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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. my god @Stan` you are almost there just that white bit needs to be smaller and a bit more violent if you catch my drift
  2. look! they shoot over each other's heads! Instead of through their chests!
  3. Gravity modifier works like a charm, that'll help sort a lot of things wrong on the artistic side of things
  4. white, short lived high velocity poof up, lingering dirt poof out, lingering poof like your first impact particle
  5. These towers are meant to defend against archer and siege spam sieges, not cavalry raids, which is what I'm worried about happening with an increase in projectile velocity. Projectiles track movement so its up to player reaction time to mitigate damages These are already very powerful towers, the ability to deal splash and counter siege weapons shouldn't be underestimated. None of our archers arc anything right now and its a bit disappointing frankly someone up and increased the ballista projectile speed so it shoots out of the pouch in a straight line. It looks like the engineers are rolling flaming, exploding bowling balls. Supersonic rams outpacing cavalry, dont even get me started on the repeat times for ranged units my god they've broken all the animations our team works so hard to make look just right this is trivial in comparison, and I guarantee we can make it look good just lets scout our options first
  6. Explosion effect is an actor right? Might we haaaave say 2 poof actors? is there particle acceleration too I forget it’s been forever
  7. oh! small one with a fast decay but travels upwards? would really give that 'equal and opposite' motion I'd be looking for in an impact actor mind me if you want I'm just spitballing here lol
  8. any way we could get one the same color as the projectile, but with a very fast appearance and decay? the slow arrival and fade of the dust cloud seems to lessen the impact on its own, though I am definitely in favor of keeping it Projectile color also has the added benefit of being biome friendly
  9. There’s a sweet spot, projectiles fall at 9.8m/s/s as a constant, projectile speed only dictates time it takes to travel that distance from the origin to the target. the arc is calculated with these variables in mind. Low projectile velocity can actually make them travel at incredible speed in an extreme arc because of this
  10. low projectile speed gives it the arc it needs to make it out the window at level ground lol also a lower projectile speed helps particles stay together I miss the poof at the end, blast of dust or plume of dirt where it lands would be wicked!
  11. I have been making noises I'll reintroduce the Ponies Ascendant legacy sound question as well. Swordsmen are getting a tone down before you ask, were a bit quiet and overcompensated with gain anywho, fishing for opinions again
  12. One has a warmer palette than the other, takes a trained eye to see these things lol
  13. Berries need to be quickly identified at the beginning of a game, I was more worried about the tone down than anything. It’s why the bananas are so modern too. That said the apples and figs have the opposite problem, don’t even have visible fruits most of the time
  14. I tried to make a dust particle but gave up because fireballs are cool yo
  15. Sure it is, maybe not the flaming bits, but small torsion engines were used in fortifications, notably enough in the siege of Syracuse but in later hellenistic fortresses I do suspect torsion engines were installed in designated towers
  16. made the whole tree smaller to compensate, polys are pushing new oak levels though
  17. they're not that big lol, the canopy is relatively close to the camera in that shot, no bigger than a unit's head not worth the time to go into the texture
  18. I'll lose the lobes if i make it any smaller in the texture lol i suppose, dead isnt much harder to make
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