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  1. Indeed, I once had the notion of a <MaxAttackers> element in the templates. Maybe... <MaxAttackers> <Melee>8</Melee> <Ranged>10</Ranged> </MaxAttackers> So that if more than 10 ranged units target this unit the excess will seek out a different target. Similar to how resources have max gatherers.
    3 points
  2. Pushed some updates, you now have the glicko rating on the player profile. Also added the game rating info I have to that graph. I didn't exclude 1v1 from local ratings as for now those are two different things. People with the contributor badge can upload replays. I haven't set up the scrapper yet, not sure if there I should create a specific thread for it and whether it's a good idea.
    3 points
  3. 1st century AD, by Flavius Joseph: http://lukeuedasarson.com/Lanciarii.html
    2 points
  4. Evocatus is a good idea. To replace the velite, you could use the antisignanus.
    2 points
  5. Hello and thanks for your development effort, In the past I have been strugling with heightmap import when mapmaking following palaxin's heightmap guide and written some posts in the forum regarding this: discussion on heightmap sources and technical data Novel method on preparing a heightmap from topographic and bathymetric images using ImageJ. The persisting problem I have experienced when importing a heighmap is that the image imported appear to be limited to 8-bit grayscale (or 24 bit RGB, but grayscale, which in practice is the same) whereas 0ad an its map editor allows 16-bit different heights. This fact is stated in the response of another post showing an import error. So, if the editor allows 16-bit height, why not allowing 16-bit grayscale images? I am convinced that mapmakers do not usually have enough technical background to deal with this and the suggestion of modifying the PMP map file by hand in a HEX editor is discouraging. So as I see it there would be two possible ways of improving the heightmap impor: Modify the code that import the image file allowing other options that can contains 16-bit images (such as TIFF or RAW) in order to edit the map in 16-bit already in your favourite editor. Write a plugin for your preferred image editor so that PMP files can be saved directly from image data and publish it. Open source community usually prefer GIMP, I use ImageJ, but any (free) image editor shall be picked. As I am not a programmer I cannot afford doing this by myself, however I encourage the development team to make a small effort in order to encourage mapmaking enthusiasts. Greetings.
    1 point
  6. Found the guilty line https://github.com/StanleySweet/replay-pallas-api/commit/e085022fc93e7a6578a82d18c7a3df21970a2d5e Explains the weird link between deviation and rating. I hope my friend's @Stockfish's mouse is okay, they are clicking at least twice as much as any one @borg- has a terrible rating because he lost the three matches on the site (His rating is 900? the '?' being for provisional)
    1 point
  7. I would recommend reserving judgment for a little bit and to cast your vote in a week. Right now, I would be one yes and one no for the two big changes (melee/buildingAI) but I could see both, either, or neither of my opinions changing so I haven’t voted yet. No matter what, I think this round of testing is a massive success for the community mod concept. We implemented two radical changes and we are getting real play testing to confirm, modify, or reject the proposed changes. It’s the first time it’ll be an actual experimental mod and not just an avenue for quicker updates.
    1 point
  8. I love the respect for historic accuracy, and even more so -- curiosity, demonstrated throughout these forums.
    1 point
  9. The antesignarii or antesignarius were each one of the soldiers in charge of defending the flags in the Roman armies, for which they were grouped around them. In Caesar's time this name was given to the chosen soldiers who did not carry the heavy equipment of the legionaries and were armed with light weapons, serving as guides and fighting at the front and on the flanks of the cohorts outside the classical order of the time. They were the instructors of the cohorts. https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antesignano (Spanish) Europa Barbarorum https://europabarbarorum.fandom.com/wiki/Antesignani_(Post_Marian_Elite_Legionary_Light_Infantry) Armed with spears, several light javelins, and a gladius they are more lightly armoured with a simple bronze breastplate instead of lorica hamata, a new Coolus bronze helmet, and carry smaller oval shields instead the heavy scuta to increase their agility. On march, the duties of the Antesignani are to cover the columns as well as to scout and secure the area in front of the army. In a battle they can be used to screen the legions advance, to counter enemy skirmishers, or to support the cavalry if no specialised auxiliaries are available. Historically, the organization of the legion began to change at the end of the 2nd century BC and in the early 1st century BC all but the heavy infantry had disappeared. The Hastati, Principes and Triarii were now all equipped in the same manner and only their names remained. Three of their maniples, each increased in size to 160 men, now formed one cohort, the new main tactical unit of the Roman infantry, besides the now 80 men strong centuria. These changes offered much more tactical flexibility to the legion. Instead of being limited to a three line battle formation, the soldiers could be positioned as easily in one, two or even more lines. A cohort was big enough to operate separated from the main army, to perform smaller tasks independently. After the social war the former socii received Roman citizenship and were now recruited into the legions. However, the disappearance of the Velites and Pedites Extraordinarii reduced the legion's abilities and made it dependent upon external light infantry support. In the 1st century BC it became common to train some elite legionnaires as Antesignani to fill this gap. The problem of the late republic was to find enough men who fulfilled the property requirements to serve as heavy infantry in the many and continuous wars the masters of the Mediterranean world now had to fight. This was one of the main reasons that reforms in the army had become inevitable. Earlier attempts to increase the number of suitable small farmers through land reforms by the Gracchi were blocked by senate, as many senators owned great latifundia now sprawling all over Italy. So all property requirements were abolished and volunteers from all social classes were welcomed as well as the conscripts, while the state or their generals paid for their equipment. The senate had refused to bear the incalculable able costs for the veterans so that the generals had to take care of them. The loyalty of these men shifted more and more to charismatic leaders that they were now depending on, preparing the ground for many bloody civil wars of the 1st century BC. https://kingsandconquerors.fandom.com/wiki/Antesignani Historically, by the early 1st century BC the Roman army had no infantry outside the heavy infantry formation. The velites had disappeared after the Marian reforms and the pedites extraordinarii had received Roman citizenship and became regular infantry after the Social War. As a result some of the legionaries were trained to fill this gap and fight as antesignani.
    1 point
  10. Don't edit the map yet. I have an idea for how to find out which entities are triggering the problem. I'll let you know what I find out soon, probably tomorrow.
    1 point
  11. Yes. The units should have a whole level of practice and development a tactical techniques in a form of technology. Sometimes we forget technology with respect to military doctrine.
    1 point
  12. These people have everything to succeed and yet they still fail to pull this game off, it seems to be a soulless generic game with good ideas and concepts.
    1 point
  13. It probably was made by ChatGPT. Also, kozarets modified the quoted text and added an advertisement and link to a third party commercial website. I've banned kozarets as a spammer.
    1 point
  14. IIRC @vladislavbelov worked on it some time ago.
    1 point
  15. Yes, I know. But having one Civ getting the tech to incorporate conquered enemies (and consequently being able to recruite enemy units type in the conquered barracks/stables/ambassies/whatever) would be interesting imho.
    1 point
  16. Shouldn't one Civ get the ability to recruit enemy units once they conquer their town center ? Wasn't it more or less what Alexander did during his conquest ?
    1 point
  17. and cool unique units like the fanatics, trumpeters, fire cav.
    1 point
  18. I think the easiest thing to do would be to make formations unlockable with a special tech. For example, if you had a Hellenistic Reforms tech for the Spartans, it could simultaneously unlock Spartan pike units and unlock the Syntagma formation. This is the strongest problem with "formation bonuses" because the game still doesn't have hard formations (yet?). As you indicate, once the formation stops moving the soldiers go off and do their own thing. They are technically still in the same formation, but they path apart. The best way to simulate a formation bonus is to look at what Delenda Est does for Hoplites and Pikemen. It gives a small aura to these units which effects units around them: { "type": "range", "radius": 2.5, "affects": ["Hoplite"], "affectedPlayers": ["Player", "Ally"], "modifications": [ {"value": "Resistance/Entity/Damage/Hack", "add": 2}, {"value": "Resistance/Entity/Damage/Pierce", "add": 2}, {"value": "Resistance/Entity/Damage/Crush", "add": 2} ], "auraName": "Shield Wall", "auraDescription": "Hoplite-style infantry give other Hoplite-style infantry +2 hack, +2 pierce, and +2 crush resistance within range of each other. This does not stack or multiply.", "overlayIcon": "art/textures/ui/session/auras/standground.png", "stackable": false } { "type": "range", "radius": 3, "affects": ["Infantry Pike"], "affectedPlayers": ["Player", "Ally"], "modifications": [ {"value": "Attack/Melee/Damage/Hack", "multiply": 1.05}, {"value": "Resistance/Entity/Damage/Hack", "add": 1}, {"value": "Resistance/Entity/Damage/Pierce", "add": 1}, {"value": "Resistance/Entity/Damage/Crush", "add": 1} ], "auraName": "Massed Pikes", "auraDescription": "Player and allied Pike Infantry boost each others' attack by +5% within 3 meters. This effect 'stacks', so that the more Pike Infantry fighting together en mass, the more effective this becomes (+10%, +15%, +20% etc.). Resistance also increased +1 for all types.", "overlayIcon": "art/textures/ui/session/auras/attack_bonus.png", "stackable": true } Because the range of these auras is so small, it usually requires the Phalanx or Syntagma formations respectively in order for the auras to apply.
    1 point
  19. All civs: "Siege Rations": A late-game City Phase boost to unit health. All units +10% health. Cost: 2000 food. Building: Farmstead.
    1 point
  20. "Iron Smelting": Large mounds of iron slag were found at Kushite settlement sites, indicating an advance iron working industry. Allies +10% metal gathering rate.
    1 point
  21. Haha, the math must not have been mathing that day. But yeah, the idea was to add a multiplier for kills in early games based on global population. if the current game pop is 100 and the game population cap is 800, then that military score receives a 8x boost. This way it affects everybody equally. Now, that seemed overkill, so there had to be additional parameters to get a more reasonable multiplier. Then you can make further changes to more heavily affect the low pop scenarios, with higher pop scenarios approaching a multiplier of 1. Basically, the statistic becomes more complicated than the value it is supposed to represent, so plenty of people agreed that its better to just keep simple statistics.
    1 point
  22. Lanciarius is first attested in 1st century BC iirc
    0 points
  23. I didn't know that WOW had already added campaigns to his mod game.
    0 points
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