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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2020-07-10 in all areas

  1. It's also not just about adding some good looking new terrain textures to vanilla, we have to get rid of the textures that are no longer acceptable. We will also have to redesign a lot of maps to use the new terrains, because a real revamp won't be a one for one replacement of the old terrains. New biomes will need to be designed and the maps adjusted to them. Lots of work. Doable in a year though and completely worth it. It'll make 0 ad look like a real AAA game.
    3 points
  2. Not actively these days. But we are still fixing some issues with it
    2 points
  3. Latest stuff for DE. Trying some "alpine"/"arctic"/"winter" textures and maps. This one I may title: Cisalpine Winter (2 players) PLEASE COMMIT THE MAP RESIZING PATCH FOR ATLAS. THANK YOU. lol That way I can start making 2, 4, and 6 player versions of skirmish maps.
    2 points
  4. Bit of bonus content today, bit of a teaser before this Sunday's new episode
    1 point
  5. I'm into more random maps. I can design the basic ideas for maps. I want our own version of hideout Other thing ...I want help to improve some tropiaql biomes to may be have tropical biom from America and Africa. Improve snows winter map, more mud maps , more eyecandy interaction more players vs enviroment. Some semi arid. And Tundra like map.
    1 point
  6. I can't write exactly in english, what i mean, so here i say this in german: Ich bewundere euch alle. Ich habe grossen Respekt vor eurem Einsatz, eurer Motivation, eurem Können. Jeder von Euch ist in meinen Augen ein grosser Künstler, jeder auf seine Art. Mir gefällt die Art eurer Kommunikation untereinander, wie Ihr miteinander umgeht. Ich finde es großartig, dass Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern sich zusammengetan haben und ein derartig fantastisches Projekt wie 0ad erschaffen haben und es der ganzen Welt zur Verfügung stellen. Erhard Lipinski aus Deutschland (bald) 62 Jahre alt alleinerziehender Vater von 2 großartigen Töchter, die mir mittlererweile 3 ebenso großartige Enkel geschenkt haben. Mit einem von ihnen (Leon) spiele ich oft 0ad, auch ihm gefällt es riesig. Ich hoffe, Ihr alle bleibt gesund. Viele Grüße
    1 point
  7. As i often say before: you are all great artists !
    1 point
  8. He is very skilled modder and artist. And is very good with gameplay ideas.
    1 point
  9. Amazing! You are really the best map/biome - creator/composer
    1 point
  10. Is the dream real? cc @leitoso
    1 point
  11. @Stan` and I have a gentleman's agreement to work together to revamp the game's terrains for Alpha 25.
    1 point
  12. @wowgetoffyourcellphone gorgeous man... We could really use that stuff in vanilla too You really have a way of bringing out the best in Pyrogenesis...
    1 point
  13. Some suggestions: Seeding: - Players need to register (or provide as nick) their 0ad names, so we are able to provide a better balance - The best x players (where x is the number of groups) will be randomly assigned to separate groups - The second best x players will be randomly assigned to separate groups - All other players will be randomly assigned to their groups By 'best' above I mean the perceived prowess of players in 1v1, unfortunately it's subjective. We could also use ratings as a more objective criteria but I think ratings do not measure that very well at the moment. Group Stage: I would expect some cheesiness going on like cav start/slinger rushes and since we can't have a balanced order for choosing civilizations with Bo1 we could have a bad scenario where an expected favorite player chooses one civilization that has a major flaw against the other player's subsequent choice, e.g. first player chooses Rome or Iberians, the second Macedonians. That said, I prefer the group stage to move fast than to have a perfect balanced matchup for now, it also adds to the entertainment factor. Expect some upsets though. This could also bring some insights for the next cup version. Map choices: I'd like to suggest for the Bo3s to have a map ban step where each player bans one map of the pool (the higher rated player banning first): - Balanced Mainland (s) - Wrench (m) - Balanced Hyrcanian Shores (m) - Slopes (s) - Cross (m) The first map to be played is the first unbanned map following the order above, so if Balanced Mainland is banned Wrench is played; if both are banned, Hyrcanian is played. The second map to be played is loser from first map choice. Third map to be played is first unbanned map in the pool that was not played yet. This adds some complexity, but I think it helps less experienced players on maps with a higher skill cap like Slopes or Cross. Final Stage: Maybe make the final stage double elimination? It seems we have a stronger roster, would be nice to provide an additional opportunity to win the tournament, especially if we have some upsets before the finals. The losers bracket might provide some good entertainment as well since at least 8 good players will be there. I don't mind the single civ ban, but I also don't like that a player can just repeat the same civilization on all matches. It would be nice to stipulate that a player can choose 3 different civs before the 1st match start and only pick from that pool. Higher rated picks first on the first match, loser picks first on the second match, third match are remaining civs.
    1 point
  14. the new terrain-textures really looks fantastic ...
    1 point
  15. I was actually thinking of posting something similar before i saw this thread (I was going to suggest a wicker shield for the basic Nabatean). They should have the cretan bull:
    1 point
  16. If the lag was fixed this game would be as good as the best RTS games out there. As it is I have to stick with smaller and more open map types, which really limits how much I play it. Is progress being made on fixing the lag? Is there anything a modded can do to affect it?
    1 point
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