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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-01-30 in all areas

  1. Hello and congratulations. After i played the Hellenes (Hellines) i noticed that some buildings and units are not named correctly. For example: Oikon should be Oikos Sitobolion should be Sitovoleion Strategion should be Stratigeion Limenos should be Limenas or Limin Pule should be Puli or Thura and for some units is not clear whether you want to use modern Greek or ancient Greek like for example: Plio which is modern greek word for ship so it should change to the ancient greek word naus. The same goes for the unit Emporiko plio Also Trieres should be Triiris Some other units here and there are also a bit confusing like the Spartiate which should be either Spartan in English or Spartiatis in Greek. Anyway, great game and hope you keep your efforts up. Great graphics especially the sea reflections and all...and great music very atmospheric great great
    1 point
  2. I spent last 2 of my evening on the implementing of the addition light system in the pyrogenesis to find implementing bottlenecks for new objects. And I found some places, but that's not the topic. How additional lighting system looks: Fully dynamic lighting. And all light sources can be attached as props (i.e. to bones): "May the Light be with you..." But what restrictions do we have? We have 2 main: The lights can't throw shadows, because performance (we can implement it, but only few powerful videocards can handle it). There can't be many light sources in one place (at least for low videocards and since we don't support deferred rendering). Because shaders have own restrictions, particularly uniform sizes. But probably it's not the real problem. So I have a question: do we need additional light sources in near releases? Would it be real useful? P.S. I found strange normal values for some model, it should be investigated (probably the shader problem).
    1 point
  3. Ne, damit ist gemeint ob die KI ein Bonus/Handicap beim Sammeln hat.
    1 point
  4. Oh, right. The reason why i don't like EU overregulation. On the long term, it empowers BigTech - who can afford pursuing legalese stuff -, and weakens indie software devs. Well played. /close
    1 point
  5. It was another room You can't really make a GDPR request with discord so that's annoying. And some people don't want anything to do with it. Which is understandable Syncing with forums account would be tough. It requires data processing which means writing more legalese. Also the game already uses XMPP another open source protocol.
    1 point
  6. This would be awesome. Not sure how the placement works, but at the very least, I could order the upgrades to be in the same order as the units.
    1 point
  7. Name is already fixed for A27
    1 point
  8. This is true, but it would be nice if walls could be more useful for quick defenses, rather than exclusively for turtling (i guess palisades are used just to limit the movement of cavalry around one's base, but this is done long in advance). I think build times should be reduced for both palisades and walls. For instance, you have just scouted a large group of infantry moving to your town from rather far away. In this case, one should be able to at least put up some palisades in anticipation.
    1 point
  9. IMO a defensive AI should realy build walls if the terrain allows it. If no top player's do build walls, walls should be made stronger (or siege and ellephants weaker). Walls are a part of the game.
    1 point
  10. HAHAH lord of the rings easter egg?????? 1:15
    1 point
  11. longer pikes (256x256) and (128x128) honestly 128 looks no worse to me: what do u think? Unfortunately, merging each pike onto the next blurred out some of them. However, it adds kind of a nice depth of field. I do like though that it shows the use of pikes (in a group).
    1 point
  12. @MontezumaRevenge I agree that there is confusion with translations and transliteration in the game. Greek names are written in Latin (although there is Cyrillic) and then they are translated again into Russian Cyrillic Every language has an official set of rules. Prooflinks are needed in order to indicate the rule by which we are guided directly in the code. I looked at the big biological Soviet encyclopedia of 1986 - the words in Latin are really not transliterated. But for each plant there is a Russian-language name I think it is up to the translator of each particular language to decide whether to copy the name of the Latin, transliterate or translate into the local scientific name.
    1 point
  13. But this is incorrect practice... No one scientific encyclopedia was split latin names into phonetic... Because that is the sense of latin name... You can phoneticaly translate Roman units and buildings because every nation at 0 A.D. have their own language but you should not corrupt biological terms. Turn biological latin names into chinese "phonetic" - it's comlete profanation! Паво кристатус - should be Pavo cristatus. Because player allready know that is a peacok when he read (Павлин).
    1 point
  14. man lol it would have given me concept or idea of what force the juden were like. Its an interesting mod, kind of wanna see one related to islam and one related to christianity as well tbh.
    1 point
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