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I made a patch: D2546, now you have 3 options: disabled (not working at all), optional (you need to press a hotkey to enable it), enabled (you need to press a hotkey to disable it). In the patch the optional one is default. EDIT: Also there is a suggestion to not have the "disabled" option, as a user can disable it by set the hotkey to empty.4 points
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-Buenas ,(siguiendo en medida el consejo de "Lion.kanzen"), les traigo información; Tribus Lusitanas; 1)Igeditanos 2)Lancienses 3)Opidanos 4)Taporos 5)Banienses 6)Aravos 7)Praesures 8)Interannienses 9)"Celarnos" o "Colarnos" 10)Lancienses 11)Transcudanos 12)Meidubrigenses 13)Arabrigenses 14)Pésures fuentes; https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lusitanos https://books.google.es/books?id=CVwe-2CsXGMC&pg=PA126&lpg=PA126&dq=Lancienses+Opidanos&source=bl&ots=XePgaiBBYp&sig=ACfU3U0lnN5W96V-VqM_3x4ZwtLqXO2t_Q&hl=es&sa=X&ved= (Caballería Lusitana) (MujeresLusitanas) Posibles unidades lusitanas para héroes; 1)-"Viriato", 2)-" Púnico" 3)-"Apimano" (Punicus) 4)- "Césaro"/"Caisaro" (Cæsarus) 5)-" Cauceno"/" Kaikainos"(Caucenus) 6)-"Cúrio" (Curius) 7)-"Apuleio"/"Apuleyo" (Apuleius), 8)-" Conoba" (Connoba) 9)-"Tântulo"/"Tautalus" (Tantalus). Fuentes; https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Púnico_(Lusitania) https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cauceno https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Césaro https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viriato https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guerras_lusitanas https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Táutalo (Casco Lusitano) Gurreros Lusitanos;3 points
When holding shift the placing angle should be preserved for the next building placing. For the code in question -> when the FSM state selection (input.js) is in INPUT_BULDING_DRAG and "mousebuttonup" event is fired tryPlaceBuilding should preserve the angle of the last building for the new building if var queued = Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.queue"); is true even if a snapping is happening.2 points
I've just committed the building snapping feature. I'd like to here some feedback: does it behave like you expect, would you like to change something (like adding an option to enable it by default)? To use the building snapping you need to select a building, press Ctrl and move your mouse. When a preview of the new building is near to other structures it`s trying to snap to their edges (while Ctrl is pressed). Snapping (1).mp41 point
Hi, does someone has already modeled a stargate compatible with pyrogenesis? I don't know if that's generic enough to not have issue with copyright. But in anycase, thanks by advance to the person who can provide it to the communauty.1 point
1 point
@nani, If I'm not mistaken you had a suggestion about angle after building placing. Could you describe it here? How it behaves now and what would you like to reach?1 point
Ok. But what is the reference? I saw everywhere this thing about Lusitanians, twcenter, here etc. but nobody explains what is the source. If it is one of these Augustean coins, then it is really problematic.1 point
https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/aoe4-base-build-gameplay-a-new-hope-for-the-genre-or-just-another-menace-of-too-simplified-design/667901 point
Formation members not getting rotation correctly fixed here https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP23248 (more precise version https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP23346) Formation members not getting correct animation variant when moving fixed here https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP23233 Would need that one too https://code.wildfiregames.com/D24711 point
I might have something in stock. Needs some rework for Pyrogenesis though. There will definitely be something with MGM, just like LOTR or Star Wars mods.1 point
1 point
(posdata; En " Posibles Unidades lusitanas para héroes" ,puse por separado a -"Púnico" y a -"Apimano" (Punicus) por separado , cuando ambos son el mismo nombre de un jefe Lusitano , mi error surge , porque Púnico es su nombre latino y Ampimano es su posible nombre en su lengua materna ( el Lusitano). Disculpen las molestias.1 point
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There is an on going issue, yes. The same thing is being cleared for the Celts and it is also intertwined with this topic. One proposal was to have a dominant culture represent the whole faction and have, regional themed barracks, the same way the Kushites have villages, the Successors with their mercenaries and the pioneer of this concept which is the Carthaginians. The good thing is that we have a wide variety of textures as of now. It will be easier to tweak the actor files and potentially add new units, if necessary.1 point
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i used to be an adventurer like you, but then i took an arrow in the shoulder...1 point
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