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Posts posted by gameboy

  1. @elexis If I only use the patches you give, instead of using commands: can pyrogenesis.exe -load=, "C:\\folder\\simulation.dat", "-visual-replay=", "C:\\folder\\commands.txt" connect two replays together? To achieve the same effect as using commands?

    Ah, A bad news : I tested this patch, and two replay files were not connected. The first replay was 2 minutes, and the second one had six minutes. When I loaded second repeats, the first replay of the house wasn't built.

  2.  @elexis I can solve this problem with this patch, good, my friend, can you upload a patch file directly? Oh, about you mentioned the command format I really not use it, if you can give me a test patch directly to solve this problem, I will help you to test it, thank you, my old friend.

  3. @elexis Today, I sent replay a strange bug:, when I started a new single game, the game for more than a minute, I built the house in the game, and then I saved the game, quit the game. More than an hour later, I reloaded the game and continued the game until the end of the game, playing a total of 30 minutes and 59 seconds. When I replayed the game, and when I chose to replay the 30:59 replay file, I found that the house had not been built before, and the workers went directly to build other buildings. Why?

  4. @mimo Today, I tested the latest SVN20445, and when I save games in the game, the error message appears:


    ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js line 649 TypeError: route[key] is undefined m.TradeManager.prototype.routeEntToId@simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js:649:3 m.TradeManager.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js:667:26 m.HQ.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js:2524:19 m.PetraBot.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/_petrabot.js:159:9 reallySaveGame@gui/savedgames/save.js:74:3 saveGame@gui/savedgames/save.js:57:3 __eventhandler429 (press)@__internal(4) press:0:1

    ERROR: AI script Serialize call failed

    ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js line 649 TypeError: route[key] is undefined m.TradeManager.prototype.routeEntToId@simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js:649:3 m.TradeManager.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js:667:26 m.HQ.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js:2524:19 m.PetraBot.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/_petrabot.js:159:9 reallySaveGame@gui/savedgames/save.js:74:3 saveGame@gui/savedgames/save.js:57:3 __eventhandler438 (press)@__internal(4) press:0:1

    ERROR: AI script Serialize call failed

    ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js line 649 TypeError: route[key] is undefined m.TradeManager.prototype.routeEntToId@simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js:649:3 m.TradeManager.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/tradeManager.js:667:26 m.HQ.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js:2524:19 m.PetraBot.prototype.Serialize@simulation/ai/petra/_petrabot.js:159:9 reallySaveGame@gui/savedgames/save.js:74:3 saveGame@gui/savedgames/save.js:57:3 __eventhandler443 (press)@__internal(4) press:0:1

    ERROR: AI script Serialize call failed

  5. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Today, I tested the latest version of http://www.moddb.com/mods/0-ad-delenda-est, with warning messages:

    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra: dock constructed without base index 0
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra problem ent without base 
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | >>> id 1086 name Militia Thureos Spearman pos 579.9622650146484,697.9734954833984 state INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.APPROACHING
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | base 0 >>> role worker subrole gatherer
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | owner 2 health 120 healthMax 120 foundationProgress undefined
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | garrisoning undefined garrisonHolder undefined plan undefined transport undefined gather-type metal target-foundation 1296 PartOfArmy undefined
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra problem ent without base 
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | >>> id 1087 name Militia Thureos Spearman pos 569.5,689.5 state INDIVIDUAL.IDLE
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | base 0 >>> role worker subrole gatherer
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | owner 2 health 120 healthMax 120 foundationProgress undefined
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | garrisoning undefined garrisonHolder undefined plan undefined transport undefined gather-type metal target-foundation 1296 PartOfArmy undefined
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra problem ent without base 
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | >>> id 1089 name Arab Javelineer pos 574.0641174316406,689.8177642822266 state INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.APPROACHING
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | base 0 >>> role worker subrole gatherer
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | owner 2 health 60 healthMax 60 foundationProgress undefined
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | garrisoning undefined garrisonHolder undefined plan undefined transport undefined gather-type metal target-foundation 1296 PartOfArmy undefined
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra problem ent without base 
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | >>> id 1168 name Arab Javelineer pos 578.1152801513672,696.4779663085938 state INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.APPROACHING
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | base 0 >>> role worker subrole gatherer
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | owner 2 health 60 healthMax 60 foundationProgress undefined
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | garrisoning undefined garrisonHolder undefined plan undefined transport undefined gather-type metal target-foundation 1296 PartOfArmy undefined
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra problem ent without base 
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | >>> id 1249 name Arab Javelineer pos 590.9310913085938,697.5 state INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.APPROACHING
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | base 0 >>> role worker subrole gatherer
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | owner 2 health 60 healthMax 60 foundationProgress undefined
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | garrisoning undefined garrisonHolder undefined plan undefined transport undefined gather-type metal target-foundation 1296 PartOfArmy undefined
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra problem ent without base 
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | >>> id 1266 name Militia Thureos Spearman pos 582.7383575439453,709.5523071289062 state INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.APPROACHING
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | base 0 >>> role worker subrole gatherer
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | owner 2 health 120 healthMax 120 foundationProgress undefined
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | garrisoning undefined garrisonHolder undefined plan undefined transport undefined gather-type metal target-foundation 1296 PartOfArmy undefined
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | Petra problem ent without base 
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | >>> id 1268 name Militia Thureos Spearman pos 582.3719940185547,702.0397796630859 state INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.APPROACHING
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | base 0 >>> role worker subrole gatherer
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | owner 2 health 120 healthMax 120 foundationProgress undefined
    WARNING: PlayerID 2 | garrisoning undefined garrisonHolder undefined plan undefined transport undefined gather-type metal target-foundation 1296 PartOfArmy undefined



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