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FeXoR last won the day on July 23 2019

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About FeXoR

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  • Location
    Germany - Cologne
  • Interests
    - If 'our' interpretation (not the formula) of the general theory of relativity turns out correct
    - How 'we' manage to get rid of time as a so far widely needed variable (IMO needed for a deeper understanding of the structure of... well, 'it all')

    - Ontology

    - The different infinities IMO caused by a poor definition of 'countably infinite' and the hair-raising 'proof' of the existence of cardinal numbers.

    - Putting human rights to reality
    - Ensuring enduring finances
    - Ensure system stability

    - neuron/brain simulation and artificial intelligence in general

    Gaming: RTS games mainly and mapping/modding them

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Community Answers

  1. Hi @alre o/ You can use setBaseTerrainDiamondSquare to get a realistic heightmap. Currently there is no painter for it though but you can either apply it to the entire map or to an own heightmap you can then manipulate before applying to the g_Map.height. The SmoothElevationPainter can blend in terrain elevation into the surroundings if you only want parts of the map to be mountainous. You can use getSlopeMap to see how steep the terrain is to e.g. paint cliff/rock texture. There is no way to determine what parts exactly can be traveled by which unit for the components that handle that are not running during map generation.
  2. (Nice to hear Vegastrike is still alive )
  3. @Boudica and @JC (naval supremacist): If you want to have an argument with basically only you two involved I suggest you do so in a private conversation rather then to flood a thread with off-topic and insulting posts. And if you don't ... just don't
  4. Maybe just replace "bartered" with "gave" since barter is somewhat ambiguous about the direction wares change hands?
  5. Just to let you know @Feldfeld : I am working on a mountain shape painter and a continuous area placer (to check for player connectivity). Maybe @smiley has alternative ideas but I guess having multiple ways to do similar things (if different enough) or to pick the "better" of two won't hurt
  6. I added a ToDo list for random maps generation to trac: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Random_Map_Generator#RoadmapTodo If anyone is up to one of those tasks please let me know
  7. You could also just place path tiles (no changes to the map, just add an area) and then avoid those tiles while generating mountains. As @smiley proposed the mountains could be more beautiful using different methods. An alternative would e.g. a diamond square method (setBaseTerrainDiamondSquare in heihgtmap.js) like used in Caledonian Meadown. There is no painter for that yet though.
  8. Looks good, @MarcusAureliu#s , Thanks And as this thread is about this particular tournament's organization I think it should be clear where to request or announce stuff for this competition. Best of luck and lots of fun
  9. While I like your enthusiasm organizing a tournament I would like to point you to the header of this forum which states "wildfire games", @MarcusAureliu#s . Since - as far as I know - you are not part of the wildfiregames team I would like to request you remove the "official" (and variations thereof) from your posts. (I guess we can live with the image of rules but please be considerate what you are saying in the future ). With that in mind I wish you a great competition and all participants an exciting time "Say not always what you know, but always know what you say." ~Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (10 BC – 54 AD) P.S.: A professional in a field (abbreviation "Pro") is someone who earns his living doing something in that field.
  10. How much are the players earning at Sunday to make a living from?
  11. Hi @badosu For a random map I would suggest using an ElevationPainter for the two areas with differing heights and afterwards using the SmoothElevationPainter to generate the ramp (and you could use the random argument to add some noise to the slope). For the latter also add a cliff texture to be painted with the TerrainPainter and you are done
  12. @ 67.: look into wall_builder.js placePolygonalWall function. Using only gaps as wall elements between those buildings you want to place (you have to create a new wall element for those buildings if not present by default). @ 70.: Sure you can. But I would strongly advise against that...
  13. Let's stick with "Sie" then I'd go for "Die Karte Erkunden" for the title while "Spionieren" might be better suited for things like spying on enemy bases, expansions and troop movement. But you're doing great so do as you see fit
  14. Well, in the context of the section it's more like "information" (English) or "Informationen" or maybe "Erkundung"/"Erforschung" (German). A I understand it the German "Spionage"(English "espionage" I guess, not sure, also "intelligence" I guess) is meant for gathering information about something a 2nd party explicitly claims to be information owned by it - and that doesn't really apply to e.g. resources on the map. However, I also stumbled across "Informationen sammeln". I lean towards "Erkundung" which might most closely be translated to "Exploration" in English.
  15. I'm locking this topic because it's not getting us further. Feel free to state opinions on balancing that are not already mentioned elsewhere on the forum but please do so in a factual tone ideally proposing thought through solutions if at hand, thanks
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