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  1. 0 A.D. Development Report: May - August 2019 Wildfire Games, the international group of volunteers developing 0 A.D. : Empires Ascendant, is happy to present its latest development report. If you want to find out more about the development of this open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy game or if you are interested in game development in general, it might provide an interesting read. If you want to be part of this project, feel free to visit our forums and join our active community, or just grab a task from our list of open tickets and get right to it. We are currently looking for Programmers, Animators and Artists. *names written in bold black are Wildfire Games staff and names written in bold grey are community members Programming wraitii has rewritten UnitMotion for better code and easier extensibility, with the goal in sight of introducing optimisations. He's optimised the Hierarchical Pathfinder, and is working on pathfinder threading. he has also worked on two patches, allowing triggers to give units modifiers, and making attack effects easily moddable so that, for example, a unit can both capture and damage in the same attack. Stan` Created a first version of the polycount guidelines and updated the art design document. He also added a glow material that also supports normal maps (basic_glow_norm). Stan` worked on many other fixes and improvements, such adding more animations to the atlas drop down list. vladislavbelov continues to work on the renderer among other things, improving the water's GLSL shader by increasing the reflection and refraction realism. He also added a tool to Atlas, which allows choosing water height by simply clicking on a part of the terrain with the desired height. Itms worked on our Continuous Integration system, and improved the developing environment for the programmers behind the scenes. He made the move from VS2013 to VS2015 as the default compiler on Windows, with help from Angen. He also upgraded SpiderMonkey to version 45. s0600204 increased the usage of pkg-config instead of hard-coding or library-specific programs, and added support for special characters (UTF8) in map names and descriptions. elexis rewrote source/gui/ to have a cleaner code structure and use C++11 features (most code still came from 2004), fixed a number of compiler warnings and some memory leaks. JoshuaJB fixed some memory leaks introduced by the implementation of STUN + XMPP ICE. historic_bruno has been working on MacOS build fixes. trompetin17 fixed an issue with atlasUI and added a "new" checkbox to the map settings tab. Imarok, FeXoR and bb_ have also been working on various smaller code fixes, improvements and reviews. Mate-86 has worked on a feature allowing entities to be affected by Status Effects, such as flaming projectiles igniting the target or poisoned arrows poisoning the target, which will cause the target to continue suffering damage for a while. Freagarach has replaced the gender-tag with phenotype, adding the ability to choose a random phenotype for a given template, allowing for different looks for the same template, as well as having male and female units from the same template with their correct respective voices. Freagarach, with assistance from wraitii, has also wrapped damage types in a Damage element in XML templates to make them generic. This places the damage types in a "Damage" container, just like the "Resources" are. Part of the effort towards having secondary attacks and a more easily moddable game. Angen made the AI aware of the existence of the new ranges and updated precompiled headers to improve build times. Krinkle fixed ESLint semicolon-related warnings and has been updating various wiki-pages on trac. minohaka helped testing and discovering regressions. Art Alexandermb‘s new fauna models and textures were committed by Stan`, including Marwari, Lusitano and Celtic horse breeds, new cattle textures, sanga variants, a new Maurya trader chariot with new animations and he animated the new Kushite hero chariot by Sundiata. He sorted his many new Celtic shields according to their specific civ, diffenrentiating the Gauls and Britons with the help of Genava55. Another big update were the many improvements to a variety of other shields, including the Greek aspis with new higher quality models and textures. And then there was the big Hellenic helmets update: Thracian, Phrygian, Boeotian, Chalcidean, Attic, Bryastovets, Corinthian and the Pilos helmet, with many variations. New meshes and textures for greaves were also committed. Many other smaller fixes and improvements were made, further enhancing the quality of his already Herculean art contributions, as wel as working on “the great animations re-export” together with Stan` (cleaning and committing) and assisted by fatherbushido and Enrique, in order to solve a flaw in many older meshes, while also taking the opportunity to improve on some of those animations and adding some new ones. Alexandermb has also been working on a number of formations like the testudo, phalanx and syntagma. wackyserious created many new Macedonian, Persian and Roman unit textures, a new Ptolemy IV hero texture and updated the Thracian Peltast, Naked Fanatic, Scythian Archer, Judean Slinger and Seleucid Pikeman and Cataphract. Stan` Made a new blacksmith for the Britons, improved the walls for the Gauls and added some detailing to their barracks. He unified foundation sizes and construction dust, added new scaffolds and updated structure templates accordingly. LordGood is continuing his prolific work in the flora department. Teak, dragon bamboo, strangler figs, bananas, areca palm, doum palm, Atlas cedar, holly oak, juniper tree and some new grasses are his latest additions. He has also been working on the Hellenization of the Ptolemies with a new tower and temple. Bigtiger has worked on some beautiful new flora as well, adding holm oaks, Euro birch, fir tree and a new fern to the collection. He also made new cliffs, new particle actors for snow and clouds and new temperate terrain textures. These new assets can be admired in three new excellent looking maps by Bigtiger himself: Farmland, Oceanside and Roadway. wowgetoffyourcellphone made new icons for the deer, boar, camel, horse, walrus and wildebeest. The Uffington White Horse he made back in 2016 will replace Stonehenge as the new wonder for the Britons. Other Gallaecio has been improving and correcting the English descriptions in-game. Stan` gave a presentation on 0 A.D. and it’s develoment process in Rennes for GrafikLabor 2019. user1 continues his work moderating smurf accounts in the multiplayer lobby. After discussions on the transliteration of Ancient Greek into English, the decission has been made to use the standards of the American Library Association and Library of Congress proposed by Anaxandridas ho Skandiates, who is, in discussion with Nescio, working to update all the Greek specific names, making them more accurate and consitent. Nescio has also been updating the English style guide, cleaned up the technology data files and applied some corrections to the new horse and cattle fauna templates (among others), added skirmishing templates to some structures and cleaned some obstruction and footprint sizes for others, improved a number of tool tips and improved and corrected some of the Roman and Persian specific names. Tom 0ad Has created five new informative videos, including “0AD Faction Overview 04 – Persians”, “0AD Faction Overview 05 – Kushites”, “The Ultimate Guide to Siege Weaopons”, “Top Three Tips to Improve. FAST” and “Essential Team Game Guide”. Likewise, ValihrAnt has made a number of enlightening videos, including “Unit Ranks & Promotions Explained”, “Top 5 Most Underrated Techs” and “Strategy Guide, Cavalry Rush Build Order”. HMS-Surprise, Unknown_Player, Feldfeld and psypherium organized the commentated Sunday Pro Games between April and June. This was a competetive community event, with Boudica ranking number 1! elexis, Stan` and wraitii have been updating an extensive list presenting all noticable changes to the end user in Alpha 24, since development started on December 26th, 2018. Changes include new 3D and 2D art, sound, maps, gameplay, user interface, renderer, pathfinder and more. Check it out at: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha24 Art Features A small selection of Alexandermb's new helmets with many variants: One of many new sets of shields. The Greek aspis for the Athenian faction. From top to bottom: basic, advanced, elite and champion. By Alexandermb: Macedonian, Carthaginian and Spartan units showing off their new equipment, by Alexandermb: New Macedonian unit textures by wackyserious: New unit textures for the Romans, Judean Slingers and Seleucid Cataphracts, by wackyserious: Some of the new temperate flora assets by Bigtiger: A lush display of some of LordGood's new tropical flora assets and cliffs: The new Oceanside map by Bigtiger. It's by the ocean... Mediterranean Islets, by LordGood: Hellenized Ptolemaic walls and temples on the banks of the Nile. Take note of the new palms and baobab trees. By LordGood:
    6 points
  2. 3 points
  3. Currently in the process of turning a hight map from the Richat structure into the lost city of Atlantis. I think I have rushed putting units in there as I was abit bored today and decided to assemble the royal guard. it spoils the pics abit but I'm not the best at getting great looking screen shots. In the completed area I have huge temples, a few military guard points and the royal quarters witch is behind the walls along the right hand side of the picture. Screenshot 2019-09-12 at 23.03.22.jp2
    3 points
  4. What about making a helmet render for each of the civs that have the unlock champions tech? Thought just popped into my mind. Then I can make the tech portraits for you.
    2 points
  5. @feneur can you lift his post limit ? Thanks.
    2 points
  6. Currently 0 A.D.'s tooltips display both the armour level x (the internal value defined in templates and modified by technologies and auras) and the effective armour percentage (1-0.9^x). The question is whether maintaining the current situation is desirable: one could argue that the purpose of tooltips is to convey information at a glance, and the more data are displayed, the less visible each number becomes, so perhaps a simpler format for the armour values makes sense, hence this poll. [EDIT]: Also, in which order do you prefer the health, attack, and armour tooltips to be displayed? If you have opinions or suggestions for other options, please post here. Related: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2247
    1 point
  7. Added gladius (generic) sheath work for all roman swords (Pompeii - Fulham - Mainz)
    1 point
  8. Will give it a shot, gotta enable the "hair" particles to give a proper crest hair effect. Any thracian or chalcidean that would fit that? or the illyrian?
    1 point
  9. @Stan` what does that point mean? Edit: ok I understand
    1 point
  10. good thats what i staged my screenshot on haha
    1 point
  11. Reminds me so much of the original Age Of Empires campaign with the siege of Syracuse. Mirror tower, anyone?
    1 point
  12. Waiting for this awesome new commit.
    1 point
  13. From Adventum Conquistadores series Difficult to carry heavy armors. Difficult to deploying formations and other tactics. Segmented armor are very bad at very wet rainy forest. They can be ruined easily and quickly by wet conditions. The leather would rot quickly. and are useless by the sweat of warrior. Little segment innenglish but very interesting.
    1 point
  14. What about this? Red or blue crest, metal or silver maybe for some nostagic.
    1 point
  15. Corrals are not implemented yet Same as 1 It's normal because you task him to the temple hence cancelling previous orders. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/HotKeys. Yeah it does not maybe @Angen new one could. Happens sometimes any map in mind ? I believe you can by pressing tab see the range or do you mean something else. Welcome to the forums. Glad you like the game.
    1 point
  16. I couldn't find the wiki page for the network but I believe it's how it works yes
    1 point
  17. Love what I've seen so far, playing the vanilla version - took the tutorial through complete resource depletion and I have some questions/thoughts: 1) The corral. A corral is literally a pen for keeping animals restrained. The sheep wander all over... I even tried to put a palisade around the pen and the sheep are able to open the gate and wander free. Also would like a way to automate production numbers... with two in operation I was constantly going back to reorder sheep and ordering them back into the pen. It would also be nice if the slaughterhouse girls didn't forget what they're doing and would attack the sheep as they appear. 2) The corral doesn't accept food. So you either have to build it next to your town hall or you have to build a farmstead to go with it. 3) I don't know if it's a bug or not - when a unit goes to the temple for healing (?) he forgets where he came from or what he was doing. 4) A list of hotkeys available in game? 5) Didn't remember if the tutorial covered rotating buildings... that list would have come in handy? 6) Trees close to the edge of the map will not allow harvesting. 7) How about highlighting the coverage area of things like Towers or Town Halls so we can overlap/interlock coverage? I love how the soldiers can work and the workers can soldier! Total no-duh idea! Can't wait to see the finished product!
    1 point
  18. disability la opcion TLS en la pestaña lobby (multijugador) dentro de opciones
    1 point
  19. They'd be Idle a bit more slowly or faster It can be used to create random variations so why not.
    1 point
  20. randomizes gait, keeps the synchronization of marching from being unnaturally perfect in formation
    1 point
  21. Thank you Sundiata. I've been waiting to upload these for a while wanted to get everyones opinion it will be when its complete unless anyone is any good with texturing then I can finish up asap and upload. Quick question for anyone interested currently the elevation points are the orange markers on the map the lines being smooth and a terrain wall with the thicker bits. Ive found that is not very inspiring for me to want to build a great city. The way I currently have it I feel is the best because all players have roughly the same base and one of the main ideas of the map was for it to be fair. But what if I was to have the starting locations like the blue or red in these pictures? the red is smooth and the blues have walls of terrain. There isn't any levels that I can think of off the top of my head that has you starting in an area that's prime for defending, but I feel this may hinder the gameplay. I just wanted to have some inspiration for forming the grand empire but it feels very much death-match style.
    1 point
  22. Good lord, I don't know why I keep getting names wrong... Thanks! Depending on the amount of development, we could write one every month, or every 2 months. I'll send you a copy for proofreading if you're interested.
    1 point
  23. LIVE 1V1 Stockfish (1889) Vs Unknown Player (1652) I Created my own You Tube channel to share games! Why don't you see them? There will be spanish and english videos!
    1 point
  24. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2019/03/lasers-reveal-maya-war-ruins/ Mayans fortress, defesive walls and watchtowers 45/5000
    1 point
  25. Method 1: Defining animations in actor files Pros: Easy Cons: If multiple models are using the same animations if you want to change them all you have to change a lot of files. Lots of duplication Method 2 using variant files Pros Little duplication Easy maintenance Variants can inherit one another Cons A bit more complex to understand Why are there groups. Groups are here for the carry Idle animation so that there are two idles one with and without resources. @wraitii and @Alexandermb can tell you more.
    1 point
  26. I've did some attacking sword animations with more "usage" of shields (mostly is keep most of the time the shield facing front reducing the open flank of the chest) and i want the opinions on them if they are good enough since there was a discussion about sword attacking IIRC. Doing attacking animations isn't easy as it looks like. Points to Consider: Starting Frame: The first attacking animations have a little space o pen between the starting frame for each attacking animation. (Old: Left / New: Right) High Slash: High Stab: Lower Stab: body movement along Y axis (front of actor) is reduced so the animation is more centered to the root of the template. The idle is done following roman hastatus reference: And this is how it looks actually ingame the "idle_ready" we have: Now the adjusted "idle_ready": To test the animations together with the improved relaxed spearman and walking relaxed animations, unzip the animations in their respective folder: swordsman.7zspearman.7z
    1 point
  27. if I am correct, in germanic warrior culture... translating that to 0 A.D., we would probably have a mix of woman and men as home defense (militia type) everyone had to defend the home, majority of out of land soldiers were men obviously.
    1 point
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