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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. ok. That was more easy than do it this way hahaha. Is very hard paint a shield in white. Haha
  2. Podes abrir un tema para tu CIV, si queres. Podes ponerle estos nombres para identificar tu proyecto. (1000 AC) [Civilization] olmeca ó (1000 AC) [Civilisation] olmeca ó (1000 AC) [Civilisation] - olmeca ó (1000 AC) CIVILIZACIÓN - Olmeca a tu gusto.
  3. What faction is that?( in the medieval total war) I forgot do it the last segment of tail. Pd : I'm interest in add HD 3D renders to our media as promotional art.
  4. Trinketos bienvenido al Concilio de Modders
  5. okTrinketos podes entendernos y hacer una conversación en inglés para podes hacer esto más rápido? Eso se pregunta Niektb, si no no importa vas depender de mi o de Google translator.
  6. All my followers talk about skeletons civ idea, they are excited.
  7. Luego empezamos programar y modificar crear el arte.Los edificios y props se crean y las unidades se re texturizan y añaden props. Hay un tutorial en este sub foro de como empezar esto. Primero necesitas las unidades básicas del centro cívico , debes decidir q unidades se quedan fuera( caballería en este caso)
  8. In our wiki we can't is open to contributors.
  9. Vecino.Lo primero que debes hacer para hacer una civilización nueva es una plantilla de la misma, o documento de diseño( desing document) http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Romans_Republican
  10. many graphic improvement before that, may be beta version.
  11. Hace rato varios usuarios quieren hacer un Mod mesoamericano, sería bueno Olmecas, Mayas, Zapotecas y Aztecas/mexicas.Sos mexicano. Verdad? ----------- This guy wants to Add Olmecas culture to game in a Mod.
  12. 1Check Rise of east Mod for asían civ. And the time créame is important for us.2, 3,4, are planned and are good but aren't enoght supported ideas. The 5 you need explain little more, you play with Romans , Carthaginians or other naval power? Upgrades to buildings aren't possibly right now as art looking. But indeed in proprieties. At last we are contributors and not very large team so many things happens in. Several alphas. I invite you consult/look around in our wiki page where you can see planned features, modding, concepts, actual SVN progress etc. http://trac.wildfiregames.com
  13. Mod maya/ azteca? Interesante sería bueno las texturas pero se ve bien. Ojalá lo vean los demás.
  14. https://imgur.comIncluso sólo pones ctrl + v y la sube.
  15. voy traducirHe wants be part of modd team. He does 3D models and good scenarios. Trinketos mostranos unas imágenes para poder ver.
  16. Can be nice, first steps for starting a mod.
  17. This like have a toggle between first and second attack commands. I think. May be must wait and only replace to testing but I prefer healing than conversion. Be can duplicate a second unit in temple priest "convertor" for now.
  18. I open this treaty here because I want discuss as an idea than a Art task. Now we have many 3D artist that perform bones skeletal animations. In the past users suggest adding new animations to game. Elephants should be nice. Remember is idea one of I remember, I like taje advantage a of that fact. may be for animations many horse, bovine, camel and elephant units. The elephants have good animations. But is possible give extra? Or need abilities for example to grab men and throwing in air? https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6wAHnqPHmT0#t=64
  19. topic off enrique I'm saying is most important give animal like elephants more attack animation may be using the nose etc, death animation , if you prefer I open a topic of discuss as idea and if is approved can be open as art task.
  20. I'm thinking is easy give to the elephants new animations, sorry for topic off.
  21. Hmmm ok we can replace and give tool info about the changes not user knos that, then we can test. I prefer have first the mod manager to installing automatic our mods.
  22. In think that too, engines gives pink, gray and green.
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