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Posts posted by gameboy

  1. @historic_bruno I didn't do anything like this, I did a test for many times, when I press the pause button in the game menu to make the game suspension, this time the game is a full-screen mode, and then I leave the computer, go to the kitchen to eat, probably more than 10 minutes back in front of the computer, the screen is lit, display is still hold the picture of the game, and then I left click with the mouse game screen, the game does not continue, when I click on the game menu, there is no response, click on the mini map, also did not respond.  Please help me.

  2. @elexis I'm not using any mod. I have tested more than three times, the time to wait a little longer, and then click the left mouse button and right button, pause the game screen, the game did not continue, press Alt +enter combination key, the game from the full screen mode into the window mode, the game can continue.

    BTW:This has not happened before. 

    This has not happened before.

    Just now, I tested the latest SVN22462, I entered the game, what all don't operation, directly in the game menu by pressing the stop button, (I use full screen mode), and then I left, I once again return to the game after 15 minutes, when I use the mouse to click pause the game screen, the game does not continue, is still in a state of suspension.

  3. @wraitii Today, I tested the latest SVN22461. When I saved the game, it crashed.

    Details: unhandled exception (PSERROR_Serialize_OutOfBounds("Serialize_OutOfBounds"))

    Location: unknown:0 (RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath)

    Call stack:

    (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found)
    errno = 0 (No error reported here)
    OS error = 0 (no error code was set)

    commands.txt crashlog.txt

  4. @vladislavbelov The operating system I use is win10 64bit. The problem repeats: when the game starts, you press the pause button in the game menu, then leave the computer for five minutes, to six minutes, then return to the computer and click on the paused game screen with the mouse, and the game cannot continue.

    BTW: Do you see what I mean? Yes, this problem has not come up before, because it has not been solved for a long time, so I am very anxious about how to deal with this problem, I like step and step, HaHa!

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