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Thorfinn the Shallow Minded

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Everything posted by Thorfinn the Shallow Minded

  1. Just a thought here. Perhaps with time (through building upgrades unlocked through phases) the structures could become more hellenized, still keeping a distinctive Egyptian look.
  2. Out of curiosity, what civilization is the AI best at using would anyone say?
  3. That culture would not be so feasible for the current version of 0 A.D., but in the expansion, the Vikings could actually be in game.
  4. The limitation of resources should probably be something possibly managed by the pre-game settings, but scarcity of them introduces two important aspects of the game which characterize different phases of it. The first phase, (not as in the village, town, et cetera) which could be called mid-game, is a period of intense struggle for territory so that nations will be able to exploit the resources which they fight over. When practically every resource is exhausted, there initiates the late game phase, where resources are acquired through trade, farming, and bartering. Thus, by having very limited resources, the game has stages which make it develop into a different game experience from one moment to the next.
  5. I have still had problems with retina support. Please fix it. You don't know how hard it is to go through withdrawal from the game.
  6. It has a retina display. It is a shame that the game cannot work on that high of resolution.
  7. I have encountered difficulties in the 0 A.D. menu. When I attempt to press anything at the bottom-right corner, there is no response. That basically means that I cannot start any games I set up. I use Macintosh OSX 10.8.4 on a fairly high end laptop. Thanks if it can be fixed in any way. I have grown rather fond of the game and hate to be deprived of the chance to even playing it.
  8. Sorry that I have not replied for literal months. I have been quite busy with school courses for a good while and have not felt motivated enough to write another article. Now to answer the questions. Not a bad blurb! Can I put it into the Spartans house entity as-is? It's good enough for a simple thing like a house, while more complex topics would get longer articles. But since the entity blurbs don't have an attribution system, I would amend your text to "According to Plutarch, Spartan houses were..." Is that acceptable? Thank you for the supportive words. I always found Lycurgus's law code to be one of the most interesting sort as of yet. Feel free to change it as you wish. The second made the doors what? I would assume you mean only allowed doors constructed with saws as tools, but either way I think that part of that sentence needs some work. (Face Palm!) Sloppy me. I have revised to what I consider a more acceptable form. I will try to be a bit more careful next time. I will in the next few months attempt to acheive the daunting task of writing a biography on Iphikrates. While I do have a few ancient sources that mention him, would any of you be able to refer me to a reliable biography on him? Thanks again. Expect another article in a couple months.
  9. That looks like some great stuff by the way. Excellent work on the new granary.
  10. Sanderd: for the hero auras of Hamilcar and Hannibal, I propose the following. Hamilcar, mercenaries are more effectictive around him (Hamilcar Barca was a crucial leader in crushing the mercenary revolts.). Hannibal could increase the rate that soldiers move at while in the column formation and could partly cloak soldiers from enemy line of sight until x distance to simulate his wily battle mannerisms.
  11. Realize that wraiti only works on Aegis in his spare time, and since schedules can really fluctuate, it is difficult to say that even he can know. With that fact in mind, it is better to patiently wait for it to be fixed while more pressing in-game problems are dealt with.
  12. You mentioned having Mesopotamian units available to the Persians; well the Babylonian Chariots they have are quite a bit like that. The heroes in game also carry out many of the functions you talk about with commanders, generals, and chieftains.
  13. In the case of Sparta there could be the Agiad line and Eurypontids, each with a separate line of heroes.
  14. Well, if a person has simple question to ask, why should he or she have to go to the trouble of actually making a thread? If the idea I have implemented does sound so bad, feel Feel free to delete or lock this thread. I would have asked other forum members for their opinions on the matter, but there wasn't a good thread to use to make such a query and I didn't feel like going to the trouble of making one myself to see their thoughts on the idea.
  15. Hello. For a long time I figured that there should be something like this on the forum so here it is. If you have any questions pertaining to the development of the game, strategies, or anything else game related, do use this thread to get your questions answered. Note however that this is not for asking the developers to implement a feature; that is reserved for the suggestions for 0 A.D. Thread.
  16. Although I cannot give much valid input on your question regarding Parthian cavalry dismounting, perhaps the reason that you want to believe that is because Roman horsemen did so. Regarding the Parthians though, I am doubtful. It is well established that they employed hit and run tactics in warfare. (The battle of Carrhae is a superb example of this fact.) Thus, their lancers would most likely be used for making any victory decisive by pursuing the routing enemies. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the Parthians ever bothered to in most cases dismount to fight a pitched battle.
  17. Well, unlike common thought, there are many mountains which have rounded and flat peaks.
  18. If I may say myself, the flamethrower for the Spartans seems a little too much. The reason that the Spartans are currently lacking in siege is because they were never very good at it to begin with. (Take the siege of Plataea for an example.)
  19. I am really glad to see that the blacksmith structure is being added. Perhaps particular units could not be trained without one and could not reach the elite rank without one.
  20. Sorry to stray off topic, but perhaps this should be put in a different sub-forum like off-topic discussions. It isn't really a whole lot about in game material and would be more appropriate I think.
  21. I agree with alpha. The thing which seriously set the Jews appart was their religious beliefs. To take that away is a serious insult to the culture as a whole. The people who were regarded as great (Joshua, Judas Maccabeus, David, etc,...) for the most part were also quite strong in the Jewish faith. Maybe there could be a technology for pagan beliefs though.
  22. Here is an article on Spartan houses. Spartan houses were known to be particularly simple because of two laws of Lycurgus. The first house law enforced that the roofs only be crafted with an axe, and the second law made doors only constructed with tools as advanced as saws. (Plutarch 13) These generally made Spartans more likely to furnish their homes with plain furniture to match their homes. @book{plutarch greek lives, author={Plutarch}, editor={Robin Waterfield} sortname={Plutarch}, title={Lycurgus}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, year={2008} location={New York}, edition={2.} } I appreciate all relevant criticism which can be given. I have made the article a great deal shorter than the biography due to the general request.
  23. Actually, the Israelites did construct temples. For reference, read 1 Samuel's first chapters. The tabernacle can be a sort of wonder built in the village phase which is mobile and can later be upgraded to Solomon's temple.
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