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  1. It is, but only as part of my mmo project. So there are unrelated things. I just recovered files today so I am fixing stuff. https://github.com/SlavomirSlovenkai/MMO
    3 points
  2. Introduction Basics Beginner Advanced Expert Changelog
    1 point
  3. That could be extremely helpful! Thanks for the offer! I've written a little bit about this on Github. Here is the description for the features mod that will be used for the other mods I make: Ars Bellica (features mod) Here is a list of some regional ideas I had. Civ Ideas I will summarize some things here, especially since you offered to help with the art :-). The idea with these is that they will most likely BLOCK the other civs, and just have them play with each other, they can be more balanced this way and the game will have a more focused atmosphere and time setting. Baltic Tribes(Thracians, Dacians, Scordisci, and their fights with Romans etc) Eastern Tribes. Most likely Pre-Qin period, before the unification of China(around 250BC). Will include various tribes from around China and a few Chinese states as well. Donghu, Yuezhi, Xiongnu, Rong, Di, etc. Germania. Named after Tacitus' Germania. Various Germanic tribes. Steppe Wars. Various Steppe peoples. Lots of Horse Archers fighting against established empires. Bactria. Indo Greek and Steppe people fighting against the Indians(Shunga) Pacific Islanders. They didn't have huge empires, but they would still be fun and the scenery could look amazing. I am from New Zealand and this is partly why I want to see this :-) Also, some animations, since you said you can do 3D: Push back animations. For when a unit get's hit by a catapult :-) Surrender animations. For when a unit is captured. They should raise their hands above their head. Crouch animations, for hiding behind the battlements and peaking out to shoot their bows. Wounded animations. When a unit goes below 10% health, they start writhing on the ground in pain or get knocked out. They can't fight but they can be revived :-) Impact or dodge animations. For when a unit gets hit by a weapon, you can see it visually affect them.
    1 point
  4. Very violent, I am in favor of Polynesians having their own huts! (if you have any ideas formed for a mod, I can help you with 3D).
    1 point
  5. @Stan` might answer your request, I only write an anwser so he notices your post. Can you attach crashlogs ? See https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ReportingErrors In the mean time you could try the following:
    1 point
  6. I just tested this (the multiplier) and it works as we discussed. Thank you!
    1 point
  7. @myou5e will you please include the other factions from Terra Magna (Zapotecs, very gorgeous) and Mil AD (Norse, Anglo Saxons and Byzantine)? You can put any done Hero if they are missing though. Balancing in SP games doesn’t tbh as CS are enough to get through and beat 2 toughest AIs. Whether theses factions aren’t complete with no naval units don’t matter at all. The most important thing is you can show these well done factions. I hope at least some modders can make a mod with all these not included (in main game) factions together.
    1 point
  8. So sad. Now I understand why it hasn't been implemented. And why there is only the aura of Brennus doing this kind of effect. This is sad because it would have been much more interesting for the gameplay. I think it was one of the bonus the most favored by the others. I think +5 for each CC should be a good. This is already a good start ahead. I don't think we need to include Barracks and Fortress in the bonus. The Sheep Age reference is a bit far-fetched, so we can adapt it easily. Actually there is a technology at the coral to reduce the training time of livestock so it should be something else. Reducing of 5 food the cost of an animal? That could be a bit too big on the long term. Basically for 10 animals, it gives one free (although the training time must be taken in consideration). Since players already overexploited the livestock as a broken strategy, I am worried. Increasing collecting speed of citizens on livestock meat, +5%? They are lacking technologies and increasing speed can be quite strong economically so let's go for a special tech. I agree for both. This is fair. Too strong? Or the concept itself? As unique technologies, I think of several for the Gallic cavalry: Trimarkisia. Basically the cavalryman had servants or squires bringing him new weapons and a fresh horse in the height of the action. I suggest an increase in health and/or mobility. Horned saddles. It was something in use in the Celtic cavalry starting around the 2nd century BC and it is commonly thought the Romans adopted it. I suggest an increase in attack for melee cavalry and/or range for skirmisher cavalry. Cavalry sword (cladios or cladiomaros?). The Celts popularized the first long cavalry swords in the West (independently to the nomads), in some case the blade length goes beyond 80 cm. The cavalry sword was adopted by the Roman cavalry as well, notably with the famous metal scabbards decorated with open work plates like in Badenheim and Ljubljanica. I suggest an increase in attack dmg (slashing obviously). ------ @borg- @av93 @badosu Do you have any idea for a bonus that could replace the Vae Victis suggested previously? Something that could encourage an offensive play style. Or do you have any wish about a kind of gameplay lacking in the game actually?
    1 point
  9. Very nice about roads and city building you can use
    1 point
  10. @myou5e that looks amazing, great job getting it to run! So many cool maps and games could be made with that, not just a moba. Happy to see it's at least possible! @Angen it's not available anywhere in a git repository where it's easy to browse the code etc?
    1 point
  11. @myou5e definitely I will test it if it’s working or not as long as you introduce new mechanics. I recently been playing the game in SP but as usual it becomes a little bit annoying without more realistic game mechanics. I tried Aoe2DE for 300 hours after its release but the freakin AI enemy just stall and not doing anything even if I give them resources. The only thing that’s good is the monk who can convert units and no matter what you do the AI just stop attacking despite having so many units. Tbh both 0ad and Aoe lacks depth compared to RoN imo. Somehow AoE is only playable on windows. 0ad has so many units but I’m not a fan of too many colorful ones although they were being made historical. Lots of champion units look really good but Roman principate skirmisher and swordsmen really look cool. But mauryan and another archer from South America faction I don’t remember are both really natural looking units. The best looking looking naval map is the Cycladic Archipelago but the Enemy AI has a serious pathfinding issue. Ships gets stuck and therefore organic units get stuck. Very narrow passages between small middle islands compound the issues as either ships and trader ships are getting bogged down. DE has one pretty good random map with lakes so naval can be of use. One last 2 critic, can’t zoom out be extended more? It’s so hard to capture a shot of your whole settlement tbh. And why do skirmishers having fun like jogging? Can’t they just walk or if running is implemented then they can either jog or run? Archers behave so naturally, why not the skirmisher? Im just a gamer... Simple accomplishment on AoE 2DE 9 unhurt wolves were rounded in a small area https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1944364833
    1 point
  12. Abraha is not a Kushite but an Aksumite, and the Kushites are not predecessors of the Aksumites either. They're distinct peoples with distinct cultures, languages, religions, ethnogeneses, architecture, and history in general. They actually went to war with each other a few times and there was probably trade. Cultural exchanges did probably occur, but they're relatively superficial. Not that there's no relation at all, but nothing tangibly relevant to game-development. I'd strongly suggest to keep any Aksumite references for a possible future Aksumite faction, either in the main game if the timeline is ever expanded to c. 500 AD, or in a mod like a future version of Millennium AD. (Kingdom of Axum: c. 80 BC - 940 AD)
    1 point
  13. Hi, I'm new to the group, but I already play a game and I have some ideas ... It would be interesting a system of streets or even a brush with the texture of the street so that your city seems more real. Another idea would be the wall system similar to the game Stronghold crusader 2 where you have a great freedom to build and give a unique face to your city. Finally it would be interesting if it had a mod that would decrease people more so that the structures seem bigger and more real. Sorry if I posted this message in the wrong topic, but it was the place I found most convenient to post, I hope to return thanks = D.
    1 point
  14. Ah, you sum up the ideas very good. I agree that in everything the team will make, it's better for all to be flexible rather than hard-coded. That way, people can modify these values as they see fit, when doing their own mod or just messing around with the variables. Let me add on the mercenaries - if a map will have infinite mercenaries, then in time, there should be a sort - of either an assimilation of cultures or total rebellion/ defeat of the culture who hired the mercenaries (something akin to what happened with the Late Western Roman Empire). On overreproduction, may I suggest though that the children spawning be tied up to a certain number of houses so that if like, 20 houses are reached with 20 children, no more children is spawned. Something like that.
    1 point
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