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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. aqui pega esto o y aqui esto: Reemplace C: \ code \ binaries \ system con tu propia ruta de instalación: "[ruta de instalación] \ binaries \ system \ pyrogenesis.exe"-mod = testmod (El acceso directo también se incluye en los archivos de resultados anteriores) -------------- También sería bueno mostrar tus resultados al final y la ruta si es posible o si quieres que usaste en el SVN.
  2. Ok I ask to trinketos this. But if you have right so they copy and paste the code?
  3. Ok forget this, I'm was confused.
  4. the problem is more complex.http://spanish.stackexchange.com/questions/934/quotation-mark-usage-in-spanish We don't have single ' ' check my link. I mean our keyboard ( Latin American ) don't have easy distribution for the single and we use "" for all quotation is not important rule for us. But this is different. Up to here, what the RAE says. In practice, however, most people tend to use the double quotation marks at the first level instead of the suggested angular marks. Obviusly this rule in can be obsolete because we don't use handwringing anymore, all we use a typing for our redaction. I don't know if this happen in Spain, they uses other keyboard.
  5. Trinketos aparentemente el problema puede ser las dobles comillas, y Lo más probable es que pusiste las comillas del ejecutable (.exe) en el lugar equivocado, asegúrate de que no se mezclen hasta las dobles comillas (") con dos comillas simples ('), o tratar de retirar el completo. Descubrí que incluso si el modfolder no está allí o se coloca erróneamente el juego todavía se inicia. El problema es que no se puede encontrar pyrogenesis.exe.
  6. it's exactly the same message.But what can he do? The problem is "" ? -------------------------------- Screenshot I need he understand the double " "
  7. Yeah I think the same and happens all time.May be we need focos the se issues in our Mod Manager.
  8. Podes encontrar Millenium en : https://github.com/0ADCoM/millenniumad Pero obtuve los mismos resultados del tutorial ( pero olvide añadir estos archivos al tutorial en el topic) http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=7532 Sin embargo no veo "testfolder" en tu captura de pantalla, donde los pusiste? Me podrías dar una vista completa de la ruta de la dirección de tus archivos? ( para ce ser shorcut/ la dirección de las carpeta relacionada) Mi configuración es así. Ruta: C:\CODE\binaries\system\pyrogenesis.exe -mod=testmod Inicia en: C:\CODE\binaries\system -------------- @Trinketos yo lo que veo es que deberías usar C, por que da error esa ruta tan larga tal como sugiere Niektb. @Niektb : the warning say the target is invalid or incorrect. You think is because he is using users folders in Windows?
  9. Hmm, i think he will attack again, twice for day.
  10. Is for no expect a reply when you are sleeping.
  11. Where you from? and what meeans your nickname? And may be your GTM(optional) ( I do it because the people ask me things at 3:am or request me at that time) the other question is for mother lenguage in my case is Spanish, and at last my nick name, for me is more easy remember a nickname in the forum if I know what mean, obviusly all call me Lion. Im From Honduras. My nick ñame is Lion= the animal kanzen= Perfect in Japanese. My GTM hour is -6 GTM
  12. we need that gameplay and wagon/building system.
  13. niektb where he can have the last repo of Millenium (1000a.d)
  14. Millenium i think. But Aristeia is nesr to be updating( by niektb)
  15. Translating: traduciendo. si estoy interpretando bien, el archivo "testmod" es sólo un link( hipervinculo), pero no en un directorio propiamente, el "testmod" debería estar en un directorio con todo los archivos añadidos y cambios en comparación al " public Mod"
  16. Eso fue muy rápido, me quede sin internet , por alguna razón están fallando las telecomunicaciones en mi país. Pero es por corto tiempo. That was faster but I'm having internet issues, may be all city in my country , but this issues don't have more than 15 minutes. Nobody knows why. ------sorry for the topic off------- Estas usando el SVN ? Te dije que Enrique más que yo . ----------- You see guys this one of the fb español fan page.
  17. I new form of camouflage? Or a kind of punish?
  18. I love the gameplay of this unit, but imagining as politician , hehehe -advantages Is not permanent conversion Is easy to perform Disadvantages -period time( from attacker) -difficult to do it in a battle( massive) -expensive for the player -his control effects are valid if the unit still alive In the sc2 the ability is named neural parasite, we can renamed as Discourse
  19. Cleopatra is ugly( in the real life ) XD. @Liz Taylor you did what you did??. Joke. Nice unit.
  20. interesting and about clons? They can crate a massive id. I think, and when game be more popular this think can be worst.
  21. How works to good user? I mean how the spammer take the bait?
  22. We need double validation ? Phone number may be or special catpcha?
  23. I voted for included this one in the game, we can show this to Michael, he like do it maps and he can put in game if he are pleased with this one.
  24. I found AOEO blog desing. Is divided in 4 parts for courious guys designer that want to know why take the desition to do it the game in that style, may be this one is not all truth. But have good arguments and good tips for game makers. http://remember-ensemblestudios.com/2011/08/age-of-empires-online-review--part-3--art-design/ For me the most particular is the desing justification or reasoning of their carton style, but far of this matter probably the most interesting is this image: This one is common in historic based RTS like AOE saga or 0.A.D the proportion of building with units I know the artist and developer knows this one but not all players have a dominance of this rule. And here is the multiplayer concept, this one may be is best than gameplay and art desing concept , because this mostly innovative in AOE saga, not because be original concept, it's because is the first in the saga to adapt to modern online gaming. http://remember-ensemblestudios.com/2011/08/age-of-empires-online-review-part-2-multiplayer/
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