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  1. Hey, this happens when mods have incomplete information and are marked as "Live". In theory, the administrator (me) has to approve them first so they are live: this is a bug in the mod.io website and I'm reporting it. In the meantime I marked the mod as not "Live".
    4 points
  2. As it stands, Rams and Siege towers behave like tanks on the field instead of strictly siege units, as they ought to be, I would propose a similar fix as is had with catapults and bolt shooters, a vulnerable mobile stage and a painfully slow attack stance. Moving packed siege across large swaths of territory wont be as tedious if we were to just drop unit speed to something more realistic, something we can save for its unpacked variation. Discuss if you would, I have a long standing gripe with rams and haven't played A23 enough to get a feel for how their latest iteration is, so my opinion is likely both biased and outdated.
    2 points
  3. It doesn't make historical sense for a ram to have to unpack. They were built on the site of a siege, not transported in a packed form, and once built they could roll around on their own without unpacking. Same for siege towers. Better to make rams unable to attack biological units, and do something else for siege towers.
    2 points
  4. Realise that the only difference between biremes and triremes is the rows of oars. Distinctions between the light and medium classes of ships could probably be done in a more intuitive way such as making triremes have better speed but biremes turning better. On another note, most ships (triremes) during this time-period only had 14 men fighting on the deck. This was occasionally augmented to numbers like 40, but those were mainly in instances in which the space for ramming was limited, leading to many boarding operations. As another point, archers were solely deployed as anti-personel troops; their role should be to damage the garrisoned soldiers, nothing else if boarding existed. A key thing to note is that if ramming was implemented, it would cause any civilisation that does not have ramming abilities to suffer as a result. Thus, for one mechanic to exist, the other should as well to allow for balanced and interesting gameplay.
    2 points
  5. Nobody uses a22 anymore either. I think your fractal placers and painters have the potential to produce much better looking mountains, lakes, continents, etc than the current library allows for. I think with a better interface and integration with other library functions it could/should be included for a24. The usage in anEgyptianOasis was kind of raw and lower level than what random map designers ought to be exposed to. Even the rmgen interface in a23 is a bit junky and I've been working on improving that and making it easier/more consistent to use.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. @Alexandermb, brown and white version for Sanga: I'll try the zebu one a little later..
    2 points
  8. Don't worry... I have been on trip these days and I have not yet finished to update my add-ons to A23 (A lot of files renaming and moving in the "art" folder totally ruined my personal faction ). I will update YAMG soon and notify here when done. InitMap creates the g_Map object to fill and ExportMap save it to the engine. They must have been replaced with something. Friendly,
    2 points
  9. @stanislas69 i tweaked a bit the zebu armature and added helpers for animations + other additions, as soon i'll get the cattle textures i'll upload the blend + mod folder. Changelist: Added Bovidae_ suffix for avoid breaking other armatures. Added walking relax animation. Added running animation. Added 2 death variant animation (Still have to recreate the ones already done). 4 Idle animations 1 Feeding animation Merged similar meshes on the blend file (Cattle - Sanga Cattle - Zebu).
    2 points
  10. Aeonios (relayed by Stan) had a question about old InitMap() and ExportMap(). Those should obviously replaced with: var g_Map = new RandomMap(heightShore, tHill); g_Map.ExportMap(); It's probably not the only change to make the random script and the library to work with A-23, but I don't know yet which are needed. Very few probably. For myself, I have no question. Thanks... I don't know. Backward compatibility is not my priority since I believe nobody uses my library yet. Friendly,
    1 point
  11. I'm pretty sure the person who uploaded milleniumad made a mistake like in the mod.json for instance and that broke the whole thing. What I don't understand is why the mod would be available without anyone's consent
    1 point
  12. A new theory: There is a new mod on mod.io (https://0ad.mod.io/millenium-ad) which has modfile.metadata_blob = null unlike all the other mods (see json here: https://api.mod.io/v1/games/5/mods?api_key=23df258a71711ea6e4b50893acc1ba55) There is a test with the same metadata_blob value (null) resulting in the same error ("metadata_blob not decoded as an object") here: https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/031d790ccff983ab7411178ba0afa75631d17f74/source/ps/tests/test_ModIo.h
    1 point
  13. The farmstead and the cavalry thing can probably be fixed quickly... Im not sure why those error occur. Maybe I forgot some textures.xml in my package mod
    1 point
  14. Particles for units being healed, that would help to recognize wich unit is being healed if player had a huge army. Same feature could work for units promoted with their respective rank.
    1 point
  15. Added attack animation for the Bull
    1 point
  16. i have to agree with the Worst RTS EVER!
    1 point
  17. Here ya go already on UV scene: sanga.7z
    1 point
  18. Hence why I said, " It is very likely your O/S has a similar feature." lol https://www.imore.com/how-set-mac-app-default-when-opening-file
    1 point
  19. @Alexandermb That looks so nice! Lovely herd Could you provide me with the cow uv-thingy (like you did for the horse), so I can see if I can improve the Sanga textures? The rest of the textures look fine to me!
    1 point
  20. It doesn't seem to do anything... It just sits there like:
    1 point
  21. No... I doubt this civ could interest anyone. It's outrageously overpowered to face 500/600 foes and win, like Leonidas at Thermopyles battle. I use it to test some features too, design technologies and auras, create new units using existing props and meshes, just for fun. If no mods are impacted by your changes, there's no need to worry about. Friendly,
    1 point
  22. I agree about the ground texturing. Very nice.
    1 point
  23. Probably mod.io API had some temporary issues and returned an unexpected non-JSON response body.
    1 point
  24. Worst RTS I played but nice terrain textures.
    1 point
  25. I tried to make siege towers able to capture buildings, but it didn't work for some reason. Maybe it's time to revisit it.
    1 point
  26. I propose they are only able to capture walls and/or fortresses.
    1 point
  27. Ancient Corinthian Helmet Found in Southwest Rusia http://eu.greekreporter.com/2018/05/27/ancient-corinthian-helmet-found-in-southwest-russia/
    1 point
  28. Good we will commit that after the rerelease. Remind me if I forget.
    1 point
  29. You can press continue until it goes away Would be nice to figure out what textures are failing though. Sure. I needed to package them to see if it was even doable. Drag and drop those files on top of pyrogenesis.exe
    1 point
  30. Well that's weird maybe @Itms would know more about it
    1 point
  31. Can I still commit a few actors and textures to Millennium AD? Testing at the moment.
    1 point
  32. A serie of pictures showing some animals movements: http://ebooks.library.cornell.edu/k/kmoddl/toc_muybridge1.html
    1 point
  33. IMO that should be true for all siege weapons. Capturing them takes twice as long or more than just killing them. For siege towers it's even worse since in order to be useful they have to be garrisoned, and if they're garrisoned then they're uncapturable. I think a better idea for siege towers is to give them the ability to capture buildings. They should have a low base capture rate, but gain a large bonus per garrisoned unit, like 2 or 3 times the usual capture power of the average unit. That'd be cooler, a lot more historically accurate, and would make them actually useful as siege weapons, which they supposedly are but currently they're more or less useless against buildings since they barely do any crush damage.
    1 point
  34. Where should bugs of mod.io be posted / reported? I ended up w/ the following today while doing a fetch (from official alpha not SVN) ...
    1 point
  35. on win10 keeps crashing with this both alpha 23 1st release and SVN recently updated version:
    1 point
  36. It will implemented after the PostprocManager refactoring.
    1 point
  37. I don't know about Europe, but the black and white variety was common across Egypt and Kush for thousands of years before 0AD'S timeframe: True that not all are mountain goats, but they can all scale steep cliffs. It's just the "vertical cliff" climbing that's specific to some goats. The ibex, one of the wild goats in-game is one of these vertical climbers. I own some West-African Pygmy Goats, and even they can jump, climb and balance on some incredibly small ledges... One of them can summersault! Some non-mountain goats have even refined the art of climbing trees! Check these out:
    1 point
  38. Let's hope D13 become the Holy Grail of 0 A.D. .
    1 point
  39. Reduced the saturation of the dome for match the texture:
    1 point
  40. That's way too complex imo. I mean allowing standard capture mechanics for ships wouldn't be a big deal, but an attack that had a 100% sink rate with one click would be op, and adding overcomplicated mechanics to counter it would be awful. An attack that did a fixed DoT is one thing, but a DoT with infinite damage that requires a special procedure to remove it is ridiculous. Fully loaded warships already kill each other reasonably quickly anyway, and really the biggest problem with sea is just that ship pathing sucks and ships are really dumb when it comes to garrisoning units.
    1 point
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