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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I think Lordgood managed the melee part in his mod. We only need #252 now.
  2. 4. There is a hotkey for that. 3. There ia aomething planned for that. Glad you like the game and Welcome to the forums =)
  3. Going to look into it. Cloned the repo from 0ad Mods. EDIT 1: Hacked it to work again, now it's sending warnings. Edit 2 : And it broke healing too. EDIT 3 : With niektb's change seems to work better, but still spamming warnings.
  4. There is not much you can do AFAIK, try lowering graphic settings, avoiding to have any CPU intensive task in the background and you should be fine. Apart from that you'll have to wait for the new renderer which last time I asked is going to take some time to be finished.
  5. Nice antlers ! How many tris do they have ? I think you should start from scratch for the body though. Look at the deer model in the game to get an idea on how many details you can add. Also try to avoid stretching like there is on the neck. For anims you are right those are the one needed. Try to make the idle long enough so that they don't loop badly. Thanks for your time and contribution and welcome to the forums. EDIT : +1 For SketchFab
  6. Well since trac is not https I don't see how they could ? EDIT : Ah my bad X)
  7. See http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1000 It was closed as forum now uses https but trac still doesn't.
  8. Last time I asked Enrique he said yes. @niektb Congrats on you being in the team
  9. Didn't you like the previous one ?
  10. Did you like any of the previous iterations ? I agree with the tent, I guess it made sense when I had a ground floor. How would you have done it, Since I need to keep a greek architecture with the ptol one, which are supposed to contrast a lot. Else I could just try to make it the ptol way with a greek roof ?
  11. @Lion.Kanzen https://skfb.ly/OYZw @sanderd17 can try with ptol columns.
  12. That's Seleucid Texture X) Pillars are Ptolemaic though.
  13. Sure as soon as there's only minor tweaks remaining, there are a lot of props in that model ^^
  14. I guess that's up to @Enrique and @LordGood to edit that texture or not. The only upside I see with it being yellow is that it gives an egyptian feeling. Fountain version for @wowgetoffyourcellphone
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