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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. This my idea how can be an ambush. its a some gameplay from praetorians obviously the enemy don't see these units in the grass. mauy be we can do it this in the forest and sand, snow.
  2. Its suppose to be in early stage none faction can attack effectiveness to others, even the AI.
  3. Me neighter but he wants may be knows how to Mod this.
  4. No sabemos aun. Hay un tópico donde el nombre, Muchas veces un usuario se lo da si es creativo y si va de acuerdo a la época. Estamos discutiendo eso aún en otro, hablamos de poner configuración para los gráficos en una ventana. Lo que ya se ha mandado son nuevas tecnologías, algunos mapas de skirmish, la campana del centro cívico. Y sólo eso ni la semana ha pasado desde el lanzamiento. No mucho lo que se lleva 1% de lo que se lanzará. Facciones. Terminar los egipcios empezar los Seleucidas. De allí no se sí se seguirá sacando más facciones para la primera parte.
  5. I was upload LAVS sound with XML to my last ticket. what ever what sound had been chosen, i make a new XML similar to actual. the ticket is: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2331
  6. You get me i idea to suggest that. based in some roman basic formations.
  7. How i Can do a new diff file to icluded as changes in the trac. related with this ticket: and with sound attached. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2331
  8. I will change the file of Lavs to game correct format OGG but i need know what proprieties have the file. What is the sample of the sounds in the game?
  9. This one of the games before RTS gaming that get me a passion for Roman culture. Caesar 2, before Total Wsr series, an City builder.
  10. All are very great. congratulations this the best of your work. but yhe problem with some is the compatibly with all other sounds before.
  11. The AI can destroy or Defend the wonder, if started one, it's too easy won by wonder. Now we need standard condition by wonder and by conquest at same time. -May be we need start to work in capture building like relics or capture flags etc. -And turn a cart into a building. -Graphic options menu. -Toggle Run/Walk -keep in mind a Updater for Osx and Windows, a user ask me today in Facebook how he can update the game, I don't know his OS but in OSX and Windows can be nice have a Updater one day.
  12. I can post other Romans units ? Examples I mean for have some art.
  13. Thank you guys, nice updates, this Alpha XVI can be incredible in few days we have a whole new features.
  14. Ok we don't need unlocking civs. We need extra stuff but not game gameplay. Gaming after gaming can be boring is like a routine, so we can update the game constantly , every moth, I do more sociable, I mean tournaments, special events,now I remember in Starcfraft II challenges unblocking levels. I know this not necessary but, is part of modern gaming. AoEO was a bad game but the people enjoy with them. I remember see statistic of all my gameplay. 30 hs gameplay, most preference unit use, most faction used, this more for the gamer profile.
  15. Some users is trying with platform wikia. Included me but in Spanish of course.
  16. In youtube we have a tutorial ( in the channel of course). And you can see in this forum some videos.
  17. We have a mod forum , here is where we expose alternate game plays and units, etc.
  18. Its possibly even have a flying elephant , this game is very modable.I want share some Roman heavy Infantry here.
  19. The people are have a good reception, it's very low the people that have negative opinion. Truthfully this project is a big brainstorming all user give ideas that like other new player, the game now is superior to AOE II. Many people say it's the old AOE but better graphics. Other says is like AOM. Even the people is fascinating with the mods, someone ask about a medieval mod.
  20. XD reinforcement system, can be a crazy idea. Sorry for the joke, but I can't left to go this one.After Michel Christmas SVN the game changes, each new technology changes gameplay. The rank system is very good idea, but is highly need to work in victory conditions beyond to conquest mode.
  21. No hay animaciones de todos los animales, así que no es un bug. I talk in English about game progress, not all are bugs.
  22. Update. Itms completes Town Bell as feature, but we need to improve the icon and the sound. Now what can be nice to do? Follow to have a big group of units following a hero, civilian door a priest?. Or doit minimap buttons?
  23. Looks like a one my suggestion , thanks for sharing.
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