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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Did you apply you Gaia patch on your repository ? This looks like one of the fortress is using the wrong civ
  2. Might be related to using IPV6. I wish I knew more about networking. Maybe @Imarok knows.
  3. Well technically what could speed up things is using integer arrays as opposed to object arrays. Unfortunately though I believe that needs at least SM45 support
  4. Hey sorry you haven't got an answer. I don't know if these informations fall under the GDPR. I believe though the reason you didn't get an answer is because people forgot to answer. Sorry for the inconvenience @Itms@Hannibal_Barca@elexis@user1
  5. Well the Roman looks a lot like the one in Rome total war. Some Icons are also under copyright. My main concern on the merging aside from the amount of work it would be is that I'm pretty sure there is a lot of broken stuff in it
  6. @Itms do you have the status on the design document ?
  7. I'm trying to put steam in the machine again, communication as restarted, Itms started reviewing elexis branch. No ETA still but it's promising.
  8. See Stamina patch and #3177 (Both on Trac)
  9. You are free to advertise the game around you, to gather more developpers.
  10. Hey, If you want this fast you'll have to code it yourself. We are all doing this on our free time and unfortunately for you this is not a top priority for us. Next time though, you might want to ask more nicely.
  11. Congrats to @borg- the four best players of Multiplayer 0 A.D. Would have been nice to have a bigger media coverage of this.
  12. What happens if you use let/consts ? Also a bigger loop like 1000000
  13. Worth noting that inline declaration was not allowed before c99 The real question is the impact on JS Code. I also wonder if minifying it and obfuscating it would make it faster. Less bytes of code to read so faster loading in memory.
  14. Well it could be or not. Depending on how this is optimised it will or will not reuse the same address space. Which means instead of allocating and deallocating 1000000 times a 32 bits int it will only do it once. If you do that with objects it can be faster really quickly because allocation is costly. What's missing there is probably a comment saying it was tested inlining variables and it was way faster without doing so. This could also be an old C programmer habit. Some school teaches one to do it that way. The reason was at the beginning compilers couldn't use variables that were not declared at the top of the function.
  15. Let me know if you manage to contact him. For the matter discussed here, it definitely need some modifications of the Unit AI.
  16. Sounds fair. I believe @temple made some work in that area, that wasn't reviewed/accepted yet.
  17. Not sure. I'd like to have more opinions on whether the added depth is worth the hassle.
  18. I believe it is written in the text files of the replays.
  19. To be completely honest with you, I have no clue. The list reads nice, and sounds like a good idea on paper. But in these times of doubt ain't nothing like a real example such as a mod.
  20. Q1 I believe so ( that it will have a trader). See @Alexandermb's work towards camels. Q2 I'm not sure why I can check but maybe someone more knowledgeable about balancing may know is someone that actually plays the game.
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