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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2020-07-16 in all areas

  1. Hope the internet comes soon or at least someday to be able to upload. Been 2 months now whitout it and had a phone which doesn't even worked as hotspot, got a new one and been studying this week to finish the last semester test and end for this year. Hope with my mind clear from any new announcement of the university will have peace to work on at least one this.
    5 points
  2. Library Complete bibliotk.scompletemixdown.ogg
    2 points
  3. @Stan`, I've added a .editorconfig file to the Han China, which could be useful for other mods as well. A list of all the errors and warnings you encountered in 0 A.D. or Atlas. Yes, you can leave all files in your local 0ad/mods/{any mod}/ folder. I've replied over there. Only someone with push authorization (e.g. @Stan`) can merge pull requests into the master repository, though.
    2 points
  4. At least for now, the approach_grain-variant needs to be correct:
    2 points
  5. need some fix in the gain...
    1 point
  6. i have the same in mind.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. @DerekO We might want to make a video about the rules for the group stage. As far as I understand: - Each player bans a civ that's applicable to both players, maybe higher rated bans first? - Map is balanced mainland small, 300 pop and it's a best of 1 - Maybe we allow players to request rematch if biome is savanna or tropical? Request must be done 30s in the match. If both players consent they can fix biome - Maybe we should make a deadline for game to occur until next Sunday at 19:00 CET, if one player is absent on lobby at that time it's a forfeit, if both players are absent and they don't fulfill match until end of day, it's a tie (or both gain no points if possible to implement) - Matches occur twice per week, between Friday 19:00 CET until next Sunday 19:00 CET. A player might fulfill up to 4 matches on the overlapping weekends to make scheduling easier, but can't advance more than the current week. For example, week 1 started previous friday and a player didn't fulfill it yet, they may fulfill week 1 and week 2 matches on the next weekend. They can't fulfill all 3 matches on the first week. Email and PMs will make it clear which players you must play on your current week and what's the deadline to make things easier.
    1 point
  9. I've never used it before @Nescio but thanks I guess. I've replied over there. Only someone with push authorization (e.g. @Stan`) can merge pull requests into the master repository, though. Will try to look tomorrow
    1 point
  10. I believe you need to add a trigger script to do that. Maybe this would help https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/4f1363f616dbb15f617c5e97d67f3dcb388dc3e5/binaries/data/mods/public/maps/scenarios/triggers_demo.js
    1 point
  11. Camelry-Archer who have an helmet-prop attached have problems with the animation "attack_slaughter" - until now i didn't found a solution.
    1 point
  12. I've found a small issue on the pers_champion_cavalry_archer (animation_walk): And he is using an arrow on animation "attack_slaughter"
    1 point
  13. I think it's quite good, yes, though clearly not as lovingly done as AoE2: DE.
    1 point
  14. Library. bibliotk_mixdown2.ogg bibliotk_mixdown.ogg bibliotk_mixdown3.ogg
    1 point
  15. @user1 Shalom7 vs jhamlett (me). Shalom7 quit the game as soon as it became evident he would loose. commands.txt
    1 point
  16. I want to do some art things under your wise counsel and supervision. I want made a map as brief before each scenario. May be @wowgetoffyourcellphone let me work in this for him in his mod.
    1 point
  17. Roman MEDIUM round shields (Parma) Republican and Imperial
    1 point
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