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  1. So I have been experimenting with Substance Designer and tried to learn as much as I could. If you never heard of it, check it out, the results are awesome. I bought a license to be able to use it with 0 A.D. Textures are 16bits though, shouldn't be hard to convert them back. (It means smoother gradients which improves the final) result. rocky-mud-1.0.7z
    3 points
  2. Signing up - player name - Palaiologos - GMT-5
    2 points
  3. Feldfeld registering GMT+1
    2 points
  4. MAP NAME: Riverway Hello again, new random map to share. DESCRIPTION: This map is specially made for 1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 team game as you can see. At each extreme of the river you can find gaia units protecting treasure bounty. Catch it if you can! All resources are concentrated at the middle so be fast to defend your territory ! Try it and give your opinion! DOWNLOAD LINK (mod) nani_maps_v0.10.0.pyromod AUTHOR: @nani COAUTHOR: @Hannibal_Barca
    1 point
  5. Corral can train some animals for food for example goat, pig, sheep, zebu(mauryans cow). but cannot train chicken in 0.a.d game play, some players build a lot of corral to train sheep/pig/goat/zebu(mauryans) instead building farmfields. at the first game play, there are some chicken for geather some food. but how about make chicken at the corral too?? if it works, chicken's train time is 20s, much faster then sheep (35s) and cost is 30 food (sheep cost = 50 food) Persian have a benefit to train chicken (train time =15, cost =25 food) because they breed the chicken first time not just train and slughter the chicken to earn food, when player leave chicken alive, 1 chicken produce eggs(food) 20/1m (persian chicken= 22/1m) player not just slughter chicken to earn food, but also earn eggs (food) very slowly but can slaughter when needs a lots of food. not just chicken, how about corral animals can produce some meterials like goat, cow, camel can produce milk/cheese for food, sheep produce wools (10 metal/1m) what do you think about it??
    1 point
  6. About Hyrule Conquest and Myself Hyrule Conquest is a mod for 0 A.D. that pits factions and races from the Legend of Zelda universe against each other. It has 6 factions, the Kingdom of Hyrule, the Zora Dominion, the Gohma, the Kokiri, and the Gorons. I am IronWolf, I'm a relatively new content creator for the Hyrule Conquest community. Making everything from build order videos, how to's, metagame theory crafting, and more! I want to reach out to those in both the 0AD and Hyrule Conquest communities to come and participate in the first Hyrule Conquest tournament! Download Hyrule Conquest here - https://www.moddb.com/mods/hyrule-conquest Prizes -There will be a prize for the victor of the tournament which will be a $20 Steam Code Gift Card! Registration Player's interested in competing in the tournament have until September 7th, 2018 to state their tag that they wish to enter the tournament under as well as the time zone they live in. This is to make organizing matches easier for both parties. They will post this on the WildFire Games Forum thread for the tournament and once they do, they will be added to the bracket. Any users trying to enter via Challonge are allowed to make an account and add themselves to the bracket however, they must submit their tag and time zone on the forums. Any users who failed to do so and have added themselves to the bracket will be removed by September 8th. The Bracket page - https://challonge.com/WarOfTwilight Tournament Rounds Round 1 of the tournament will begin on September 8th, 2018 at 12:00pm Eastern Standard Time. Players in this round will have until September 15th, 2018 at 12:00pm Eastern Standard Time to get in contact with their opponent, play their match, and submit it to a judge. Further times for future rounds will be determined at a future date. Game Settings Pop Limit - 300 Starting Resources - Low Speed - Normal Mode - Conquest Unrated No Treasure No Relics Not Explored Not Revealed Map Spies Allowed Cheats Disable Game Speed Normal No Ceasefire Tournament Rules Faction Rulings - Players are allowed to change factions at any point between games Unit Rulings - There are no banned units as of version 0.3 of Hyrule Conquest Building Rulings - There are no banned buildings as of version 0.3 of Hyrule Conquest Maps - The players will play the first game on Gerudo Desert and the second one on Death Mountain. Should the match go to a third game, a double blind Rock, Paper, Scissors will be issued via a judge and the winner will pick between Gerudo Desert and Death Mountain. However, both players may opt to agree to either Gerudo Desert of Death Mountain without having to do Rock, Paper, Scissors. Player Ethics - Players will treat each other with respect and honor. Should any player act in a toxic or unsportsmanlike manner, please report this to a judge and provide a screenshot or some other form of evidence of the player in question. No coaches or outside aid will be allowed during a tournament match but players will be permitted up to 5 minutes of coaching time between games should they choose to. Also, any form of collusion or intentional loss of matches will result in complete disqualification from the tournament on a first time offence. Second offenders will receive a temporary ban from War of Twilight events and a third offense will result in a permanent ban from all War of Twilight events. Connection Errors - Should a player disconnect from a game, the game will be paused and will remain so for up to 5 minutes in wait for the disconnected player to try and reconnect to the match. Should the player not reconnect within 5 minutes of the game being paused, it will result in the loss of the single match. Should the player continue to have multiple connection errors throughout the set, all matches for that set will be forfeit. Reporting Matches - Matches will be recorded via the Wildfire Games Forum Tournament Thread where the victors of the match will post the score of their match, who their opponent was, and the replays of the matches played. Updates on new opponents will also be provided in the Forum Thread as well. [Edited] Bugs and Game Exploits There are a few bugs in the current version of the game. Some can break things while others can be overlooked. The following are a list of all the BANNED exploits: No Hero Selection Screen - Should this happen, the players will restart the match so that the player that this happens to may be allowed to pick their hero Producing Units from Captured Kokiri Buildings - There is a bug where if someone captures a Kokiri structure they can produce Kokiri units from it. No one is allowed to exploit this bug Picking your Hero but not being able to train him/her - Sometimes even after you have picked your hero you still will not be able to train them. This bug is rare but should it happen, the solution is to leave and rejoin the game. The opposite player will pause the game and wait for up to 5 minutes for the player who was missing their hero to return. The following are a list of all the PERMITTED exploits: Gohma Egg Ingoring Population Cap - While this bug may come across as broken, more often then not it turns around to bite the Gohma player should they be constantly ignoring it which is the reasoning for its legality. The way it works is the Gohma Queen unit can lay eggs to turn into units which can exceed the population cap you are currently at. However, if you have gone over your population cap, you will not be able to produce any units or eggs from buildings until you've gone back under your population cap. Notes from the Organizer Discord - Here is a link to my personal discord server where we discuss everything related to Hyrule Conquest. This includes everything from strategies, tournaments, lore, matchmaking, replays, informational videos. If you would be interested in updates on the tournament or any future events, I would encourage you join! YouTube - Here is a link to my YouTube channel where I upload all kinds of Hyrule Conquest content! I will be trying to upload several replays from the tournament along with commentary so if you want to review some of your matches or watch some of the other amazing games that happened be sure to tune in and check out my channel! [EDIT] Hey guys! Quick update on the tournament! I just wanted to let you all know thank you for your continued support of the event I really appreciate it and it means a lot to me There was something that I wanted to address with the ruleset. Most of the rules as well as the tournament schedule will remain the same except for the Hero selection system and the way judges will be issued out. Hero Banning System This idea was given to me by Feldfeld and it is something I personally agree with. Due to certain heroes becoming a bit of an issue within the metagame as of recently. Because of this, the hero banning format was created. The way this will work is before each set, both players will ban ONE hero from the opposing faction's list of heroes. For example: Let's say I am going to be playing as the Kingdom of Hyrule and my opponent will be playing as the Kokiri. Both players will select their civilization and then message a judge which of your opponent's heroes you wish to ban. So for this example if I am playing as the Kingdom of Hyrule, I will tell the judge that I wish to ban Saria. Simultaneously, the other player will tell the judge who they wish to ban so for this example let's say my opponent wishes to ban Link. After both players tell the judge what they wish to ban, the judge will let them know what heroes they can't play and then the players will continue on and play the rest of the Best of 3 set. Should either player intentionally select a banned hero, a judge should be alerted and informed so that they may issue a strike to that player as well as a lose of that game but not the set. So let's say for example if Link was banned but I picked Link anyway and played him, a judge will be informed and it will result in me automatically losing the game. Judge Issuing There are currently 3 judges involved with the War of Twilight team at the moment. These judges being users rain_ironwolf, Darkinterloper, and Exodarion. You will need to get in contact with at least one of these judges before you and your opponent can play your match in order to issue out hero bans. You will also need to get in contact with one of these judges should your set go to a third match in order to have them issue out a double blind rock-paper-scissors. Lastly, should any of the rules be broken or any unsportsmanlike conduct is seen, please send a replay + a screenshot of the discrepancy in question to one of these judges and they will address it as soon as they can. Replays This is just a friendly reminder that after EVERY tournament set, either you or your opponent will need to send a zipped file to one of the judges with all of the replays of your match. These replays need to be in individual folders in order to distinguish between games. For example: Let's say you send a zipped file of your match to a judge and you played 3 games within that set. You will need to have 3 folders in that zipped filed named game 1, game 2, and game 3. You are not required to name them this just so long that it is clear as to which game is which within the match. THANK YOU EVERYONE I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT SO MUCH!!! I CANT WAIT FOR THE TOURNAMENT TO START! [EDIT] ROUND ONE WINNERS MATCHUPS Jofursloft vs. BaskomWelford FeldFeld - [BYE] ValihrAnt vs. Palaiologos Zolrolt vs. nani Hannibal_Barca vs. CAGD_lulofun
    1 point
  7. How interesting! What kind of cheese? From cows? You have cattle? Pictures of the fjords are always welcome! Maybe someday someone can make a nice specific Norse map based on your home area I'm not much of a farmer myself, but I have a very healthy respect for it, and fantasize about my own little dream farm one day I did grow a field of sweet peppers a while back. In the middle of the dry season, which was exceptionally harsh. That was a memorable experience... I just wanted to prove that it's possible to farm in the dry season, away from a source of water, on depleted soil, without pesticides, planting seeds directly in the field (without nursery). Lord knows it didn't make me rich, but it was fun! I also discovered that my garden is essentially an archaeological site, lol! Preparing my field, I started stumbling across significant amounts of pottery shards, which is strange, because our land used to be a bamboo-forrest in the jungle outside of town. Nobody has lived here in living memory but us. The pottery wasn't on the surface either, but buried between 10 and 30 cm in the ground! Pottery of the type that hasn't been produced or used here for a very long time. I always suspected there were some ancestors here on account of iron slag spread across the back of our garden. I actually found remains of ceramic pipes coated in molten rock with a metallic shine (part of the bellows?), and finally, at a depth of more than 30 cm I found a heavily corroded iron blade. Also found a corroded iron axe-head. Some of the iron slag actually has square marks (from tongs used to move the hot slag out of the way?).
    1 point
  8. i was muted two days ago and untill this day 31/08/2018 10:44 i'm still muted wtf '-' someone can pls unmute me ?
    1 point
  9. Signing up - player name - CAGD_lulofun - GMT+8
    1 point
  10. Thank you for the report. The highlighted text in the second and third screenshots above are on Transifex, in the "Manual" resource. They appear to be both translatable and translated. They haven't arrived in game yet, due to the project being in something of a string freeze for the time being. Imgur screenshot 1 : The text for the load-game dialog is not being picked up for translation. I've raised a concern on the relevant commit: https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP20537 Imgur screenshots 2 & 5 : the text for the multiplayer parts of gamesetup are not being picked up for translation. I've raised a concern on the appropriate commit here: https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP19380 Imgur screenshot 3 : Needs someone to widen the space allotted for the caption. It would make a nice starter task for a new contributor, so I've created a ticket for just that: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/5298 Imgur screenshot 4 : The "Enable"/"Disable" button texts in the mod selector gui are not marked for translation. I've raised a concern here: https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP21721
    1 point
  11. You are mistaken with the categorization as P-Celtic. Irish, Scottish and Manx Gaelic are Goidelic languages and as such Q-Celtic. Welsh, Cornish and Breton are Brythonic/p-Celtic. As an example, "5" is "còig" in Goidelic and "pemp" in Brythonic. Both Goidelic and Brythonic are insular Celtic, which is a different branch from Gallic. I don't know much else about Gallic though.
    1 point
  12. I will double check them just to make sure. You can send me a list via PM as to not clutter the tournament thread.
    1 point
  13. I think I've also came across a description bug, the feature is different than written I'm compiling a list of bugs but am not really familiar with the game so ill submit it in a month when its more complete The Zora hero Telara doesn't seem to increase unit attack though (tried with mages Floodmaster and Stormbolter)
    1 point
  14. @Hannibal_Barca ----------------------------------------- Herks174 commands.txt metadata.json --------------------------------------------- VaristorRoto commands.txt metadata.json ------------------------------------------ Schwein_der_Weisen commands.txt metadata.json ----------------------------------------- Elpolako7110 commands.tx tmetadata.json ---------------------------------------- AlexanderRodericus commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  15. I own a farm, and it's a cheese farm here on Hardanger. This is where I work,and play OAD on my leisure time lol I love farms because they let you work for yourself,and always cheese to go around for my people. My mum and dad own an orchard,and sell cider for a living. My whole family are farmers,and that is because where I live on the fjords there is plenty of land,and resources. Speaking of fjords
    1 point
  16. I signup Player name: Jofursloft Timezone: GMT +1 I have never played Hyrule so I will lose immediately but i want to try
    1 point
  17. Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - PC (Steam) https://www.humblebundle.com/store/warhammer-40000-space-marine
    1 point
  18. Just my two cents on the farms around Civic Centres. There were in history farming villages with centralised locations that could be comparable to the Civic Centre. I would personally argue that instead of limiting the placement of farms, have there be more variables such as fertile land (as already mentioned). Furthermore, I'd say that Civic Centres could be understood to have a different function. They could have an aura to encourage the building of other structures that would require the administration necessary to keep them running. In that way, the temples, markets, and blacksmiths would be in a location that makes sense while farms, though possible to place around Civic Centres, would be unideal due to the space they require.
    1 point
  19. Jofursloft vs RolandSC2 Mainland: RolandSC2 won Oasis: Jofursloft won Lake: Jofursloft won Rivers: RolandSC2 won African Plains: Jofursloft won Jofursloft vs RolandSC2.zip
    1 point
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