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  1. The reactions here are the only ones im aware of. As for it not showing up i'm not sure off the top of my head without looking into it.
    1 point
  2. Athenian Overview: https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/72 Everyone look it over and if you have problems/suggestions/additions let me know.
    1 point
  3. I don't. Even with material evidence of a theatre, there is no evidence to my knowledge of Spartan playwrights. This could very well be due to few documents surviving from that time, but by and large it seems that most Greek playwrights were either Athenian or Sicilian. I think that parts of Sparta's nonmaterial culture can be celebrated in other ways. Sparta for instance had poets like Tyrtaeus and Alcman. I am more than willing to suggest having a Spartan theatre model for editor use.
    1 point
  4. About the Spartan heroes... It has been suggested that we could allow for a larger roster of heroes for each of the civs, but still only allow 3 trained in any given match. Something I like for EA (DE is a different animal). This would allow, e.g., Sparta to have 5 heroes (Leonidas, Brasidas, Lysander, Agesilaus II, and Cleomenes III) available, but the player must choose which 3 they'd like to train in that match. Next match, they might train 3 different heroes, depending on what strategy they're trying to pull off.
    1 point
  5. Dude, determination of yours is admirable, thank you so much. After my midterms pass I will give a try to all things you mentioned. Once again thank you
    1 point
  6. I can help with UnitAI. could never make working animations though.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Sorry nobody filled you in @Vantha these units belong to the spartan civ in the working version of a27. The civ was reworked to be more differentiated and interesting. These "olympic champion" units are stronger than regular hoplites. The current champion hoplites are actually available in p1 and promote to the discussed olympic champion.
    1 point
  9. Allow me to make a comment on Spartan heroes: Leonidas and Brasidas fit well. I have no idea why Agis is there. I propose to replace Agis with: Lysander: known for ending the Peloponnesian War with surpise naval attacks, with bonuses for navy (an option for Spartans to have a decent navy, they are Greek after all) And/or, Cleomenes III: known for reforming the society to increase the number of Spartiatai and to introduce the sarissa, allowing Spartans to train pikemen Big nod to DE @wowgetoffyourcellphone
    1 point
  10. 0 A.D. - Simple build order and strategy for beginners to win 1400 rating players 5 steps to win most of online games on lower/mid level. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y4e4L_yEH0 )
    1 point
  11. Sorry - stupid me - should have read more carefully - you were actually after screenshots of units. These can be found possibly within the various civilization discussions like https://wildfiregames.com/forum/forum/409-art-development/ https://wildfiregames.com/forum/forum/432-official-tasks/ etc. Many can be found in civilzation descriptions that @wowgetoffyourcellphone beautifully created (search for "Civ:") or as a design task (search for "===[TASK]==="). Here are some examples.
    1 point
  12. Giving shields to the Samurai cavalry is a bit ugly
    1 point
  13. @tantanmen Hello and welcome to the forum! There is indeed a thread in this forum that attempts collecting screenshots: You can find it here: Best regards and have fun with OaD! Grautvornix
    1 point
  14. I create a new map of North and Central America, I tested it on my own and now I would like to share it and use in multiplayer, but I don't know how to do it, because it's my first time. Can somebody help me? I attach a screenshot of the new map, I hope that you like it.
    1 point
  15. Hi and welcome to the forum! We had our stand before, just haven't submitted our application this year. We had no problem to get a stand in previous years (according to Stan we had no rejections at all). We haven't considered to have a stand yet. Personally I plan to give a lightning talk (like I did in 2019-2021) and I'd like to have a stand. But I need to have my visa approved first.
    1 point
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