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  1. To sum up resources that aren't "gathered" and can be used are: Starting resources Treasures Barter Trade Tributes Loot (Base unit loot + their carrying resources) Tickles (From civ Bonus like Ptolemies, or buildings like wonder, Persians palace, ice-house... relics, in a27 more units produce tickles...) Cheat codes (Rarely enabled when playing MP) I think it's a exhaustive list.
    4 points
  2. Nah it's only extracted manually. Same for the website. The numbers I gave elsewhere are still accurate. About 1500 players play the game every day. Some still play A23 Maybe @vladislavbelov will have time to update the site after the release.
    3 points
  3. There would still be narrative campaigns, such as your tutorial campaign, but a practice campaign would take you through a series of challenges to rank up your skills.
    2 points
  4. One source of resources I forgot is loot. Killed units give a bit of loot anyway, but if for example you send all your stone gatherers to fight and don't let them drop off what they carry that stone will go to your enemy.
    2 points
  5. It is similar to the campaign narrative mode but without a marked narrative and the faction can be selected. I don't know if we should give it a name to distinguish it. There is a similar mode in Starcraft 2 as well as in AoE II that serves to improve your game. "Tactical Command is a basic challenge in StarCraft II." "The challenge has its focus on teaching the player what terran units to use to counter zerg units." And it has reward points. https://starcraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tactical_Command In AoE II. "The Art of War is a campaign in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition. It is a series of short scenarios that serve as challenges to test the player's skills in using more advanced strategies such as booming, rushing, and turtling, while also expanding on game mechanics such as unit counters and battle formations." Scenarios In each scenario, the player will obtain a medal (gold, silver, or bronze) depending on how fast they could complete the scenario (or based on the number of units they lose, in the case of the Land Battle, Naval Battle, and Battle Formations scenarios). https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/The_Art_of_War_(Age_of_Empires_II) They are basically short scenarios with simple objectives and rewarded for competence in the use of resources and time.
    1 point
  6. Ideas and concepts in this section may be provided by our(best/pro) players. You will use the basic structure of the campaign, which will be objectives, some introductions, instructions and achievements. Just like the campaign, the player will set the difficulty and handicap settings. The method of unlocking scenarios will be followed. I would like players to be able to share their achievements on some external data (optional).
    1 point
  7. Good idea to turn this into an official Challenge map. Perhaps there can be "rounds" in this one. Round 1, 50 pop in 10 minutes (the exact numbers can be determined by better players). Pass that, go to round 2, etc.
    1 point
  8. In my opinion, it's okay to pare back the basic gameplay to the more "standard" RTS style, but I would design each civ to have at least 1 major difference or special feature from the standard. It's a fantasy game, so you have a little more leeway on experimenting with the design and players will expect a little more variation because of that.
    1 point
  9. That would be ideal, I recall hearing about that. Thankfully we haven't made any moves towards porting to XXVI yet so I think waiting until 27 drops is a good idea
    1 point
  10. Alpha 27 is coming out soon. Maybe see if you can port it to that?
    1 point
  11. Hey folks, it has been a while since I've been back on these forums but I wanted to say hello! I hope there are still some of you that like this mod because there is a team of us who want to pick up where project left off. The original creator, Undying Nephalim, has put aside the mod to pursue other projects but some of us that helped him before and over the years are trying to bring it back in a revamp we call, Hyrule Conquest: Reborn. If there is any interest on the forums or anyone that is more familiar with the 0AD system and modding that would be interested in helping out, please contact me. Some of our objectives & goals with Hyrule Conquest: Reborn are: Return to the games roots with a more Age of Empires and traditional RTS playstyle. Harken back to some of the original faction designs Balance, fine tune, and rework mechanics and factions from the version of the game we are using. Potentially reverse engineer some of the newer factions to make them fit the older game design (Sheikah, Zola, etc) Create more maps for single and multiplayer skirmishes based off of areas of the Hyrule Conquest world Eventually have a functioning, written and proper story campaign. Again, if you are interested in helping, please let us know! We will post updates in the future Currently we have a working version of the submod but it only works on 0AD version XXV, hopefully we can port it over to XXVI in the future!
    1 point
  12. It is not entirely true. They are using a pseudo-historical narrative based on Sun Tzu. The difference is using a proper historically based scenario or having a scenario more explicitly being a tutorial.
    1 point
  13. corrals are slower than farms to set up
    1 point
  14. It is another single player game mode, without narrative. It's called Art of War in AoEII. Very similar to a campaign.
    1 point
  15. Yeah. Just like a short mission with each civ to get players used to mechanics. You really wouldn't be able to do justice to a lot of the cool stories with just a single mission, so just give an overview of the history. Just to reiterate, this is a different project idea not the same as the idea before.
    1 point
  16. Thank you everyone, I'll try to notice if those explanations seems realistic
    1 point
  17. Dbus should generate that id by itself if needed, sounds like the dbus session wasn't launched properly.
    1 point
  18. FOUND THE SOLUTION! For future reference, when you get a D-BUS error, simply run this command It worked for me and I can now play the game again Starting the game from terminal is what led me to find the solution. Big thanks to you Hyperion!
    1 point
  19. Try launching 0ad from terminal so you get to see the error output if any. Alternatively you can browse your logs in ~/.config/0ad/logs/ If you need help with interpreting the error post it here.
    1 point
  20. Sharing some more progress on the map... I'd estimate I'm about halfway there.
    1 point
  21. I won't go into detail regarding the issue with Geriatrix, but rest assured that I have a quite different view on the situation than he has. Rules are enforced equally, so if you believe somebody is breaking the terms of use and isn't held accountable for that, please report it. Moderators don't see everything, so we rely on reports by players as well.
    1 point
  22. Officially I mean. There are a lot of things those mods offer that I want to see in the game.
    1 point
  23. I also think that the default attack mode when creating units should be that or that it can be changed in the game settings. @carlosnewmusic @Lion.Kanzen This option EXIST you can do it with autociv. https://github.com/nanihadesuka/autociv/tree/master_alpha_26 Edit : I've just realized I already posted this exact same reply already lol
    1 point
  24. I've been waiting for that for quite some time.
    1 point
  25. errr, uhm, ooh, sorry, I'm new here and I don't know the etiquette. Are there development pics for the current Kushite units? Would the Kushite units from Old World be useful?
    1 point
  26. Hi, I have no account left, all forbidden to connect to lobby, Geriatrix included, so the full ban is effective and then I retire from now by force. Before leaving, a big thank to the German Squad and to my main 1v1 opponents (by number of games) : berhudar, @borg-, @vinme, @JC (naval supremacist), @Marcus Aurelius, @chrstgtr et al. (very sorry not to list everybody with who I have enjoyed playing this game for so many years to this cut - that would overflow the forum) Enjoy 0AD and good luck for the next release. Thank you @Stan` et al! Geriatrix PS a27 looks very promising from what I locally tested.
    0 points
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