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  1. 3 points
  2. In fact they are very similar counters, the difference is that he uses slight counter and I use hard counter. In my mod there are the natural counter, for example, in dalenda mod, infantry swordsmen has bonus vs all infantry, in my mod, he has natural infantry counter because your status. The same happens with spear cav, in dalenda, they have a bonus vs ranged infantry, in my mod this happens naturally. Me and @ValihrAnt did some testing this week, 40 swordsmen vs 40 spearmen, remais about 18 swordsmen. 40 spear cavalry vs 40 ranged infantry, remains about 25 spear cavalry. So it's not necessary to give these bonuses, preventing them from getting more confusing to new players. I forgot to mention that to some exceptions in the new version based on design document. For example, spartan spartiates has a bonus of 1.25x vs infantry too. Iber skimirsher rank 3 have flaming darts, bonus vs buildings. There are also some differences between units too, athen/sparta citizen hoplite has +5% health than other spearmen. Persian spearmen has less damage, but great pierce armour and a aura to protect archers. Persian immortal can change weapons, spear/archery. Gauls can build blacksmith in village phase. Well, there are many details for this new version, which can only be tree tech.
    3 points
  3. Are the genre becoming without ideas or...? Related topic. Base building and diversity is the key? https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/up-to-date-rts-economy-and-base-build-for-aoe4-a-possible-task/42527/4
    2 points
  4. Similar to Hyrule Conquest, the big plan would be to have the player get a hero at the start of the match and they would choose which one. This is the hero they get the entire match. The hero would then appear at the Civic Center with the other starting units after choosing him/her. Inititially, the hero is in his or her standard infantry mode, with only basic administrative benefits (like gathering boosts, etc.), making most heroes nearly identical stats-wise at the start. They're still very strong units, but every player gets one, so it's more or less balanced. Moving to Phase III allows the player to upgrade them to a mount. This is when Alexander gets his horse or Chandragupta Maurya gets his elephant or Boadicea gets her chariot. This is when any military buffs and auras are unlocked. Does anyone like this?
    2 points
  5. I don't think any cavalry should counter elephants, but overall this is a big improvement over the current public mod. Not as awesome as Delenda Est, but awesome nonetheless. IMHO the Skiritai need a rework, but I'm not sure if that's a whole other subject.
    2 points
  6. First I want to say that it was a great pleasure to work on this mod. I have a lot of affection and respect for this game, where many people work hard to give us some fun. 0a.d has already provided me with hours of fun and I felt compelled to give back a little of it. Were long 7 months of much work, really most people do not know how much this is laborious. You need to always have new ideas, do and redo many things, look at historical context, test, test and test, and of course, have people available to help you in this process. Tnx @Angen @Lion.Kanzen @Stan` @ValihrAnt @Feldfeld @Stockfish @wowgetoffyourcellphone. Well, this will be the last version (1.0.5) of the mod for the current version a23b. Just a version to fix something if necessary. Nothing new will be added. From now on the whole work will be focused on the a24 version, where together with @elexis we will review the mod so that if so accepted by the developers, it can be implemented to the a24. The main goal of the mod was to bring players and the community a better experience of gameplay/balance within what the game can offer in the current state of development. It is perceived by everyone that gameplay has been "stalled" for some time, so that was my focus. As I mentioned before, even though many resources are lacking due to the current state of development, it is possible to do much more with what we have now. I want to make it clear here that the changes made in the mod have always respected the main pillars and design documents (just changed what was really needed for the balancing to work). Major changes/Features - Added counter system; - General balancing of all units and buildings; - Gameplay slightly different for each civilization; - Reformulation of current techs/auras/bonuses/teambonus; - New bonuses/auras. - New buildings/units/technologies for the respective civilizations; - New upgrades to units/buildings; - New icons; - Mercenary champions units now has icons with yellow color. - Civil centre can train only women (some exceptions); - All mercenaries cost only metal; - Units promoted has no gather penalty; - Deactivated the animation of promotion (units do not take damage while celebrating); - Hero after death can not be trained again; - Dead animals lost food; - Domestic animals can fatten; - Increased number of icons available on the panel; - Women can build all buildings; - Promotion (advanced/elite rank) gives +10% health, +1 armour, +20% attack +1 capture attack, +20% loot, vision range for all soldiers. Healers gain +5 heal range and +2 heal/HP. Counter System The system I chose to work on is simple and easy to set up for casual players or pro players. Spearmen/Pikemen bonus against Cavalry/Elephant; Archer/Slinger bonus against Melee Infantry; Skirmisher bonus against Archer/Slinger; Swordsmen all-round; The same applies to Cavalry. Cavalry Spearmen bonus against Cavalry/Elephant; Cavalry Archer bonus against Melee Infantry; Cavalry Skirmisher bonus against Archer/Slinger; Cavalry Swordsmen all-round. To many changes such example: to each quarter built by a Macedonian player, gain a free pikemen. Macedonian is the only civilization that can train pikemen in village phase. Sparta is a civilization focused on melee units and the only can train champions on village phase. These and many more changes can only be seen with details in the technological tree. Please, give your feedback, this is important. The latest version is not yet downloadable by mod.io, it is waiting authorization.
    2 points
  7. Well, they are special barracks because you make mixed units (cav, infantry, ranged), expensive and limited. The thing that seems to me a little weird that faction specific mercs camping outside your territory. But of course the concept in the neutral ground it's more interesting.
    1 point
  8. Version 0.6.1 Fix: FXAA now works for all OpenGL versions that 0ad does too. (glsl #version 120)
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Aren't the textures too blurry with FXAA? You may notice by the link above and: Strange limitation, it should work with GLSL for most GL2+ and with ARB shader for most GL1+.
    1 point
  11. mythology was not updated to current svn version compatibility
    1 point
  12. Just another barracks to build doesn't interest me, to be honest. But others may disagree!
    1 point
  13. Necessary Code here https://github.com/0ADMods/A-Mythology-mod-f-or-0-A.D./commit/ae783c0b978b19f155624a710acb3867ce4fdf58 and here https://github.com/0ADMods/A-Mythology-mod-f-or-0-A.D./commit/c13c0e08e4a10918f9dedf408d6a45b6f1e2495a , https://github.com/0ADMods/A-Mythology-mod-f-or-0-A.D./commits/master?before=5e3a3b3111fddb44afa0c2e760792e5b194d5cd4+70 plus if you want to add specialized units you need this as well https://github.com/0ADMods/A-Mythology-mod-f-or-0-A.D./commit/91c02477a59ed2380ae3d611cf126af89c184570 or look HC downloaded files under simulation, I believe.
    1 point
  14. @vladislavbelov FXAA, please?
    1 point
  15. The first. "The keys of the sea". Check the long bow
    1 point
  16. Yeah, exactly. I'm already starting to add "Native" merc camps on many maps. A "Native" merc camp allows you to train units local to that map location. "Faction" merc camps are those that let you train mercs specific to your faction.
    1 point
  17. I love this serie. A shame only is avaliable in Spanish.
    1 point
  18. natives auxiliary... Yes from PoV is same. See AoE III and my proposal where DE have some roots.
    1 point
  19. At this point (counter system) it is the only unit that remains "equal" to the vanilla, but are stronger unit than vanilla. Swordsmen cavalry can do much damage if used correctly.
    1 point
  20. Version 0.6.0 Added: Autotrain option. Press Alt+Q hotkey to enable on the selected buildings and Alt+W to disable. **Doesn't have any indicator so you will have to know which has is active and which does not. **Bug: auto-train won't work if the game has a pop-up window active (e.g. lobby). Not fixable for now. FXAA: Anti-aliasing to have smoother edges in-game. Works on all games that can have HDR post process enabled (all?). **Will give error if your GPU doesn't support OpenGL 3.0 or above. To activate you must have Post Processing + Shader Effects settings enabled. Taken from here: http://blog.simonrodriguez.fr/articles/30-07-2016_implementing_fxaa.html P.S: ty @elexis for the autotrain help
    1 point
  21. Lancer cav are the cavalry spearmen, with bonus against cavalry and natural bonus vs infantry ranged units.
    1 point
  22. Nooo, is better than Dalenda Est hahaha. Well, are different proposals, is a gameplay/balance mod, I can not add things beyond what is necessary. Dalenda is open to all this and of course is a great mod, I had many ideas taken from the Dalenda, so tnx!!! This last version is actually very good, and has a giant leap compared to version 1.0.4. I'm looking forward to everyone playing soon.
    1 point
  23. Doesn't forgot Lancer class. Counters --- I still owe you the water supply.
    1 point
  24. While I'm not the hugest fan of hard counter systems, the one you've devised seems like an intuitive one, which I greatly appreciate. I'll look forward to seeing the results.
    1 point
  25. Bigtiger was able to produce good quality grass textures (part of the large commit for his asset) was it also 512s?
    1 point
  26. This is serious... I could have 50 more prints on jc being racist, among other things. This happens routinely, and nothing happens, unfortunately.
    1 point
  27. The champion black cloaks are trainable by Athens, Macedon, and Sparta, who share one and the same file. The Seleucids have mercenary rhomphaiophoroi of their own; nonetheless, their actors are rather similar: (from left to right: basic, advanced, elite (Seleucids) and champion (Athens/Macedon/Sparta).) Although they have different files, in principle they're based on the same unit type, therefore they ought to use the same name—whether that is “black cloak”, “rhomphaiophoros”, “Thracian swordman”, or something else.
    1 point
  28. Eh, I'll tell you what the issue is. This is not how parallax mapping works. Parallax mapping is a displacement mapping technique typically using a 16bit gray heightmap and normals are implicitly derived. Trying to derive position from normals is backwards and wrong. It also causes severe sparkling/aliasing artifacts on cretan palm. If you try to add parallax to senegal date (which uses the same textures as cretan) you get the same issues.
    1 point
  29. I think you guys are misunderstanding what "soft shadows" means. In the context of graphics, 'soft shadows' means 'variable penumbra shadows'. In real life the size of a shadow's penumbra increases based on the size of the light and the distance between the shadow caster and the shadow receiver. So for example a tall tree casts a blurrier shadow than a short one: Or a giraffe's head casts a blurrier shadow than its legs do: And you can see here how the shadow smoothly becomes blurrier from the base of the tower to its top: The shadows are still sharp, but they look dramatically more realistic in terms of creating the impression of distance.
    1 point
  30. Welp, I ended up implementing percentage closer soft shadows. I wasn't originally planning to because I thought it'd be unworkable in openGL, but I got bored and made it work anyway. Sadly none of this will be in the game until a24, but at least it makes pretty screenshots. There are still plenty of things to do for graphics (mainly performance improvements) but for now I'm considering diving into the random map generator and improving the quality of the maps it produces. Right now the maps it creates tend to be boring or ugly, have bad lighting/environment settings, are often imbalanced, and so on. I think it could definitely produce some stunning maps that are well balanced and fun to play, it's just a matter of tinkering with the settings and generation scripts. Some screenshots of PCSS+DOF:
    1 point
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