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  1. 5 points
  2. Athenian Marines (Epibates) A group of Athenian marines and their officer.
    3 points
  3. if you run out of wood on this map you've got some serious problems
    2 points
  4. The mod has now been updated. I initially stopped working on the mod after the revitalization on completing borg's balance mod, but as all activity on it has died down I'm back to finish up this mod. VERSION 3.0 CHANGES Technologies: Loom: cost from 150F to 200F Advanced Siege: 600W, 300M to 700W, 300M Citizen cavalry: Cavalry archers: Move speed from 17.5(same as javelin cavalry) to 15.4 and run speed from 29.2 to 25.7 Champions: Archer Cav: Move speed from 20.3 to 17.8 and run speed from 33.8 to 29.7 Crush based champion metal cost increased by 30M: Mauryan Yoddhas from 90F, 75W, 30M to 90F, 75W, 60M Iberian Fire Cav from 150F, 90W, 45M to 150F, 90W, 75M Mod can be downloaded from the initial thread.
    2 points
  5. i used to be an adventurer like you, but then i took an arrow in the shoulder...
    2 points
  6. I actually did some work on it today. and it came out really nice, I know I should have shown this in blender, but I was already in atlas with a good preview!
    2 points
  7. This is a balance mod meant for testing changes before creating patches for them on trac. The changes are purposefully small and not drastic, and I don't plan to fix all of the balance issues as I don't have too much time available and additionally it makes it harder to get into the game. Additionally I'm also limited by other factors, such as map generation. Currently mines are spawned entirely randomly, which means that in team games one team will occasionally enjoy a huge metal advantage, while the other team has no extra metal mines or has to share 1 mine between all of them. This means that if champions are balanced in such a way that they are cost efficient vs citizen soldiers then we will much more frequently have the winning side decided on map generation. CURRENT CHANGES Team bonuses: Iber: 20% to 10% Rome: 20% to 10% Kush: 20% to 10% Technologies: Loom: 50% to 100% and cost from 150F to 200F Armor plating: 500W, 250M to 300W, 150M Advanced Siege: 1000W, 500M to 700W, 300M Citizen soldiers: Slingers: 9.5P, 1C and 3.0 accuracy to 9.2P, 0.9C and 3.5 accuracy(right between skirms and archers). Archers: 6P to 6.7P. Citizen cavalry: Cavalry archers: Move speed from 17.5(same as javelin cavalry) to 16.0 and run speed from 29.2 to 26.6 Elephants: War Elephant: 250F, 250M to 300F, 200M Elephant Archer: 200F, 80W, 20M to 150F, 75W Champions: Archer Cav: Move speed from 20.3 to 18.4 and run speed from 33.8 to 30.7 Catapults: Splash damage radius: 10m to 7m Buildings: Carthaginian temple: 400S to 300S Kushite small pyramid: 300F, 300S to 300S VERSION 6.0 CHANGES Actually changed archer damage to 6.7P from 6.8P Fixed elephant archer speed, as I originally didn't realise they had cav archers as parent template. Carthaginian temple cost from 400S to 300S Kushite small pyramid cost reduced from 300F 300S to 300S BalanceTestModV6.zip
    1 point
  8. idle military button. finished (?)
    1 point
  9. Yes, the only mod called BalanceTestMod
    1 point
  10. Please pardon my Kushite, it is a bit rusty... kushite_voices.pyromod
    1 point
  11. Problem with this map is that it is generated by script, so it is a bit hard to reproduce same conditions but I managed to get something similar. As you can see at next picture, there is not enough deep water for big ship like warships are to spawn from the dock. And making ships to just skip that place and spawn more far away from dock may result ship spawning to look just odd. Also that are pretty shallow waters for such big ships
    1 point
  12. These sound like some pretty straight forward ideas. Thanks for taking the time to look at this! I can't wait to try it. For Black cloaks and P2 mercenary champions: Why not have a cheap technology that makes them a bit stronger in P3 instead of reducing their cost? It would have a similar effect if you want them to continued to get used in P3. I hope this goes well! @borg- Sorry to hear you don't have the time. I really like your mod as it is and I feel it adds more than just balance to the game. I know there were a couple people trolling you on it a while back, I hope you didn't take their opinions to heart to much. I'm not sure they even tried playing your mod. Some people are maybe just afraid of change.
    1 point
  13. As far as I know, the team would be willing to implement it. But I've been working for many months on this mod, and I would need many more months to convert it to a24 and make the patches separate and up. It's a time I don't have now, unfortunately.
    1 point
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