent a lot more time indoors than their counterparts. It's a non issue at the end of the day.
  15. shouldnt, messy ngons just make me uncomfortable lol
  16. Alternatively, normal maps and a square plane with alpha could both give complex polearms more definition and keep poly count way down, if you didnt want to put so many polys in. True geometry will look better but those curved edges might hit performance-wise, especially if they're fleshed out
  17. I've been having to do some serious overtime at work, it's going to be slow for a while
  18. Civic centers can be built in neutral territory, and it grants a large rooted territory spread. It should be the first building of any settlement
  19. The yellows and reds are sticking out a bit too much between players, it could lead to gameplay confusion
  20. I would make sure the saturations on anything that isn't playercolor is low enough to distinguish different troops, the Persian army should look like a fruit salad but that might hinder gameplay if we stick to it. speaking only on the bright linothorax, the archers are looking good
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