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  1. I had a sneaking suspicion that the theater in the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia was Roman made aaaand i was right, the theater was built in the 3rd century AD. Thing is, its already almost done. should have figured sooner, classical Greeks are not one to build with arches and vaults whups
    2 points
  2. The Kingdom of Kush: A (very) Short History A very compact, crash-course in Kushite History I still have so much to do, but still managed to get bored, and made a very short, simple storyboard on post-Egyptian Kush (using Storyboard That). Just for fun. Basically Kush for dummies. A useful intro for school-kids and people looking for a bite-sized 5min introduction on this history. Individual scenes:
    2 points
  3. Mi abuela tiene uno de mascota
    2 points
  4. i think it looks pretty neat all things considered
    1 point
  5. the site itself is archaic spartan, very old. and i reaallly dont want to make another theater making a polygonal-lean greek theater is like building a football* stadium out of legos *not soccer
    1 point
  6. Should be good for Romans. Might be close enough to squeeze in part one or might have to wait for Imperial Romans in part two. Or perhaps it's close enough to modify for the Greeks?
    1 point
  7. I am really occupied at the moment. All of my pending works will be continued once I am free of my personal responsibilities. Please bear with me.
    1 point
  8. @elexisNo, I just issued the error that I encountered, but this error has been solved. Thank you very much for your method.
    1 point
  9. On windows? Starting a new match instead of loading a savegame? wtf. @Imarok can you try wheather you get an errorspam when starting a match on svn next time you're on windows?? @gameboy is that also the exact same error you posted above? Because there are other known errors in svn
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I have a bit of a love/ hate relationship with formations in American Conquest (I would assume the same for Cossacks but ive never played cossacks) The only real difference between formations and loose troops is that there's a defense, melee and morale bonus for troops in moving formation and a higher one for troops standing their ground they're initiated by 'officer' units which are exceptional fighters but horrendously cost-inefficient to fight with. Initiating formations pulls like troops from their immediate surroundings along with a drummer and standard bearer. Formations can be 'healed' by way of a +button pulling more like troops into the lines. my only gripe with the cossacks/ac system is the micro involved to initiate the thing, its worse with the thousands of troops those games handle, so it might just be perfect here
    1 point
  12. The faction are nomads but should they have at least one type of siege weapon: Ram, but not a complex desing of the 6 or 4 wheels ram something like just 2 mens holding a piece of trunk for breaking walls doors.
    1 point
  13. Any suggestions on how to implement the following ideas? 40. If you use an ally's dropsite, you tribute 10% of the resources (and obtain the remaing 90%), and if an ally uses yours, you receive 10% of the resources. 41. Domestic animals trained at the corral (goat, sheep, pig) start at e.g. 40% of maximum food capacity and slowly fatten over time.
    1 point
  14. 37. It was simplified some months ago. Currently the diminishingreturn is the factor applyed to each added gatherer on that resource (intended to be <1 but >1 works too). So if you have a DR of 0.5. The first gatherer gather at full rater, the 2nd at 0.5 rate, the 3rd one at 0.25 rate, ...
    1 point
  15. Just a heads up to clarify: resource upgrade and rank promotion are two distinct options, and you can choose either of them. You don't need to use “upgrade” if you only want “promotion”. Promotion is quite simple The template or one of its parents (typically the general template) needs to have the experience specified, e.g.: <Promotion> <RequiredXp>100</RequiredXp> </Promotion> The promoteable unit needs to have specified into which unit it will promote, e.g.: <Promotion> <Entity>units/athen_support_healer_e</Entity> </Promotion> And (only if its parent can promote) the final promotion stage needs: <Promotion disable=""/> The unit stats are identical to the parent (the entity in line 2), unless otherwise specified. The parent can be any template, not necessarily the previous promotion stage (it's perfectly possible to promote soldiers into towers; the other way around is more complicated). Keep in mind that if you promote a female into a healer, the female will cease to be a female, and starts being a healer. If, however, you would want a female-healer combination, you'll have to create or edit a new template (e.g. add build and resource gatherer options and classes to a healer or healing options to a female). PS It's also possible to automatically promote units by researching a specific technology, e.g.: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/technologies/successors/upgrade_mace_silvershields.json
    1 point
  16. There are actually two kinds of upgrades: Upgrading by investing resources, e.g. long wall to gate: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_long.xml Free and automatic promotion by acquiring experience, e.g. advanced Athenian javelin cavalry to elite: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/units/athen_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml Now, if you want to use the former, you'll have to edit /simulation/templates/template_unit_support_female_citizen.xml only, and if you want the latter, the same file and all /simulation/templates/units/*_female_citizen.xml files. You also might want to have a look at (the first page of) https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/21083-how-to-start-modifying/&page=1
    1 point
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