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Everything posted by Loki1950

  1. By the way what that"./" means use the binary in this folder not any other very useful when you may have other apps/scripts with the same name all over your hard drive Just one of the ways that Linux is so useful and user friendly it just picks it's friends carefully Enjoy the Choice
  2. No need to do that at all.You need the whole svn if you really want to get it to work.When it comes to running it all you need to do is ./pyrogenisesisFrom a terminal in the svn folder 0AD/binaries/system at least that's what I think it should be if not hopefully someone who knows for sure please chime in 8) Enjoy the Choice
  3. Me too have a look at the endangered Languages list sometime very sobering as each one is a unique world view that we as a species may need in the future.Here in Canada we have several indigenous languages on that list due to the lack of respect for the underlying cultures by various governments. Enjoy the Choice
  4. Try the svn version just follow the build instructions on the wiki that way you will have the latest code and art,do not install just run it in user land(your home dir) not in system land(installed) that way it is much easier to edit as you do not change any system files that need root privileges to modify. Enjoy the Choice
  5. Xorg is much more than just the drivers I suspect that the behaviour you are seeing is common to all Linux distros with the version of Xorg that Rfremix/fedora are using,so is the behaviour the same with an other OpenGL game I think it might be which is why I suggested a check of the Rfremix/fedora forums. Enjoy the Choice
  6. Sorry Lion but your logic in this statement makes no sense word order in English sentences is critical one out of place may change the meaning completely. Enjoy the Choice
  7. You have forgotten the Cornish but that's common even most Brits have Enjoy the Choice
  8. That may not be a 0AD bug but one related to X-org's mouse/window focus behaviour so a check on the Rfremix or the fedora forums might turn up something as well. Enjoy the Choice
  9. Glad to see an other neo-pagan about greycat Have lots of friends in the local pagan community Enjoy the Choice .
  10. Yeah phoneme drift and lexical diffusion are way beyond our scope ATM,we'er just trying to pick a suitable language/dialect for the games Celtic factions. Enjoy the Choice
  11. Be careful when practicing necromancy most of the people in this thread are no longer active Enjoy the Choice
  12. Just a few quick questions which version are you using and what OS and is it a normal install? Now a few reasons why you are getting that "no permissions" if you are using any Linux distro the program was in system space and any change there requires "root" permissions while under Windows Vista and later any files in "Program Files" also need admin privileges to change. Enjoy the Choice
  13. Hi jacklle228 this is open source by that I mean when it's ready since the project always has varying resources (people who actually contribute) so if you have any talent and the TIME just jump in and help if not just play the game report bugs and your options and so help shape the game Enjoy the Choice
  14. Very good analogy but they where linked together by culture,language and trade with cultural institutions such as the druids providing continuity. Enjoy the Choice
  15. Hi greycat here is a book that might interest you and others its a historical novel set in the time period starts in Erie ends with the sack of Olympus (279 BC) by the Celts the view point character is one Bran Mac Morgor of Ulster a charioteer who gets exiled. Raven of Destiny by Peter Tremaye and the Amazon link http://www.amazon.com/Raven-Destiny-Peter-Tremayne/dp/0451146204 good story Enjoy the Choice
  16. Hi Lion first you apply the patch using tortoisesvn look that up in the help files that come with the Tortoise client now if the patch is only java script just run the game but if there was a C++ component then you will need to compile a new binary. Enjoy the Choice
  17. There is a wiki page on how to get the full svn version http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions#Linux you will need to build your own binary the instructions for that are on the wiki page in the link. Enjoy the Choice
  18. Hey greycat where is the link Enjoy the Choice
  19. Don't forget the pigeons looking good. Enjoy the Choice
  20. That is a path finder issue not directly related to formations as such but it is one of the complications in the implication. Enjoy the Choice
  21. Just did an svn update looks like ben got that one Enjoy the Choice
  22. Check Arch's release schedule or lack fabio Enjoy the Choice
  23. Terrain effects are planed just not implemented ATM yet. Enjoy the Choice
  24. Those logs created when you used the redirection(2>&1>) will have everything that scrolled by in them trust us on that one et bon chance avec la translation. Enjoy the Choice
  25. Probably because there is no way to move those roads with any of the current code,and programmers are work adverse Enjoy the Choice
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