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Posts posted by gameboy

  1. What is needed for the simulation. dat file to be generated.

    @elexis I can't find it in all my folders, I really don't know where it's hidden, my old friend, maybe you'll find it in the gamesave file I uploaded later? Well, my old friend, only you can help me, I thank my old friend very much, thank you.

  2. I only found them: metadata.json commands.txt.

    Why didn't i have that simulation.dat, did win10 block the production of this file, what should I do? Please help me, my old friend. I can't finish the test now.

  3. I didn't find the file simulation.dat. I don't know where it is            There's no file here: C:\Users\lg2015\Documents\My Games\0ad\replays\0.0.23

    Please tell me. thank you my friend.

    Do I use the win10 64bit operating system to prevent the generation of this file: simulation.dat????

  4. @elexis This is a 30 minute replay file, but it can't be connected to the previous 1 minutes replay file. I built the house in the last 1 minutes replay, but in the subsequent 30 minutes replay, we didn't see the completed housing.                 

  5. @elexisYes, I'm sure I used your patch, I tested it, I did the same test, but the two replay files didn't connect.

    D:\trunk\binaries\system>pyrogenesis.exe -load=C:\Users\lg2015\Documents\My Games\0ad\replays\0.0.23\2017-11-16_0003\metadata.json -visual-replay=C:\Users\lg2015\Documents\My Games\0ad\replays\0.0.23\2017-11-16_0003\commands.txt

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