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  1. A list of file is perhaps irrelevant because you will have also to look at grid and things like that. So if you want to get the whole stuff, start with simulation2/components/CCmpUnitMotion.cpp (which deals about motion :D) and go down the whole thing ;-)
    3 points
  2. Hmm, at first glance I see Borg mod more interesting. Animal pets besides war dogs seems too much fantasy for me, but different starting units for civs could be a interesting concept to play with.
    2 points
  3. Position: Front and Backend Developer Do you understand that Wildfire Games is a non-commercial project, work for 0 A.D. is volunteer, and work is done for free? YES I DO! Do you agree to distribute all your work for Wildfire Games under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license? Yes Are you sure you are not wanting to work on something programming related? (Then you don't need to send in an application form.) I don't really get this question I'm learning python3.6... I like programing and I'd like to learn more! Name: Bence Rigó (Red Sky) Email: benedettorigo@protonmail.com Location: Europe Hungary Availability: How many hours per week on average do you think you'll have for Wildfire Games? What about 6 months from now? 18 hours / week... Age: 21 Occupation: Stundent but I might start to work in a few week time in a part time job Skills and Experience: Well I'm learning python3.6 I have no other skills I comed to learn! Motivation: RTS games are my favorites... I'm a huge fan of The Lord Of The Rings Battle For Middle Earth series... Age of Empire, Empire Earth... Sins Of a Solar Empire... etc... I'd like to be part of a community which develops games likes these because my first video game was The Lord Of The Rings Battle For Middle Earth 2... I love coding and programing and I'd like to learn more about these stuffs... Even though I have only Python Skills I'm ready to learn new programing languages because of the development! Personality: Well I guess I'm a massive Nerd I remember when I was younger I could spend days on a game creating my own mapps. Now I learn programing in order to create a new virtual world. Short Essay: My friend recommended this project to me because I was trying to get a group to start creating an RTS game! I'm looking for knowledge and skill developments in terms of game costuming. My motivation is to make a game which helps to build community and gives a fun and great gaming experience with a cool story. Interests and Hobbies: Well in my free time I'm usually at home playing games or learning something new by online courses. I don't often play games nowadays because it takes a lot of time.. That's why I have decided to make games... I mean why should I play if I could create a whole virtual reality with a nice community? I usually upload programming to this youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIYfz3yaGydlI2oDD4NDj2Q?view_as=subscriber. But it's a clearly new channel so I haven't got a lot uploaded yet.. Staff: I won't think so! Community: Steam, Facebook groups, Youtube, Twitch etc... As I mentioned earlier nowadays I don't play often... I got a quite old PC with DDR2 ram which I only use for coding... I mostly just watch videos about games... Favorite Game: Warthunder, Sins Of a Solar Empire, BlackLight Retribution, Day Z, PubG, Rainbow, Battle For Middle Earth 1-2 and Rise of the Witchking... Naruto games by BANDAI... Perfect Dark Zero (XBOX360 game)... Arma 3, Empire Earth, Age Of Empire, Total War series....Command Conquer Generals Zero Hour.. I got many more Work Examples: Well in the Battle For Middle Earth 2 world builder I created a few maps which were quite good for multi players. I'm still new in programming which means I have not a lot of experience but literally I have nothing but time...
    2 points
  4. I'm FabriX, an Information Systems student and I am doing a course work on AI of games.
    2 points
  5. what is it? (if ever it is something) ;-)
    2 points
  6. Hello everyone, Today I gave a presentation in Rennes for the GrafikLabor, you can find the presentation slides in the third post below. The presentation was recorded, so you will probably be available soonish, and you'll be able to see my face We also had a LAN party with 8 people here is the replay: 2019-03-22_0001.zip
    1 point
  7. Having more neutral mercenary camps (e.g. Bactrian, Celtic, Indian, Libyan, Thracian) for use in specific maps would be nice.
    1 point
  8. 0 A.D. does not really distinguish between auxiliaries, locals, and elite mercenaries. I implement things slightly differently: citizen-soldiers can gather and build, mercenaries can build but can not gather, champions can neither build nor gather. Furthermore, embassy hall (own territory) and military colony (territory root) allow training any {civ}_infantry_*_mercenary, whereas mercenary camps (no territory) have hard-coded units: kush can build a Blemmye camp; anyone who captures it can train blemmye_camel_javelinist gree, mace, and ptol can build Greek camp; anyone who captures it can train greek_infantry_spearman, cretan_infantry_archer, and rhodian_infantry_slinger kush can build a Nuba camp; anyone who captures it can train nuba_infantry_javelinist and nuba_infantry_maceman pers, ptol, and sele can build a Nabatean camp; anyone who captures it can train nabatean_camel_archer
    1 point
  9. yes you need give the to that an atmosphere... hahaha.
    1 point
  10. planned xD I already get trapped with the planets
    1 point
  11. 0abc updated again: removed resource loot from structures changed unit training queues: women (and brit war dogs) at houses infantry citizen-soldiers at civic centres infantry mercenaries at military colony (ptol, sele), embassy hall (cart, gree, mace, pers), and mercenary camps (kush, pers, ptol, sele) infantry champions at barracks (now city phase structure) all cavalry and bigae at cavalry stable all elephantry at elephant stable all siege engines and quadrigae at workshop Seleucids can upgrade their centre in town phase: various minor tweaks and corrections To do: teach AI to build more than two barracks and one elephant stable (because the elephants are limited to 5 times the number of elephant stables).
    1 point
  12. Only the duplicate There is still Nescio's I just reused the boar animations So it makes sense. Thanks a lot !
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. How can I switch-off replays? I'm afraid some day I found gigabytes of files filled by replayses. And I also wait that day when Atlas Manual will be standalone from internet connection. Thank you!
    1 point
  15. My mod is made by me but based on the opinion of several players mainly high level players. The mod does not change any original game base, just a few things, like more units and constructs that are not being used in the original version. One of my main goals in mod was to keep the foundations as they are. You can see, I could have added new civilizations and make the mod even better, but I did not do that, kept the original civilizations. Could you quote me what is completely different from the current version? Moreover, I have not said that the mod should be implemented exactly as it is now even because it is undergoing constant changes with the help of the players. You have to understand that the balancing is much deeper than you think, it's not just coming and changing the status of the units that everything will be perfect. There are several issues in the current version of the game that should be taken into account.
    1 point
  16. It's great cattle has been added to the game. Now I'm hoping for more poultry: mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) greylag goose (Anser anser) mute swan (Cygnus olor) turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus) common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) common ostrich (Struthio camelus) African sacred ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus)
    1 point
  17. Updated first post
    1 point
  18. What are the main code files implementing/related to pathfinding? I'd like to take a look at them...
    1 point
  19. Well they all contain pathfinder in the name so they should be easy to find in source/simulation2/
    1 point
  20. Thanks @borg- @Feldfeld and @ValihrAnt for testing. I felt pleased that players would defend, then build a counter unit and then go on the offensive. In vanilla I don't normally see that back and forth gameplay. The civs were played differently to their unique strengths and I saw players choosing different techs which makes me think there's probably no obviously best strategy! But I agree with the consenus that cavalry was too strong and melee infantry too weak so I've made some changes: Cavalry -40% hunting gather rate, except for camels which remain fast hunters (but weak fighters) Swordsmen +20% attack Spearmen and pikemen: slightly buffed When you update to the new version make sure to delete the old version first!
    1 point
  21. Could you do an autobuild ?
    1 point
  22. In addition, I would make a suggestion: If a survey was built into the game, that would pop up and pause it whenever a host hits the quit button, that should force an agreement on all sides to any in-game quit committed by the host making it impossible for him to break the rule in rated 1v1... Then if he would still try to simulate a computer crash perhaps the last information sent could be taken into account? @Hannibal_Barca @user1 @FeXoR
    1 point
  23. On Sunday we had a workshop with some other people. We showed to three or four how to mod the game, and to one how to translate the game. Hopefully there will be new contributors on the forums. We also had a talk with the person who made the GLTF importer for Blender, and we might contact him in the future when we make the switch from Collada to GLTF Finally I had a talk with the school head master about next year art contributions, so we might have 2D, 3D, Animation, and Web Design contributions next school year.
    1 point
  24. Good update. I have nearly 3000 lines of errors* in interestinglog.html, but good update nonetheless. *
    1 point
  25. A call to modders! HORSE UPDATE IS IN! i'll be glad to help modders to fix cavalry actors in order to keep in sync your mod version to SVN 24. let me know if need help, actors will be broken since all cavalry were replaced to a new mesh, and replaced textures actors lines for a simplified version of variants.
    1 point
  26. Well done guys! I just played this mod as Anglo-Saxons and I am amazed how this looks. Beautiful! I never been before big fan of 0AD but everything changed now. I am going to attached few screenshots because I don't want them to be wasted :))
    1 point
  27. I didn't forgot. I stopped on purpose because the list was long enough There are others funny cultures like the Khazar khaganate, an empire with nomadic origin but with their elites converted to judaism at some point Their empire reached the Aral sea.
    1 point
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