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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Don't you have to know whether you will hit something before choosing a path ? It mostly got stalled because of the lack of reviews. The patches are old now Some still needs change on @wraitii's end
  2. @Servo can you help me figure whether we have the same bug ? The sound one. This bug only occurs to me when using the mod selector not when starting the main game directly.
  3. @mimo @(-_-) @elexis @Itms and @wraitii Can you help ? Did you have a look at the profiler ? Did you try to add a jQuery.js file in your AI files (Pretty sure that won't work but worth trying) Did you look at the feedback reporter that sends machine data to our servers ?
  4. I'm not sure, you might want to ask @dmzerocold or @Itms or even better the people on Transifex.
  5. Basically EVERYTHING should be translated. So you can report all that's not working properly.
  6. Hey thanks for reporting @Itms and @elexis looks like some translations are not pulled . Missing code ?
  7. I couldn't commit art, but hopefully will be able to do so soon, if there is bug in the RC. The RTL issue is something that needs a coder to fix, so maybe for A24 if someone is interested in doing that.
  8. Yes you can by editing the ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/user.cfg file and adding those lines: Don't forget to delete the entries once the re-release is out.
  9. You have to research technologies to improve your soldiers armor and weapons. Also note that champion units (The ones with triangles footprints) are way stronger than citizen soldiers.
  10. Hello @skaiware, have you tried the fixes on the previous pages for boost ?
  11. Nah the short one is the one that handles the obstructions constantly to go around buildings. The long range plans using bigger zones. When AI attacks I think two things happens. First the planning of the AI is done on the same thread as the rest, and thus slows everything, adds that the way the AIs handle units make them collide with each other a lot and that triggers the lag, because each unit is computing its own path taking into account all the other units around it.
  12. Fine by me. You can also do portraits or a new main menu background, or anything you want to improve
  13. Vertex Pathfinder ( Or short range) yes as Imarok mentioned you could probably have a look at D13 and all the subsequent patches. If corrected they would make a great addition to the game
  14. I like free games. I had been waiting for Company of Heroes for a while. This will be my next mod
  15. If I may suggest another improvements, you should try to maximize the contrast between textures to make them less bland to look at. Like mixing the bricks and the white wall textures.
  16. Thanks ! will be included in A24. If you are not already in the credits I'll add you
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