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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Looks like you can update that page then
  2. Thanks ! I forgot you're as fast as me @Samulis Once we have settled on a convention, we will be able to edit that page to reflect it. All changes there are versionned, so you can see what changed every time
  3. I'm not familiar with how you create pages ? Doesn't one need to make a wrong link then follow it and ask to create the page ?
  4. Hey @Samulis Thanks for the heads up and the amount of work you put into this. It will certainly come in handy ! @OmriLahav What is your opinion on said naming conventions ? Would you like to change some things ? In the end this should be written in a design document (Maybe @Itms's)or some wiki page called SoundNamingConventions. Those will be easier to implement I believe so we'll be able to test them in game This would be nice to have for A24; Keep up the good work , and thanks for contributing.
  5. Yep I'll try to have a look. Sorry for the inconvenience. Have you tried deleting the config file ?
  6. Can you upload the crashlog.dmp file in your local Appdata folder ? If you're on Windows that's C:/users/yourname/Appdata/local/0ad/logs
  7. Try to run it as administrator If that doesn't work or you can't Pass the -writableRoot flag
  8. Tried disabling GLSL and post-processing ?
  9. Do you have the same mods ? Are your ports properly forwarded ? But most importantly why do you use Hamachi when you could just use direct IP, or even better the game lobby ?
  10. Hello, Unfortunately that's not due to graphics but to the way the engine handles unit movement. There is work in progress to fix it so there might be a fix in A24. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  11. Have fun with the game, and don't forget to try out the mods, if you get bored.
  12. Yeah this was planned. I also made a bot with generic answers for question asked on IRC but my attempt to host it on my raspberry failed. And I haven't seen progress on the FAQ in a while. Maybe it could be integrated in the new website design @implodedok The GUI scale option sounds like a good idea. Using hwdetect would work too.
  13. So the relevant file is this one: https://github.com/0ADMods/pre-colonial-mod/blob/master/art/actors/props/units/shields/shield_decoration.xml With the following code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <actor version="0"> <castshadow /> <group> <variant frequency="1" name="Shield Decoration"> <mesh>props/shield/mexica_shield_decoration.dae</mesh> <textures> <texture file="props/shield/shield_decoration.png" name="baseTex" /> </textures> </variant> </group> <material>player_trans.xml</material> </actor> AFAIK actor only supports 1 as version. That's it.
  14. He will not be considered he will be added unless he doesn't want to. Would be nice to have a patch for this if that's not too much to ask.
  15. That's not true. I have a somewhat recent computer with AMD and it shuts down when overheating. That only depends on BIOS. We need textures for them. Then balancing but generic values are fine and then an aura need to be found. I'm working on other stuff now so I'm sorry if mods feel left out. There shouldn't be any tweaks to the templates. So if something is not balanced that's on the main game. I'm against adding code in civ mods. It's impossible to maintain.
  16. You could look at https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1598 And https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1590 And tell us if we forgot any requirement of the GDPR or if there are any loophole.
  17. So I have been experimenting with Substance Designer and tried to learn as much as I could. If you never heard of it, check it out, the results are awesome. I bought a license to be able to use it with 0 A.D. Textures are 16bits though, shouldn't be hard to convert them back. (It means smoother gradients which improves the final) result. rocky-mud-1.0.7z
  18. Well the thing is this is still the A23 re-release. So no new features hence no art. We are still in feature freeze translation freeze.
  19. We are still frozen in the art dpt. Only programming and GDPR.
  20. If that is for terra magna or a CoM mod one could create issues on the repository and post the relevant references there This way if we want to tackle a list of tasks for a future release its easier it also means the poor sool who has to make it doesn't have to go through hundred of forums posts. Example : you want an aloe plant with let's say 4 variations. you create a ticket say the number of variations and add the pictures there. Someone picks up the task and once it's done it's closed
  21. Yes, I was refering to those documents. As you can see they detail how the units should look like. It makes it easier for us artists to then put them together. IMHO a good design document for a civilisation should have a sketch or an example of what main buildings should look like (it can be just a list of features) then as much as possible we should make them consistent with each others like it was done for shooting ranges, stables, and siege workshops, so they have one identifiable shape with the specificity of their civilization. Then the props, their storage, in what they eat, dummies, shooting target etc. Then when it comes to units and ranks basic (_b) advanced (_a) , elite (_e), champion (_c), we should have informations relative to their armor (boots / naked feet, sandals..., skirt / trousers / robe..., pectoral armor...) their possible helmets props, could even go as far as facial hair/features) , their weapons, shields, scabbards, backpacks etc. Once all these pieces of information are gathered, a nice sound track, a few voices to be recorded, and specific names for everyone and you have a full fledged civilization. It's a pain for artists, but as much as possible we should reuse props. For instance gaul barrels could be one single mesh. This way, if I want to update the shape of it because computers can now handle it, I just edit it once, and the whole civ benefits from it. Of course this doesn't mean we should have one prop per civ, but just that we should reuse stuff as much as possible.
  22. Could be this Or this Could also be a Roman helmet in disguise On the used material I guess the idea was iron would be for higher ranks Could look at the design document see if there is info there.
  23. If you have time could you share why you chose those name over the ones we have ? Its for history so if one day someone comes and says all those names are wrong we can argue why
  24. Sorry, We get so many spam these days that we can't be too cautious @feneur Can you unlock his account ?
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