First walls, and then this?
I may be getting a little paranoid, but if the common act of microing units that has been a staple of good age of empires players for years and years is now causing people to be called out as cheaters? Players who are getting beat by a seasoned pro will call anything cheating nowdays (except the wall exploit, that is kind of broken and unbeatable). If your opponent is dancing his units around then guess what, it means he is not paying attention to the rest of the battlefield, good microing does have a large weakness, in that it forces you to pay attention to one part of the map while you micro. If microing is called cheating then what is the point of skirmisher units? Although I am against "banning" this like was done to walls, I do have to agree that the unit ai should be improved so that the units are not total idiots.
Sorry, but just do not want to have to live by 50 unwritten rules that are almost impossible to not accidentally do every time I play multiplayer.