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Posts posted by gameboy

  1. @Stan`

    I didn't use anyone's MOD。

    BTW: WARNING: SDL_Set Windows Gamma Ramp failed   This warning has disappeared.

    These two mistakes still exist:

    ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "shaders/effects/postproc/hdr.xml"


    ERROR: Failed to load effect'postproc/hdr'


    They still appear in SVN.



  2. @Itms  @Stan`

    I have completely updated all the files in your way, but the warning message still appears:

    WARNING: SDL_Set Windows Gamma Ramp failed


    ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "shaders/effects/postproc/hdr.xml"


    ERROR: Failed to load effect'postproc/hdr'

  3. @wraitii  @Angen I have found the reason why this warning always appears: 



    Error    6    error C2059: syntax error : ','    D:\trunk\source\collada\Decompose.cpp    278    1    Collada
    Error    7    error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '='    D:\trunk\source\collada\Decompose.cpp    286    1    Collada
    Error    8    error C2065: 'g1' : undeclared identifier    D:\trunk\source\collada\Decompose.cpp    287    1    Collada
    Error    9    error C2100: illegal indirection    D:\trunk\source\collada\Decompose.cpp    287    1    Collada
    Error    10    error C2065: 'g2' : undeclared identifier    D:\trunk\source\collada\Decompose.cpp    288    1    Collada
    Error    11    error C2100: illegal indirection    D:\trunk\source\collada\Decompose.cpp    288    1    Collada
    Error    12    error C2065: 'g1' : undeclared identifier    D:\trunk\source\collada\Decompose.cpp    290    1    Collada
    Error    13    error C2065: 'g2' : undeclared identifier    D:\trunk\source\collada\Decompose.cpp    290    1    Collada
    Error    151    error C3861: 'SDL_CalculateRamp': identifier not found    D:\trunk\source\ps\VideoMode.cpp    247    1    engine
    Error    152    error C3861: 'SDL_SetWindowRamp': identifier not found    D:\trunk\source\ps\VideoMode.cpp    248    1    engine
    Error    199    error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'D:\trunk\binaries\system\engine.lib'    D:\trunk\build\workspaces\vc2013\LINK    pyrogenesis
    Error    210    error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'D:\trunk\binaries\system\engine.lib'    D:\trunk\build\workspaces\vc2013\LINK    test
        211    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    503    15    engine
        212    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    503    42    engine
        213    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    505    15    engine
        214    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    505    43    engine
        215    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    507    15    engine
        216    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    507    49    engine
        217    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    509    15    engine
        218    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    509    49    engine
        219    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    511    15    engine
        220    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    511    49    engine
        221    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    513    15    engine
        222    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    513    49    engine
        223    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    515    15    engine
        224    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    515    47    engine
        225    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    517    15    engine
        226    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    517    45    engine
        227    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    519    15    engine
        228    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    519    45    engine
        229    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    521    15    engine
        230    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    521    46    engine
        231    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    523    15    engine
        232    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    523    42    engine
        233    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    525    15    engine
        234    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    525    47    engine
        235    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    527    15    engine
        236    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    527    49    engine
        237    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    529    15    engine
        238    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h    529    43    engine
        239    IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression    d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\jspubtd.h    459    51    engine
        240    IntelliSense: identifier "SDL_CalculateRamp" is undefined    d:\trunk\source\ps\VideoMode.cpp    247    2    engine
        241    IntelliSense: identifier "SDL_SetWindowRamp" is undefined    d:\trunk\source\ps\VideoMode.cpp    248    6    engine




  4.  Today, I tested the latest version of SVN22302. When I started the game, there was a problem message on the main interface of the game: ‘WARNING: SDL_Set Windows Gamma Ramp failed.’

    BTW: When I rotated the camera, I found the red box, which had never appeared before.    The map I used was the Mediterranean coast.






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