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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Always have been. Should be fixed someday
  2. I liked the one you proposed. It'd also be convient if it could be shortened, etc, athen spart ptol Two resources, the rest can be copied from startcraft A bit of both, I want to reuse mechanics that works so I can offer an alternative to starcraft Nice thanks
  3. I'm creating this thread to discuss how to make the mod stella artis : https://github.com/0ADMods/stella_artis/ Ground Rules: It must play like StarCraft Three factions only Must be set in a futuristic (sci-fi) timeframe Two resources TODO: Find the names for all three civs Create the 3 civs.json Create the templates for all units and buildings Create the techs, auras and whatnot Define the building footprints for all civs (ex 4x4 5x5 2x2.. etc) so placeholder buildings can be used @Lion.Kanzen
  4. Pinned the thread as it's important and it does not have its own subforum.
  5. He does. He submitted a fix for it
  6. @Lion.Kanzen I need quite some help. Currently I was working on the interface and the music, but I need building sizes so I can create placeholders. The idea is to create all the templates with all the stats and then replace placeholders one by one. So the game will be playable before it gets pretty. I need someone to write the templates, to find three civs names, (I believe terran needs to be renamed to something else, maybe humans?) I need three emblems, (I'm currently working on the logo) https://github.com/0ADMods/stella_artis
  7. Does that work in our engine? The multiprop thimg or do we need a patch?
  8. Hey nice work! There is still some work to be done to fix the texture but it's pretty neat. Some tips: For proportions in blender addons add the import image as planes. Then find a side image and tweak the model so it matches it perfectly. To fix the texture you can use the paint tools after baking on a good UVMap to avoid stretching. I found that the clone tool work best. Do the animations still work? Keep it up @lukamas glad to see you back. I haven't heard of @Samulis but I'll ping him again when we have something close to commitable
  9. Yeah I need @Freagarach and @Angen to work together on this. Maybe @WhiteTreePaladin
  10. I'm planning a spaced themed fast RPS like StarCraft called Stella Artis, but if you really want Star Wars I guess what one could do is import the spring star wars mod into the engine and make an RTS out of it.
  11. Yeah we go in touch, through IRC. @Vido anim is fixed, thanks for the patch.
  12. @Beise Can you elaborate on this? Usually you do not need to do that as wiki pages are versioned and dated. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Translation_DE/HotKeys?action=history I do not think so. I think it is best to use the forums, in an organized manner.
  13. @Alexandermb I'm not sure but it looks like a bug with the shader. @vladislavbelov or @Angen might know more.
  14. Try this one. Can you click properties on each file and make sure its not locked ? libvorbisfile.dll
  15. Would be nice to have capturable rolling fireballs you could throw on your enemies.
  16. Well it seems in his case it didn't even work so... I'm not sure.
  17. The issue with this is that it assumes the engine will never be used for anything else without the public mod. While it's true now, I hope it won't be in the future. For things like
  18. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ScrollingWithButtons https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ScrollingWithText
  19. EDIT: Can you right click on every of those files and check they are not locked? Sometimes windows locks file from the internet preventing their use. @The Undying NephalimNephalim
  20. That's really weird considering it worked for someone else. But it's a sanity check so you can ignore it for now. If you haven't made a backup you should be able to copy the files from your old computer
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