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Posts posted by gameboy

  1. OK, I uploaded them, hoping to help you, my friends.          

    @wowgetoffyourcellphone  Thank you for your patience in helping and testing.

    @wraitii This mistake does exist. As long as you build a barracks and two mercenary barracks to rotate and train soldiers of different kinds, you will find that mistake occurs and the game collapses. The faction I chose in the game was Carthage. Of course, you can choose other factions, and the same mistakes will occur.

    commands.txt crashlog.dmp crashlog.txt

  2. @wraitii  When you have three barracks, you rotate them for continuous training, and in the process of rotation, this mistake occurs. My friend, you can test.

    When you choose Carthage, then you create your own barracks and mercenary barracks, and then these three barracks keep training different soldiers, when these barracks have trained different types of soldiers, and then you choose one of the mercenary barracks to train soldiers, the error occurs.

  3. @wraitii My friend!  Please take time to solve this problem. Thank you.

    Today, I tested the latest SVN22434. The game crashed. I played a single player game.

    When I upgraded my skills in the blacksmith shop, the game collapsed.

    Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error.            Please let us know at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files.            You may find paths to these files at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/GameDataPaths            Details: unhandled exception (Access violation writing 0x00000051)            Location: unknown: 0 (?)            Call stack:            23231C60            Erno = 0 (No error reported here)            OS error = 126 (the specified module could not be found. )







  4. Today, I tested SVN22432 and found an error:

    The map I tested was the Thessaly Plain (4).


    ERROR: Error in timer on entity 8519, IID96, function TimerHandler: TypeError: herdPos is undefined UnitAI.prototype.UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.GATHER.GATHERING.Timer@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:2293:1 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:265:12 UnitAI.prototype.TimerHandler@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3769:2 Timer.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/Timer.js:120:4

    ERROR: Error in timer on entity 8514, IID96, function TimerHandler: TypeError: herdPos is undefined UnitAI.prototype.UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.GATHER.GATHERING.Timer@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:2293:1 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:265:12 UnitAI.prototype.TimerHandler@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3769:2 Timer.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/Timer.js:120:4

    ERROR: Error in timer on entity 8536, IID96, function TimerHandler: TypeError: herdPos is undefined UnitAI.prototype.UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.GATHER.GATHERING.Timer@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:2293:1 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:265:12 UnitAI.prototype.TimerHandler@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3769:2 Timer.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/Timer.js:120:4

    ERROR: Error in timer on entity 8512, IID96, function TimerHandler: TypeError: herdPos is undefined UnitAI.prototype.UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.GATHER.GATHERING.Timer@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:2293:1 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:265:12 UnitAI.prototype.TimerHandler@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3769:2 Timer.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/Timer.js:120:4

    ERROR: Error in timer on entity 8518, IID96, function TimerHandler: TypeError: herdPos is undefined UnitAI.prototype.UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.GATHER.GATHERING.Timer@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:2293:1 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:265:12 UnitAI.prototype.TimerHandler@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3769:2 Timer.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/Timer.js:120:4



  5. @wraitii   I tested the latest SVN22426 and found two problems. The first one was that when the cavalry attacked the wildlife, when the cavalry hunted more than two people, they would not go to get food, just a rider to get food. The second problem is that cavalry chase prey, they only attack once, then just chase, when the prey stops, they catch up and do not continue to attack, but stand behind the prey.

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