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  1. Close game but i finally win Dakara vs Edwarf.zip
    2 points
  2. This gonna be a long topic, because i have implemented a lot of ideas. And it was not so straight forward, as i assumed a few month ago. So what's the hassle... I always have been jealous of the Starcraft-maps, with their levels and ramps, which are always good chokepoints. Therefore, my maps should not just have elevation, they should have elevations that funnel movements and can become part of an environmental strategy. But unlike the Starcraft-maps, i wanted it to be as random as it could get, with the option for more than just two players, and for different map-sizes. Just for the anticipation, my idea is not one map-design for all, i still have to adapt to the different sizes. If someone chooses to have three or more players on a tiny map, i have to scrap all elevations to make this work. Next indispensable requirement, all players must have in their immediate surrounding the same conditions. That implies, random is only for the areas, that have a certain distance from the bases of the player. The bases themselves have only things randomized, that would not put someone in a big advantage. So that are the basic ideas... Every player gets a slice of the map, like in a pie-chart. On this slice there is a coordination system, that starts from the edge of the slice in the center. So (0,0) is some point outside the playable area, and with ascending ''y'' you get closer to the center. With (0,2) you are sligthly on the edge of the playable area. The ''x'' value can be negative or positive. At certain coordinates, there are random hills. Random means, they are shifted to a certain distance around the exact coordinates. The coordinates for the hills are all the same for all players, but the random shifting varies. This pictures shows a medium map for three players, the pyramids indicate the places for centerpoints for elevations/plateaus. The green encircled pyramids are the (0,2) coordinate for every player. By the way, the coordinate-system is some mixture of cartesian and polar, but unlike polar, the angle of the coordinates are not constant, but getting smaller with the distance. I have implemented four other coordinate systems, including two hexagon-systems. The next step is to place the basics, like the city-center. I have made a somewhat simple map-description language - simple strings in an array, that influence the basic map. The following command replaces one hill with a city-center, including some citizens, some food-sources, and 4 mines. This was meant to be used in cramped maps. There are also letters for just the city center. setMap(["", "", "", "", "", "", "A"]); The result should look like that. And that does should look similar to every map size and any number of players (given, that there is enough area) The next step is make the topographics. The image below are simplefied topographics, with no random displacement. But you can see already the effect of the barriers and the ramps. Also you can see, that for all players the topography is identical.
    1 point
  3. Last two 0 A.D. presentations (In french)
    1 point
  4. alre vs PhiliptheSwaggerless CMT 2.3 alre vs PhilliptheSwaggerless.zip
    1 point
  5. This I concur on. the biggest culprits being Persia and Selucia since they can get extra health with the war horses tech. And then after that comes Rome. Perhaps a reduction in health for champion cavalry might be helpful? they already have double the health pool of a full veteran melee cavalry I don't think it would hurt to much to knock of 10%.
    1 point
  6. What about a forest brush. is realy painfull to make forest in atlas.
    1 point
  7. Indeed, Yaoi units would probably help with getting more girls to play the game...
    1 point
  8. Hello guys sorry for my late response! I've had a busy time with prom, exams and stuff ... Though I now find time to read your posts! First, thank you @andy5995 for your though work checking this map to all of its possible indelicatenesses and now even putting it into the Commutity maps mod! That's amazing! Furthermore, thank you @Frederick_1 for keeping the discussion running all the times. I like your little enhancement versions, now even making it possible to play all vs all! Maybe you wanna make another map your own? I think you have what it takes. Lastly, I wanna add I've permitted myself to make another little version, a third edit if you wanna take it that way (as it's also called that way: Aegean Archipelago Third Edit). It was just playing it in summer some times I recognized some irreguaries - now player 7 has a quarry and the players 5 - 8 have a bit more wood on their side of the mountain. Also, I granted myself permission to embellish the one or other spot on the map, like using the degenerated bridge actor. Additionally I placed some more grass actors. (I also integrated @Frederick_1's idea to make the rivers all ship passable, so thank you for your advise!) @andy5995You don't need to check everything again using this third version, the second version does also quite well. Cya! 583080004_AegeanArchipelagoThirdEdit.pmp 1138613822_AegeanArchipelagoThirdEdit.xml
    1 point
  9. Yes, sorry, that's a consequence of having borg- forfeit the tournament. If nothing changes next 2 rounds will have a different player getting a Bye as well
    1 point
  10. @user1 Myusername: Bete Offender: lzipizi123 commands.txt
    1 point
  11. amantia.zipNew Map And this more hardcore than the previous maps. I sat down this weekend and fiddled with the algorithms for ramps and rims, and made the terrain even more ragged than before. Ramps are now smaller and more reliable, though, not all ramps will be fully passable, a tradeoff to have a parametric map with a certain amount of randomness. The rims are also narrower and make the passage of large troops more challenging. You should be able to play every size of map with any amount of players. The terrain around the all bases should always have the same conditions for every player. Of course eight players on a tiny map will not be that interesting. I only played against the machine, i was able to win on a small map, but so far lost all games on a medium map. Up to now i didn't try any larger maps. amantia.zip
    1 point
  12. Good Evening @user1, Lobby username: Beaugoux Offender username: nonhype (1019) He quitted without resigning when I destroyed his army and his Civilian army. Thanks a lot! commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  13. Interesting to have a closer look at that (@wowgetoffyourcellphone already mentioned this video). The arrow method is too much hassle (GUI) and micro for my taste. Especially while in follow unit mode. But a hotkey similar to SHIFT for way points proved advantageous. Also officers should have more counter awareness. i.e. rearrange themselves if possible (because counter is what matters) Looks like they do not evacuate the wounded. Handling the wounded manually is too much micro IMO. I'd advocate for only having them hold ground or get evacuated. Not offensive actions. Also while the cavalry charge effects are better, still the speed is too high. They stand up almost immediately. In reality majority won't get up again. Not in shape. Units still do not fade out quick enough. This makes it look artificial. Either the armor is good enough or you are incapacitated. The cavalry charge interaction and the giants kicking units fly is a good start. I will have a look into this. Battles are holding us all back. Currently these really bore and turn off strategists and fighters alike. Edit: We need more friction. More counter decisiveness. Easier take out of units. Less micro. In my renewed fork I port some code back and will try to pronounce this kind of hybrid AI (0AD also has a hybrid AI but its usefulness is slightly underestimated). More like Settlers 3. Set up the industry. Get it going. Then forget mostly about it. You should set the guidelines. The overarching commander. Fight dynamics inspired by Middleearth would be great. But we can do even better. Less hectic (by divide and conquer). More strategy. BTW you know we now have Open Source Settlers 3? It's amazing! Yes, the fighting in this series isn't realistic nor great experience. 0AD is better in multiple aspects (not fighting - rather overall), but it's still nice and inspiring Settlers lack formations (besides kinda "forced march") and scale isn't ideal. 0AD could be "THE STRATEGY" adventure itself. Recent history events have encouraged 0BC's return to 0AD engine also. Everyone needs to try something to show warfare should stay virtual. We don't abandon other engine. It's simply amazing graphics and RPG component like Neverwinter Nights but some essential parts are not ready yet. Porting back and forth is less work than expected.
    1 point
  14. @user1 My lobby username: BeTe Offender: MarcArthur commands.txt
    1 point
  15. Just wanted to pop in here to say that Frank Zappa was great.
    1 point
  16. Finished another map. These maps are just a little bit random. Much of the structure around the base will always look the same. Just the trees and textures will always be random. For the structures more remote from the base the degree of randomness increases. Maps will look different with different maps-sizes and numbers of players. The idea is to have a map like those in starcraft, with a conversant terrain. But for all kind of sizes and numbers of players. Like always, the map has a lot of ramps. So can make very good use of chokepoints. The small map for two players is really fun. moravia.zipmoravia.zip moravia.zip
    1 point
  17. Himiko (卑弥呼, c. 170–248 AD), also known as Shingi Waō (親魏倭王, "Ruler of Wa, Friend of Wei"),[1][a] was a shamaness-queen of Yamatai-koku in Wakoku (倭国). Early Chinese dynastic histories chronicle tributary relations between Queen Himiko and the Cao Wei Kingdom (220–265) and record that the Yayoi period people chose her as ruler following decades of warfare among the kings of Wa. Early Japanese histories do not mention Himiko, but historians associate her with legendary figures such as Empress Consort Jingū, who was regent (c. 200–269) in roughly the same era as Himiko.[citation needed] Scholarly debates over the identity of Himiko and the location of her domain, Yamatai, have raged since the late Edo period, with opinions divided between northern Kyūshū or traditional Yamato Province in present-day Kinki. The "Yamatai controversy", writes Keiji Imamura, is "the greatest debate over the ancient history of Japan."[4] A prevailing view among scholars is that she may be buried at Hashihaka Kofun in Nara Prefecture. The first historical records of Himiko are found in the Records of the Three Kingdoms This early history describes how Himiko came to the throne: I imagined it, it didn't look like a sword to me.
    1 point
  18. nice map, I would call it the prison. They look like cells, or the dungeon.
    1 point
  19. You mean "remove some ramps", so that archers and towers can punish melee troups without retaliation ? This is possible, you can create cells without ramps and connect them to cells with ramps, this makes long cliffs, with few accesses. But in the random-mode make these cliffs rather short, the map mostly are not big enough for long cliffs, especially with more than two players. Does it make a difference, if you shoot an arrow down or up ? For defense tower there does not seem to be an altitude-bonus. This picture below visualizes a little bit, how these maps are set up. The green areas are the cliffs, that should restrict the movements. The red stripes are passages over these cliffs. The passages look plentiful, but i assume, you have only 15-20% of passable way compared to a open terrain, and that makes already an huge difference. At the moment i really try to make the topography as ragged as possible. I hope i get a good first try published this week. For the maps you can chose different biomes, but you can also set up different outlays for the bases. Does this count as a different map ? Here some actual Screenshots. Already with the more ragged terrain. These narrow passages have some resemblance of "the brave 300".
    1 point
  20. The next step is to redesign the areas around the base. The topographic cells are to compressed, i want more space. So i put up in the map-description language an character (exclamation point), that connect cells to the cell of the base. I put this char exactly at the location of the default-hill. I could also overwrite the hill with some char and put the cell somewhere close. But there should always be some distance between the topographic features. The description of the map now looks like this: setMap(["", "", "", "", "", "", "!....A....!"]); And the result now looks like this: Again, up to now, for all players the topography is the same. Next, i want to reduce the amounts of cell before me, at the moment there are three cells, i just want two, and i want them not to be aligned to my base. For the description i added the dot to erase any topographic feature, that was set by default, and a "X" to set a new cell. The description now looks like that: setMap(["", "", "", "", "", "", "!....A....!", "", "", "", "", ".....X.....X......."] and the map looks like that: Now i make a little alteration, i will only put one hill in front of my base. The small "x" is like the big "X", but it will not get randomly displaced. setMap(["", "x", "", "", "", "", "!....A....!", "", "", "", "", "...........x......."] ); The result looks like that: Now i apply the random displacement to the cells: The cells now are lowered or raised plateaus, except the cells, that belong to the base - they are always lowered. For the accessibility there is no difference, if the plateau is raised or lowered, the ramps to the plateaus are either go up or down. Also, while the default cells are randomly displaced, the cells set by the discription-array are not. Of course you can create cells, that are displaced. But for this example i wanted to be the cells in the immediate surrounding of the base all to be fixed. The last step for now is texture and trees. And this is, what the "normal"-sized map for three players look like: Just for the observation, i have limited the trees to the proximity of the base - i have an old computer, and i utilize everything to reduce lag. But there is also a character for Cells with a forest. And this is what a map of the "medium" size looks like. Parts of the element described in the array are missing. So this map is already to small. Still you get a nice map, and still it is fair to all players.
    1 point
  21. Actually someone is looking into porting it for A27. A27 is planned for Feb 2023 and we had very little devs active so I don't know if there'll be major performance changes. https://irclogs.wildfiregames.com/%230ad-dev/2022-12-01-QuakeNet-%230ad-dev.log https://irclogs.wildfiregames.com/%230ad-dev/2022-12-01-QuakeNet-%230ad-dev.log
    0 points
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