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I made a video casting this match. Full quality will be available after youtube finishes processing. There were a few mistakes in analysis, the casting flow and the audio from 0ad was not correctly processed to the video, but I am satisfied for my first attempt. It's a pretty fun match to watch. Hope you enjoy it!3 points
Usually it's because they have extra mods like autociv or fgod. You can remove them in the commands.txt in order for the replays to show up or you can download those mods.2 points
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Hello and congratulations. After i played the Hellenes (Hellines) i noticed that some buildings and units are not named correctly. For example: Oikon should be Oikos Sitobolion should be Sitovoleion Strategion should be Stratigeion Limenos should be Limenas or Limin Pule should be Puli or Thura and for some units is not clear whether you want to use modern Greek or ancient Greek like for example: Plio which is modern greek word for ship so it should change to the ancient greek word naus. The same goes for the unit Emporiko plio Also Trieres should be Triiris Some other units here and there are also a bit confusing like the Spartiate which should be either Spartan in English or Spartiatis in Greek. Anyway, great game and hope you keep your efforts up. Great graphics especially the sea reflections and all...and great music very atmospheric great great1 point
Hello! I was advised to report the issue in the forum, i'm trying to create an account ingame to play multiplayer, the issue is that after the registration prompt (Login Name, Password and Accepting the terms) it takes me to the login box maintaining the info registered before, but when the "Connect" box is pressed it shows the following error: "Authentication failed, incorrect password or account doesn't exist" even though it is the same input filled before. If i try to register again, a new error appears indicating that an account has been registered already with the same IP and it needs a cooldown. Thanks guys! Login: Quintus Edit: All Fixed now by the Team! Amazing.1 point
Guys, mind adding some of your 0 A.D. games memory footprint here, to help devs get a larger picture while the game is still in Alpha ? Quite a few around here seem surprised any time someone reports the game's taxing a bit over 1 GB of memory. Some (other I guess ) are working on the subject. Since neither Stan nor I know of a thread already reporting 0 A.D. memory loads from various players / system specs, then here's one. ## Total memory used by 0 A.D. after <TIME> playing on the following system and settings - Time: 1h08: 4.4 GB ( 4.3 gb RAM + 70 mb swap) - 2 games with same results - Time : 1h16: 4 GB (all in RAM) - Time: 1h31: 9 GB (6 gb RAM + 3 gb swap) - Time: 3h12'. 13.5 GB (7 gb RAM + 6.5 gb swap) That is with - Game: a23.1 vanilla (well I added AutoCiv yesterday) - Map: mainland (small, 300 pop) - Players: 2 (me + AI very hard balanced) - Settings: everything On except HQ water effects and vSync which are Off. - Host: Intel Core i3 @3.2Ghz with 8 GB RAM and a Nvidia GT 1030 2GB. - OS: Arch linux x86_64 [1] Notes Atm I took all measures below upon finishing a game while it displays the game stats. I'll *try* to measure at even time such as 30min or 1hour. @Angen and @Stan` I should be able to do the same on dev version as compilation just finished while writing this, finally (/me reading the '10 GB free space' did the trick ). Using top and ps which should be available from scratch on any various kind of OS with a in it. More specifically (to get a one shot print) $ top -b -n1 $ ps aux| grep pyrogenesis ## References - Optimization is Not Important Right Now? - @sphyrth 2019-10-30 - High memory consumption [2.5 GB] on Windows - @jmauro 2019-06 - - [memory] Avoiding system freeze thx to dynamic swap space for Linux players - tuk0z 2019-121 point
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To disable Restrict camera, you need to press Alt + D to make the developer overlay pop up.1 point
Hi @cassius, disable restrict camera. Ctrl + W or Ctrl + ↑ (Up) – Rotate camera to look upward Ctrl + S or Ctrl + ↓ (Down) – Rotate camera to look downward Ctrl + A or Ctrl + ← (Left) – Rotate camera clockwise around terrain Ctrl + D or Ctrl + → (Right) – Rotate camera counter-clockwise around terrain1 point
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Valihrant (Seleucids) vs Stockfish (Romans) A short and interesting match on Ratumacos. metadata.json commands.txt1 point
And here is my first measure with a24. Total memory used by 0 A.D. after <TIME> playing on the same system and settings as above for a23.1 - Time: ~2h: 2 GB (all RAM) not 100% sure about the exact game duration as overlay time does not work yet. @Mister the devs I'll give you my impression: after a similar game on a23 about half my storage would be filled with swap and launching eg Firefox-Nightly would freeze the whole system for a good few seconds (note that's on Arch with kernel-ck and muqss ON). With a24 I launched Nightly and pof, the oil factory browser was opened and ready the next second, game still running. Men, the difference is already super impressive At the very least @sphyrth won't have to shred his wallet to buy a gazillion RAM on his next config for sure1 point
I have the exact same problem as above. I've tried several times. I'm running the latest build on Mac Mojave. Thanks in advance for any help! Login: Arknsauce @user11 point
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Yes they might be using some mods like autociv you need to edit the files and remove the reference to those mods (or install the mod)1 point
Hi all! I am new to 0ad development (my name is 'Riz' in the IRC chat). I am looking to work on this bug for my first contribution https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/5338 . It seems quite simple. I know from reading the docs that the source code will be somewhere in the binaries directory, but this documentation doesn't go into detail about where it might be (according to what I remember reading) https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Finding_Your_Way_Around#data Could anyone help me to find the relevant code to make this change? Also, any tips about how to do so would be awesome! Thx Riz1 point
@Nescio it's for any entity able to upgrade to another. It was done on gate and here on the tower because those are convenient to demonstrate the purpose. It can be extended to anything. I agree about the dust, it's actually a destruction dust particle, I guess there might be better particle actors that could be used. Suggestions are welcome.1 point
I don't think we should add all the factions to the game no matter their timeframe. I do think though that Terra Magna's finished civilisations should be added to the game. Maybe even before A24. I recently changed my mind after discussing it with @Pyrophorus and in this thread. But at the end of the day it's not my decision to make but it's the team's. I believe @wraitii would be more for a simplification of faction with tech trees allowing to be more alike one or the other of the existing ones. For the other factions there are two big things IMHO. Part II civs should be in a mod called empires_besieged with the main game quality standards and conventions hosted by WFG and put on modio. With regular updates like other mods. (Empires ascendant should be the same imho) you download the game then choose what civs you want to play with. EDIT: My main concern would be balancing given the nonexistent work on it these days.1 point
i've just read the discussion here, in my humble opinion not as art deparment member, not as the Venezuelan guy with the worst download rate conection, but as a player ignorant of the history and the download size because as pc gaming community player i won't worry too much about download size if i really want the game, i mean. I pay for something i wan't if i can't afford it yet i save some money (if i could), in my country does exist also pay per MB connection and its increasing due the internet cable steal rate increase this past year, but going back to topic: I consider adding more civs shouldn't be an estigma to the game nor a pain in the end of the back neither should exist too much discussion about it. A code dev always gonna be worried about code, an artist dev always gonna be worried about art, if i were a programmer dev i wouldn't vote agaisn't or in favor of adding a new civ neither as an artist, i just would say: "Show me the references and i'll see where i can help". Civ should be added if the artwork is finished, if its completly different from other core game factions and if it has his unique civ roster while also having the history behind. In my opinion, Thracians should be added when finished too, Han chinese should also be added, and if this civilization reaches a whole new unique building aspect and his own unit textures, it should also be added. The only question we should be doing is "They enter in the 500-0.B.C timeframe"? Even millenium ad factions should be added to the core game if we reach at least 8 civilizations but making the game just like "Empire Earth" selection: Ancient Era > Republican Era > Middle Era > WW2 Era and block factions to the timeframe, and even make another selection for "Time traveling" making the player able to fight as byzantines agaisn't the hitites. The game is already compressed enough, it would only worry if i had to download 30GB, and even that players still buy Total War Rome and download the High GB amount of it and if we ever implement texture size quality wouldn't that mean we will have 1024 texture size +512 + 256?. There shouldn't exist bounds to size neither to an ancient doc dessign. I mean don't you have that feeling when looking a whole movie or serie franchise after the ending you say? It is done? Now where i could find something like this? i wish this would have been longer" i belive the old devs put that limit due their manwork power, i mean i wouldn't write a text saying: "I will live in Denmark in a house in the mountain away from what in my country is called "barrios" where all the desidious people live, If i can't even say i would live another day tomorrow because of the high mortality of my country. I belive devs also put that limit because this were the easiest factions to develop and to investigate, i mean their are like the core factions of any ancient era game tbh, if i would make a new game i wouldn't start developing the suevians nor the xiongnu if i have a completly full range of historical documents talking about carthage or rome or even the gauls just like math problems when i study before all my teachers left the country, i wouldn't waste 30 minutes developing a whole math problem from 10 problems if the other 9 can be done in 5 minutes each one, Same that happens to me when doing animations, i don't waste 1 hour animating if i can't find a good perspective of the motion if i can invest that time doing a better helmet. In fact i belive iberians were a placeholder using the gauls due their copy of the ships and their empty roster when they can be developed in the lusitans, oretans, etc...1 point
Well yeah I don't really understand why we never created a folder for those civs (We have DE lol but that's another thing) Well thanks to them we have this wonderful game so I think it's fair to consider their feelings, don't you think ? We don't have to agree with them but we need to take them as part of the equation1 point
Women are almost as good lumberjacks as men - and they're a lot cheaper. So you can have 90% women lumberjacks until you switch over to producing men. The thing about women miners is that women give men a gathering bonus, so you can put just 1 woman on each mining spot to give the men the bonus. But no more than that.1 point
Went through the Macedonian military units, and here're some suggestions. First, plural -oi -> singular -os: Peltastes Agrianikoi -> ... AgrianikosSphendonêtês Rhodikoi -> Sphendonetes RhodikosToxotes Kretikoi -> ... KretikosXystophoros Thrakikoi -> ... Thrakikos (or Thrakios, Thrax)Prodromos Thessalikoi -> Prodromos Thessalikos Incorrect endings: naus is feminine so adjective needs feminine ending -e; elephant is elephas in Greek (from the stem elephant- with the nominative singular ending -s, then sound change -ants -> -âs); English ending -ist is Greek -istes. Emporiko Naus -> Naus Emporike Elephantos Kataphraktes -> Elephas KataphraktosHypaspist -> Hypaspistes Spelling: ae is Latin spelling for Ancient Greek ai diphthong; Aigyptios is the correct form. Makhimos Aegyptikos -> ... Aigyptios consistency in transliteration of Greek: use k, kh rather than c, ch Demetrios Poliorcetes -> ... PoliorketesAntiochos IV Epiphanes -> Antiokhos IV Epiphanes Greek form ends in -aios, not -y. Ptolemy I Soter -> Ptolemaios I SoterPtolemy IV Philopater -> Ptolemaios IV Philopater Biremes is from Latin roots (bi + remus); dieres is the Greek equivalent. Biremes -> Dieres Elephantos Makhe means "elephant's war". Need an adjective meaning "war-related" instead. Elephantos Makhe -> Elephas Makhimos?, Polemikos? A general question: Are you planning to add circumflexes consistently? There are lots of words that need them (for instance, every noun in -es). I'd advise you just not to use them at all, since it'd be much simpler.1 point
I'd be tempted to use the Roman words for the units and such, where we have references, because they are so well known, e.g. "Devotio" and "Caetrati." Or perhaps the Romanized names could be the <GenericName> of those units.1 point
It's "Toxotes Kretikos", if you are referring to a single archer. Same goes for any "-oi"-ending, which is the masculine plural, while "-os" is the masculine singular. And it's nice to have that option. As I see it from the current SVN-Version, the feature works out nicely for me.1 point