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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Until we find a proper solution I reverted them to mine.
  2. Well the civ has more than this two buildings
  3. Well you know people did not carry their armors all the time because it's harder to move, and to gather stuff, plus you are supposed to be hidden behind the walls, not at the mercy of a random guy passing by.
  4. This is planned, but not for next alpha. Moreover would you really gather stuff with a 24 pounds shield on your back ?
  5. Sure I talked with leper about this one there is already a diff provided on trac by trompetin http://trac.wildfiregames.com/attachment/ticket/1712/sound_1712.patch
  6. As some of you may not know it's not that they don't want to. Only that nobody can take care of it. I'll be glad to model them though. If you can generate a design doc like the ones on the wiki (a full one) with references pictures, that would help a lot. But if you want more factions, start by helping those that are not finished. In this case : Seleucids.
  7. I've been looking for that for a long time and I finally found a solution. As some of you may know the game engine doesn't support animated mesh with AO. So you have to make the Ao part of the texture. Problem is, no face should be overlapping, and therefore you must use only once the same texture space. This is easier if you have made the texture, but can be quite tricky if the texture is commonly used by all the buildings of the game. When you bake the AO you use a special UVMap usually with "Smart UV project" as shown on the image below : Usually your UV looks like this : With my trick they will look like that : With the last one, you'll just have to open gimp paste the AO you baked with the same UV as multiply layer, and export. Nothing more. So how to get this : 1. Unwrap your model with the default texture 2. Add a second unwrap layer with the first image parameters 3. Add a new material to your mesh using the texture. 4. Go to render and chose bake texture : 5. VoilĂ  ! Export your texture and do the final step in gimp.
  8. It's because I did a undo. line 474 is the line I added.
  9. Hi I found that function : void StopMusic(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* UNUSED(pCxPrivate)) in the JSInterfaceSound.cpp and I was wondering how to use it to stop music playback in atlas. From my little understanding I have to use it there (LINE 474) : void MapSidebar::OnSimPlay(wxCommandEvent& event){ float speed = 1.f; int newState = SimPlaying; if (event.GetId() == ID_SimFast) { speed = 8.f; newState = SimPlayingFast; } else if (event.GetId() == ID_SimSlow) { speed = 0.125f; newState = SimPlayingSlow; } if (m_SimState == SimInactive) { // Force update of player settings POST_MESSAGE(LoadPlayerSettings, (false)); POST_MESSAGE(SimStateSave, (L"default")); POST_MESSAGE(GuiSwitchPage, (L"page_session.xml")); POST_MESSAGE(SimPlay, (speed, true)); m_SimState = newState; } else // paused or already playing at a different speed { POST_MESSAGE(SimPlay, (speed, true)); m_SimState = newState; } UpdateSimButtons();}void MapSidebar::OnSimPause(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ if (IsPlaying(m_SimState)) { POST_MESSAGE(SimPlay, (0.f, true)); m_SimState = SimPaused; StopMusic() } UpdateSimButtons();}void MapSidebar::OnSimReset(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ if (IsPlaying(m_SimState)) { POST_MESSAGE(SimPlay, (0.f, true)); POST_MESSAGE(SimStateRestore, (L"default")); POST_MESSAGE(SimPlay, (0.f, false)); POST_MESSAGE(GuiSwitchPage, (L"page_atlas.xml")); m_SimState = SimInactive; } else if (m_SimState == SimPaused) { POST_MESSAGE(SimPlay, (0.f, true)); POST_MESSAGE(SimStateRestore, (L"default")); POST_MESSAGE(SimPlay, (0.f, false)); POST_MESSAGE(GuiSwitchPage, (L"page_atlas.xml")); m_SimState = SimInactive; } UpdateSimButtons();}But I was wondering if it would stop all sounds, and if it's the correct function to use.
  10. The age phase sound is waiting for review
  11. The trebuchet didn't exist back them. If you want one you have to go for the mods.
  12. As showed in the picture i realized this flag was not smoothed, and fixed it. Flags.7z
  13. Hi darksunrise957 if you are willing to help there should be no issues. You can model buildings although no reference are stated yet. We have boats remaining, helmets, and props, that you could do. Welcome to the forums.
  14. Did you use my model ? Can I have the dae ? I want to check with higher settings
  15. We only can if the oars are hidden.
  16. Do you mean like Age of Mythology ? Copper, Bronze Iron Meteoric ? I started modelling the building, I guess it will be done at the end of the week, depending on my girlfriend.
  17. Well player_trans_ao_parallax_spec.xml is
  18. Fixed version for those using svn : https://github.com/0ADMods/ponies_ascendant News in this version - Updated Aura (I don't know what you intended at first so for now it's a building boost for nearby units) for Wisebiscuit. - Fixed AO's. You may have not noticed it since your are not maybe using the uberfancy graphics but using AO's on model with one uvmap crashes the game.
  19. Well a lot of my buildings are waiting for review, and my appliance is Enrique's mind.
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